Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
absl::container_internal Namespace Reference




struct  Aligned
struct  Alloc
class  BitMask
struct  CommonAccess
class  CompressedTuple
class  CompressedTuple<>
class  ConstructorTest
class  CountingAllocator
struct  EraseFirst
struct  FlatHashMapPolicy
struct  FlatHashSetPolicy
struct  GroupPortableImpl
struct  hash_policy_traits
struct  HashEq
struct  HashEq< absl::string_view >
struct  HashEq< std::shared_ptr< T > >
struct  HashEq< std::string >
struct  HashEq< std::unique_ptr< T, D > >
struct  HashEq< T * >
struct  HashtableDebugProbeSummary
struct  HashtablezInfo
class  HashtablezInfoHandle
class  HashtablezInfoHandlePeer
class  HashtablezSampler
struct  InsertReturnType
struct  is_std_unordered_map
struct  is_std_unordered_map< std::unordered_map< T... > >
struct  is_std_unordered_set
struct  is_std_unordered_set< std::unordered_set< T... > >
struct  IsDecomposable
struct  IsDecomposable< absl::void_t< decltype(Policy::apply(RequireUsableKey< typename Policy::key_type, Hash, Eq >(), std::declval< Ts >()...))>, Policy, Hash, Eq, Ts... >
struct  IsTransparent
struct  IsTransparent< T, absl::void_t< typename T::is_transparent > >
struct  KeyArg
struct  KeyArg< false >
class  Layout
class  LookupTest
struct  map_slot_policy
union  map_slot_type
class  MembersTest
class  ModifiersTest
class  node_handle
class  node_handle< Policy, PolicyTraits, Alloc, absl::void_t< typename Policy::mapped_type > >
class  node_handle_base
struct  node_hash_policy
class  NodeHashMapPolicy
struct  NodeHashSetPolicy
struct  NonStandardLayout
class  probe_seq
class  raw_hash_map
class  raw_hash_set
struct  RawHashSetTestOnlyAccess
struct  RequireUsableKey
struct  StatefulTestingEqual
struct  StatefulTestingHash
struct  StringHash
struct  StringHashEq
class  Tracked


using ctrl_t = signed char
template<typename T >
using expect_alloc_constructors = absl::disjunction< absl::negation< is_std_unordered_map< T > >, has_alloc_std_constructors >
template<typename T >
using expect_cxx14_apis = absl::disjunction< absl::negation< is_std_unordered_map< T > >, has_cxx14_std_apis >
using Group = GroupPortableImpl
using h2_t = uint8_t
using has_alloc_std_constructors = std::false_type
using has_cxx14_std_apis = std::false_type
template<class T >
using hash_default_eq = typename container_internal::HashEq< T >::Eq
template<class T >
using hash_default_hash = typename container_internal::HashEq< T >::Hash
template<class V >
using IfNotVoid = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void< V >::value, V >::type


enum  Ctrl : ctrl_t { kEmpty = -128, kDeleted = -2, kSentinel = -1 }


template<size_t Alignment, class Alloc >
void * Allocate (Alloc *alloc, size_t n)
template<typename C >
size_t AllocatedByteSize (const C &c)
template<typename TypeParam >
void AllocTest (std::false_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void AllocTest (std::true_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void BucketCountAllocTest (std::false_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void BucketCountAllocTest (std::true_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void BucketCountHashAllocTest (std::false_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void BucketCountHashAllocTest (std::true_type)
size_t CapacityToGrowth (size_t capacity)
template<class Alloc , class T , class Tuple >
void ConstructFromTuple (Alloc *alloc, T *ptr, Tuple &&t)
void ConvertDeletedToEmptyAndFullToDeleted (ctrl_t *ctrl, size_t capacity)
template<typename TypeParam >
void CopyConstructorAllocTest (std::false_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void CopyConstructorAllocTest (std::true_type)
template<size_t Alignment, class Alloc >
void Deallocate (Alloc *alloc, void *p, size_t n)
template<class F , class... Args>
auto DecomposePair (F &&f, Args &&... args) -> decltype(memory_internal::DecomposePairImpl(std::forward< F >(f), PairArgs(std::forward< Args >(args)...)))
template<class F , class Arg >
decltype(std::declval< F >()(std::declval< const Arg & >(), std::declval< Arg >())) DecomposeValue (F &&f, Arg &&arg)
ctrl_tEmptyGroup ()
template<typename C >
size_t GetHashtableDebugNumProbes (const C &c, const typename C::key_type &key)
template<typename C >
std::vector< size_t > GetHashtableDebugNumProbesHistogram (const C &container)
template<typename C >
HashtableDebugProbeSummary GetHashtableDebugProbeSummary (const C &container)
size_t GrowthToLowerboundCapacity (size_t growth)
size_t H1 (size_t hash, const ctrl_t *ctrl)
ctrl_t H2 (size_t hash)
size_t HashSeed (const ctrl_t *ctrl)
template<typename TypeParam >
void InitializerListBucketAllocTest (std::false_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void InitializerListBucketAllocTest (std::true_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void InitializerListBucketHashAllocTest (std::false_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void InitializerListBucketHashAllocTest (std::true_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void InputIteratorBucketAllocTest (std::false_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void InputIteratorBucketAllocTest (std::true_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void InputIteratorBucketHashAllocTest (std::false_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void InputIteratorBucketHashAllocTest (std::true_type)
bool IsDeleted (ctrl_t c)
bool IsEmpty (ctrl_t c)
bool IsEmptyOrDeleted (ctrl_t c)
bool IsFull (ctrl_t c)
template<class T >
constexpr bool IsNoThrowSwappable ()
bool IsValidCapacity (size_t n)
template<class Map >
auto items (const Map &m) -> std::vector< std::pair< typename Map::key_type, typename Map::mapped_type >>
template<class Set >
auto keys (const Set &s) -> std::vector< typename std::decay< typename Set::key_type >::type >
template<typename T >
int LeadingZeros (T x)
template<typename C >
size_t LowerBoundAllocatedByteSize (size_t num_elements)
template<typename TypeParam >
void MoveConstructorAllocTest (std::false_type)
template<typename TypeParam >
void MoveConstructorAllocTest (std::true_type)
size_t NormalizeCapacity (size_t n)
std::pair< std::tuple<>, std::tuple<> > PairArgs ()
template<class F , class S >
std::pair< std::tuple< F && >, std::tuple< S && > > PairArgs (F &&f, S &&s)
template<class F , class S >
std::pair< std::tuple< const F & >, std::tuple< const S & > > PairArgs (const std::pair< F, S > &p)
template<class F , class S >
std::pair< std::tuple< F && >, std::tuple< S && > > PairArgs (std::pair< F, S > &&p)
template<class F , class S >
auto PairArgs (std::piecewise_construct_t, F &&f, S &&s) -> decltype(std::make_pair(memory_internal::TupleRef(std::forward< F >(f)), memory_internal::TupleRef(std::forward< S >(s))))
size_t RandomSeed ()
void RecordEraseSlow (HashtablezInfo *info)
void RecordInsertSlow (HashtablezInfo *info, size_t hash, size_t distance_from_desired)
void RecordRehashSlow (HashtablezInfo *info, size_t total_probe_length)
void RecordStorageChangedSlow (HashtablezInfo *info, size_t size, size_t capacity)
 REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P (LookupTest, Count, Find, EqualRange)
 REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P (LookupTest, At, OperatorBracket, Count, Find, EqualRange)
 REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P (ModifiersTest, Clear, Insert, InsertHint, InsertRange, Emplace, EmplaceHint, Erase, EraseRange, EraseKey, Swap)
 REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P (ModifiersTest, Clear, Insert, InsertHint, InsertRange, InsertOrAssign, InsertOrAssignHint, Emplace, EmplaceHint, TryEmplace, TryEmplaceHint, Erase, EraseRange, EraseKey, Swap)
 REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P (ConstructorTest, NoArgs, BucketCount, BucketCountHash, BucketCountHashEqual, BucketCountHashEqualAlloc, BucketCountAlloc, BucketCountHashAlloc, Alloc, InputIteratorBucketHashEqualAlloc, InputIteratorBucketAlloc, InputIteratorBucketHashAlloc, CopyConstructor, CopyConstructorAlloc, MoveConstructor, MoveConstructorAlloc, InitializerListBucketHashEqualAlloc, InitializerListBucketAlloc, InitializerListBucketHashAlloc, Assignment, MoveAssignment, AssignmentFromInitializerList, AssignmentOverwritesExisting, MoveAssignmentOverwritesExisting, AssignmentFromInitializerListOverwritesExisting, AssignmentOnSelf)
 REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P (ConstructorTest, NoArgs, BucketCount, BucketCountHash, BucketCountHashEqual, BucketCountHashEqualAlloc, BucketCountAlloc, BucketCountHashAlloc, Alloc, InputIteratorBucketHashEqualAlloc, InputIteratorBucketAlloc, InputIteratorBucketHashAlloc, CopyConstructor, CopyConstructorAlloc, MoveConstructor, MoveConstructorAlloc, InitializerListBucketHashEqualAlloc, InitializerListBucketAlloc, InitializerListBucketHashAlloc, CopyAssignment, MoveAssignment, AssignmentFromInitializerList, AssignmentOverwritesExisting, MoveAssignmentOverwritesExisting, AssignmentFromInitializerListOverwritesExisting, AssignmentOnSelf)
 REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P (MembersTest, Typedefs, SimpleFunctions, BeginEnd)
HashtablezInfoHandle Sample ()
HashtablezInfoSampleSlow (int64_t *next_sample)
void SanitizerPoisonMemoryRegion (const void *m, size_t s)
template<typename T >
void SanitizerPoisonObject (const T *object)
void SanitizerUnpoisonMemoryRegion (const void *m, size_t s)
template<typename T >
void SanitizerUnpoisonObject (const T *object)
void SetHashtablezEnabled (bool enabled)
void SetHashtablezMaxSamples (int32_t max)
void SetHashtablezSampleParameter (int32_t rate)
bool ShouldInsertBackwards (size_t hash, ctrl_t *ctrl)
template<typename T >
int TrailingZeros (T x)
 TYPED_TEST_P (LookupTest, At)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, Clear)
 TYPED_TEST_P (MembersTest, Typedefs)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, NoArgs)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, BucketCount)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, Insert)
 TYPED_TEST_P (LookupTest, OperatorBracket)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, BucketCountHash)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, BucketCountHashEqual)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, InsertHint)
 TYPED_TEST_P (LookupTest, Count)
 TYPED_TEST_P (MembersTest, SimpleFunctions)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, BucketCountHashEqualAlloc)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, InsertRange)
 TYPED_TEST_P (LookupTest, Find)
 TYPED_TEST_P (MembersTest, BeginEnd)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, InsertOrAssign)
 TYPED_TEST_P (LookupTest, EqualRange)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, InsertOrAssignHint)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, BucketCountAlloc)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, Emplace)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, EmplaceHint)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, BucketCountHashAlloc)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, TryEmplace)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, Alloc)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, TryEmplaceHint)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, InputIteratorBucketHashEqualAlloc)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, Erase)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, InputIteratorBucketAlloc)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, EraseRange)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, InputIteratorBucketHashAlloc)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, CopyConstructor)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, EraseKey)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ModifiersTest, Swap)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, CopyConstructorAlloc)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, MoveConstructor)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, MoveConstructorAlloc)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, InitializerListBucketHashEqualAlloc)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, InitializerListBucketAlloc)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, InitializerListBucketHashAlloc)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, Assignment)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, CopyAssignment)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, MoveAssignment)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, AssignmentFromInitializerList)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, AssignmentOverwritesExisting)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, MoveAssignmentOverwritesExisting)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, AssignmentFromInitializerListOverwritesExisting)
 TYPED_TEST_P (ConstructorTest, AssignmentOnSelf)
 TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P (ModifiersTest)
 TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P (ConstructorTest)
void UnsampleSlow (HashtablezInfo *info)
template<typename T >
void UseType ()
template<class T , class Tuple , class F >
decltype(std::declval< F >()(std::declval< T >())) WithConstructed (Tuple &&t, F &&f)


const bool kAbslContainerInternalSampleEverything = false

Typedef Documentation

◆ ctrl_t

using absl::container_internal::ctrl_t = typedef signed char

Definition at line 250 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ expect_alloc_constructors

Definition at line 151 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ expect_cxx14_apis

Definition at line 101 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ Group

Definition at line 443 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ h2_t

using absl::container_internal::h2_t = typedef uint8_t

Definition at line 251 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ has_alloc_std_constructors

Definition at line 145 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ has_cxx14_std_apis

Definition at line 95 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ hash_default_eq

template<class T >
using absl::container_internal::hash_default_eq = typedef typename container_internal::HashEq<T>::Eq

Definition at line 139 of file hash_function_defaults.h.

◆ hash_default_hash

template<class T >
using absl::container_internal::hash_default_hash = typedef typename container_internal::HashEq<T>::Hash

Definition at line 132 of file hash_function_defaults.h.

◆ IfNotVoid

template<class V >
using absl::container_internal::IfNotVoid = typedef typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void<V>::value, V>::type

Definition at line 185 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Ctrl


Definition at line 255 of file raw_hash_set.h.

Function Documentation

◆ Allocate()

template<size_t Alignment, class Alloc >
void* absl::container_internal::Allocate ( Alloc alloc,
size_t  n 

Definition at line 47 of file container_memory.h.

◆ AllocatedByteSize()

template<typename C >
size_t absl::container_internal::AllocatedByteSize ( const C &  c)

Definition at line 92 of file hashtable_debug.h.

◆ AllocTest() [1/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::AllocTest ( std::false_type  )

Definition at line 154 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ AllocTest() [2/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::AllocTest ( std::true_type  )

Definition at line 157 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ BucketCountAllocTest() [1/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::BucketCountAllocTest ( std::false_type  )

Definition at line 104 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ BucketCountAllocTest() [2/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::BucketCountAllocTest ( std::true_type  )

Definition at line 107 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ BucketCountHashAllocTest() [1/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::BucketCountHashAllocTest ( std::false_type  )

Definition at line 122 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ BucketCountHashAllocTest() [2/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::BucketCountHashAllocTest ( std::true_type  )

Definition at line 125 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ CapacityToGrowth()

size_t absl::container_internal::CapacityToGrowth ( size_t  capacity)

Definition at line 478 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ ConstructFromTuple()

template<class Alloc , class T , class Tuple >
void absl::container_internal::ConstructFromTuple ( Alloc alloc,
T *  ptr,
Tuple &&  t 

Definition at line 135 of file container_memory.h.

◆ ConvertDeletedToEmptyAndFullToDeleted()

void absl::container_internal::ConvertDeletedToEmptyAndFullToDeleted ( ctrl_t ctrl,
size_t  capacity 

Definition at line 459 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ CopyConstructorAllocTest() [1/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::CopyConstructorAllocTest ( std::false_type  )

Definition at line 252 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ CopyConstructorAllocTest() [2/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::CopyConstructorAllocTest ( std::true_type  )

Definition at line 255 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ Deallocate()

template<size_t Alignment, class Alloc >
void absl::container_internal::Deallocate ( Alloc alloc,
void *  p,
size_t  n 

Definition at line 63 of file container_memory.h.

◆ DecomposePair()

template<class F , class... Args>
auto absl::container_internal::DecomposePair ( F &&  f,
Args &&...  args 
) -> decltype(memory_internal::DecomposePairImpl( std::forward<F>(f), PairArgs(std::forward<Args>(args)...)))

Definition at line 190 of file container_memory.h.

◆ DecomposeValue()

template<class F , class Arg >
decltype(std::declval<F>()(std::declval<const Arg&>(), std::declval<Arg>())) absl::container_internal::DecomposeValue ( F &&  f,
Arg &&  arg 

Definition at line 200 of file container_memory.h.

◆ EmptyGroup()

ctrl_t* absl::container_internal::EmptyGroup ( )

Definition at line 282 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ GetHashtableDebugNumProbes()

template<typename C >
size_t absl::container_internal::GetHashtableDebugNumProbes ( const C &  c,
const typename C::key_type &  key 

Definition at line 48 of file hashtable_debug.h.

◆ GetHashtableDebugNumProbesHistogram()

template<typename C >
std::vector<size_t> absl::container_internal::GetHashtableDebugNumProbesHistogram ( const C &  container)

Definition at line 57 of file hashtable_debug.h.

◆ GetHashtableDebugProbeSummary()

template<typename C >
HashtableDebugProbeSummary absl::container_internal::GetHashtableDebugProbeSummary ( const C &  container)

Definition at line 78 of file hashtable_debug.h.

◆ GrowthToLowerboundCapacity()

size_t absl::container_internal::GrowthToLowerboundCapacity ( size_t  growth)

Definition at line 489 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ H1()

size_t absl::container_internal::H1 ( size_t  hash,
const ctrl_t ctrl 

Definition at line 304 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ H2()

ctrl_t absl::container_internal::H2 ( size_t  hash)

Definition at line 307 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ HashSeed()

size_t absl::container_internal::HashSeed ( const ctrl_t ctrl)

Definition at line 297 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ InitializerListBucketAllocTest() [1/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::InitializerListBucketAllocTest ( std::false_type  )

Definition at line 343 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ InitializerListBucketAllocTest() [2/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::InitializerListBucketAllocTest ( std::true_type  )

Definition at line 346 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ InitializerListBucketHashAllocTest() [1/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::InitializerListBucketHashAllocTest ( std::false_type  )

Definition at line 363 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ InitializerListBucketHashAllocTest() [2/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::InitializerListBucketHashAllocTest ( std::true_type  )

Definition at line 366 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ InputIteratorBucketAllocTest() [1/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::InputIteratorBucketAllocTest ( std::false_type  )

Definition at line 190 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ InputIteratorBucketAllocTest() [2/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::InputIteratorBucketAllocTest ( std::true_type  )

Definition at line 193 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ InputIteratorBucketHashAllocTest() [1/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::InputIteratorBucketHashAllocTest ( std::false_type  )

Definition at line 211 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ InputIteratorBucketHashAllocTest() [2/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::InputIteratorBucketHashAllocTest ( std::true_type  )

Definition at line 214 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ IsDeleted()

bool absl::container_internal::IsDeleted ( ctrl_t  c)

Definition at line 311 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ IsEmpty()

bool absl::container_internal::IsEmpty ( ctrl_t  c)

Definition at line 309 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ IsEmptyOrDeleted()

bool absl::container_internal::IsEmptyOrDeleted ( ctrl_t  c)

Definition at line 312 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ IsFull()

bool absl::container_internal::IsFull ( ctrl_t  c)

Definition at line 310 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ IsNoThrowSwappable()

template<class T >
constexpr bool absl::container_internal::IsNoThrowSwappable ( )

Definition at line 170 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ IsValidCapacity()

bool absl::container_internal::IsValidCapacity ( size_t  n)

Definition at line 449 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ items()

template<class Map >
auto absl::container_internal::items ( const Map &  m) -> std::vector< std::pair<typename Map::key_type, typename Map::mapped_type>>

Definition at line 146 of file hash_policy_testing.h.

◆ keys()

template<class Set >
auto absl::container_internal::keys ( const Set &  s) -> std::vector<typename std::decay<typename Set::key_type>::type>

Definition at line 156 of file hash_policy_testing.h.

◆ LeadingZeros()

template<typename T >
int absl::container_internal::LeadingZeros ( x)

Definition at line 184 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ LowerBoundAllocatedByteSize()

template<typename C >
size_t absl::container_internal::LowerBoundAllocatedByteSize ( size_t  num_elements)

Definition at line 100 of file hashtable_debug.h.

◆ MoveConstructorAllocTest() [1/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::MoveConstructorAllocTest ( std::false_type  )

Definition at line 297 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ MoveConstructorAllocTest() [2/2]

template<typename TypeParam >
void absl::container_internal::MoveConstructorAllocTest ( std::true_type  )

Definition at line 300 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ NormalizeCapacity()

size_t absl::container_internal::NormalizeCapacity ( size_t  n)

Definition at line 472 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ PairArgs() [1/5]

std::pair<std::tuple<>, std::tuple<> > absl::container_internal::PairArgs ( )

Definition at line 165 of file container_memory.h.

◆ PairArgs() [2/5]

template<class F , class S >
std::pair<std::tuple<F&&>, std::tuple<S&&> > absl::container_internal::PairArgs ( F &&  f,
S &&  s 

Definition at line 167 of file container_memory.h.

◆ PairArgs() [3/5]

template<class F , class S >
std::pair<std::tuple<const F&>, std::tuple<const S&> > absl::container_internal::PairArgs ( const std::pair< F, S > &  p)

Definition at line 172 of file container_memory.h.

◆ PairArgs() [4/5]

template<class F , class S >
std::pair<std::tuple<F&&>, std::tuple<S&&> > absl::container_internal::PairArgs ( std::pair< F, S > &&  p)

Definition at line 177 of file container_memory.h.

◆ PairArgs() [5/5]

template<class F , class S >
auto absl::container_internal::PairArgs ( std::piecewise_construct_t  ,
F &&  f,
S &&  s 
) -> decltype(std::make_pair(memory_internal::TupleRef(std::forward<F>(f)), memory_internal::TupleRef(std::forward<S>(s))))

Definition at line 181 of file container_memory.h.

◆ RandomSeed()

size_t absl::container_internal::RandomSeed ( )

Definition at line 28 of file

◆ RecordEraseSlow()

void absl::container_internal::RecordEraseSlow ( HashtablezInfo info)

Definition at line 122 of file hashtablez_sampler.h.

◆ RecordInsertSlow()

void absl::container_internal::RecordInsertSlow ( HashtablezInfo info,
size_t  hash,
size_t  distance_from_desired 

Definition at line 264 of file

◆ RecordRehashSlow()

void absl::container_internal::RecordRehashSlow ( HashtablezInfo info,
size_t  total_probe_length 

Definition at line 99 of file hashtablez_sampler.h.

◆ RecordStorageChangedSlow()

void absl::container_internal::RecordStorageChangedSlow ( HashtablezInfo info,
size_t  size,
size_t  capacity 

Definition at line 109 of file hashtablez_sampler.h.


absl::container_internal::REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P ( LookupTest  ,
Count  ,
Find  ,


absl::container_internal::REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P ( LookupTest  ,
At  ,
OperatorBracket  ,
Count  ,
Find  ,


absl::container_internal::REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P ( ModifiersTest  ,
Clear  ,
Insert  ,
InsertHint  ,
InsertRange  ,
Emplace  ,
EmplaceHint  ,
Erase  ,
EraseRange  ,
EraseKey  ,


absl::container_internal::REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P ( ModifiersTest  ,
Clear  ,
Insert  ,
InsertHint  ,
InsertRange  ,
InsertOrAssign  ,
InsertOrAssignHint  ,
Emplace  ,
EmplaceHint  ,
TryEmplace  ,
TryEmplaceHint  ,
Erase  ,
EraseRange  ,
EraseKey  ,


absl::container_internal::REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P ( ConstructorTest  ,
NoArgs  ,
BucketCount  ,
BucketCountHash  ,
BucketCountHashEqual  ,
BucketCountHashEqualAlloc  ,
BucketCountAlloc  ,
BucketCountHashAlloc  ,
Alloc  ,
InputIteratorBucketHashEqualAlloc  ,
InputIteratorBucketAlloc  ,
InputIteratorBucketHashAlloc  ,
CopyConstructor  ,
CopyConstructorAlloc  ,
MoveConstructor  ,
MoveConstructorAlloc  ,
InitializerListBucketHashEqualAlloc  ,
InitializerListBucketAlloc  ,
InitializerListBucketHashAlloc  ,
Assignment  ,
MoveAssignment  ,
AssignmentFromInitializerList  ,
AssignmentOverwritesExisting  ,
MoveAssignmentOverwritesExisting  ,
AssignmentFromInitializerListOverwritesExisting  ,


absl::container_internal::REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P ( ConstructorTest  ,
NoArgs  ,
BucketCount  ,
BucketCountHash  ,
BucketCountHashEqual  ,
BucketCountHashEqualAlloc  ,
BucketCountAlloc  ,
BucketCountHashAlloc  ,
Alloc  ,
InputIteratorBucketHashEqualAlloc  ,
InputIteratorBucketAlloc  ,
InputIteratorBucketHashAlloc  ,
CopyConstructor  ,
CopyConstructorAlloc  ,
MoveConstructor  ,
MoveConstructorAlloc  ,
InitializerListBucketHashEqualAlloc  ,
InitializerListBucketAlloc  ,
InitializerListBucketHashAlloc  ,
CopyAssignment  ,
MoveAssignment  ,
AssignmentFromInitializerList  ,
AssignmentOverwritesExisting  ,
MoveAssignmentOverwritesExisting  ,
AssignmentFromInitializerListOverwritesExisting  ,


absl::container_internal::REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P ( MembersTest  ,
Typedefs  ,
SimpleFunctions  ,

◆ Sample()

HashtablezInfoHandle absl::container_internal::Sample ( )

Definition at line 188 of file hashtablez_sampler.h.

◆ SampleSlow()

HashtablezInfo * absl::container_internal::SampleSlow ( int64_t *  next_sample)

Definition at line 231 of file

◆ SanitizerPoisonMemoryRegion()

void absl::container_internal::SanitizerPoisonMemoryRegion ( const void *  m,
size_t  s 

Definition at line 206 of file container_memory.h.

◆ SanitizerPoisonObject()

template<typename T >
void absl::container_internal::SanitizerPoisonObject ( const T *  object)

Definition at line 229 of file container_memory.h.

◆ SanitizerUnpoisonMemoryRegion()

void absl::container_internal::SanitizerUnpoisonMemoryRegion ( const void *  m,
size_t  s 

Definition at line 217 of file container_memory.h.

◆ SanitizerUnpoisonObject()

template<typename T >
void absl::container_internal::SanitizerUnpoisonObject ( const T *  object)

Definition at line 234 of file container_memory.h.

◆ SetHashtablezEnabled()

void absl::container_internal::SetHashtablezEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Definition at line 285 of file

◆ SetHashtablezMaxSamples()

void absl::container_internal::SetHashtablezMaxSamples ( int32_t  max)

Definition at line 298 of file

◆ SetHashtablezSampleParameter()

void absl::container_internal::SetHashtablezSampleParameter ( int32_t  rate)

Definition at line 289 of file

◆ ShouldInsertBackwards()

bool absl::container_internal::ShouldInsertBackwards ( size_t  hash,
ctrl_t ctrl 

Definition at line 39 of file

◆ TrailingZeros()

template<typename T >
int absl::container_internal::TrailingZeros ( x)

Definition at line 176 of file raw_hash_set.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [1/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( LookupTest  ,

Definition at line 31 of file unordered_map_lookup_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [2/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 31 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [3/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( MembersTest  ,

Definition at line 34 of file unordered_map_members_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [4/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 34 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [5/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 40 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [6/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 43 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [7/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( LookupTest  ,

Definition at line 43 of file unordered_map_lookup_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [8/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 47 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [9/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 57 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [10/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 57 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [11/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( LookupTest  ,

Definition at line 59 of file unordered_map_lookup_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [12/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( MembersTest  ,

Definition at line 68 of file unordered_map_members_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [13/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 70 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [14/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 71 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [15/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( LookupTest  ,

Definition at line 72 of file unordered_map_lookup_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [16/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( MembersTest  ,

Definition at line 72 of file unordered_map_members_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [17/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 81 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [18/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( LookupTest  ,

Definition at line 90 of file unordered_map_lookup_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [19/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 101 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [20/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 117 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [21/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 120 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [22/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 136 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [23/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 138 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [24/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 150 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [25/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 166 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [26/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 168 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [27/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 170 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [28/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 203 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [29/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 206 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [30/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 222 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [31/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 230 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [32/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 234 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [33/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 234 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [34/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ModifiersTest  ,

Definition at line 247 of file unordered_map_modifiers_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [35/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 272 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [36/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 278 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [37/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 318 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [38/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 324 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [39/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 358 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [40/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 381 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [41/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 385 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [42/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 396 of file unordered_set_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [43/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 405 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [44/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 423 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [45/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 432 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [46/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 441 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [47/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 451 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.

◆ TYPED_TEST_P() [48/48]

absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_P ( ConstructorTest  ,

Definition at line 460 of file unordered_map_constructor_test.h.


absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P ( MembersTest  )


absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P ( ModifiersTest  )


absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P ( LookupTest  )


absl::container_internal::TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P ( ConstructorTest  )

◆ UnsampleSlow()

void absl::container_internal::UnsampleSlow ( HashtablezInfo info)

Definition at line 260 of file

◆ UseType()

template<typename T >
void absl::container_internal::UseType ( )

Definition at line 32 of file unordered_map_members_test.h.

◆ WithConstructed()

template<class T , class Tuple , class F >
decltype(std::declval<F>()(std::declval<T>())) absl::container_internal::WithConstructed ( Tuple &&  t,
F &&  f 

Definition at line 145 of file container_memory.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ kAbslContainerInternalSampleEverything

ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_WEAK const bool absl::container_internal::kAbslContainerInternalSampleEverything = false

Definition at line 283 of file hashtablez_sampler.h.

autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 21:31:22