31 #endif // !defined(_WIN64) 34 #endif // defined(_WIN32) 211 #define YP_PARAM_NAME \ 268 "WHEEL_ANG_LINEAR", \ 272 "CONTROL_MODE_RESEND", \ 276 "ENCODER_DENOMINATOR", \ 277 "INDEX_RISE_ANGLE", \ 278 "INDEX_FALL_ANGLE", \ 282 #define YP_PARAM_NECESSARY \ 353 #define YP_PARAM_COMMENT \ 355 "Parameter file version", \ 356 "[Integer Nm/Nm] Fixed-point position of PC-MCU communication", \ 357 "[Nm] Calculation fineness of torque control", \ 358 "[Counts] PWM cycle", \ 359 "[Counts/rev] Encoder specification", \ 360 "Encoder type (2:2-phase incremental, 3:3-phase incremental)", \ 361 "[V] Power source voltage", \ 362 "[s] Velocity control cycle", \ 363 "[in/out] Gear ratio", \ 364 "[ohm] Motor internal resistance", \ 365 "[Nm/A] Motor torque constant", \ 366 "[rpm/V] Motor speed constant", \ 367 "Motor type (0:DC, 3:3phase-AC)", \ 368 "[rad] Offset angle of AC motor phase", \ 369 "[m] Wheel radius", \ 370 "[m] Right wheel radius", \ 371 "[m] Left wheel radius", \ 373 "[s] Trajectory control cycle", \ 374 "[m/s] Maximum velocity", \ 375 "[rad/s] Maximum angular velocity", \ 376 "[m/ss] Maximum acceleration", \ 377 "[rad/ss] Maximum angular acceleration", \ 378 "[m/ss] Centrifugal acceleration limit", \ 379 "[m/s / rad/s] Deacceleration factor of trajectory control", \ 380 "[rad/ss / m] Feedback gain for distance error", \ 381 "[rad/ss / rad] Feedback gain for angular error", \ 382 "[rad/ss / rad/s] Feedback gain for angular velocity", \ 383 "[m] Clipping value of line following control", \ 384 "[1/s] PI control parameter Kp", \ 385 "[1/ss] PI control parameter Ki", \ 386 "[Nm] Motor maximum torque", \ 387 "[Nm] Constant friction", \ 388 "[Nm/(rad/s)] Viscous friction", \ 389 "[Nm] Constant friction (neg-direction)", \ 390 "[Nm/(rad/s)] Viscous friction (neg-direction)", \ 391 "[Nm] Motor torque limit", \ 392 "[rev] Maximum integrated error of PI control", \ 393 "[Nm] Offset value of motor torque", \ 394 "[kg] Robot weight", \ 395 "[kgm^2] Robot moment of inertia", \ 396 "[kgm^2] Rotor moment of inertia of motor", \ 397 "[kgm^2] Tire moment of inertia", \ 398 "[m] Robot size of front", \ 399 "[m] Robot size of rear", \ 400 "[m] Robot size of left", \ 401 "[m] Robot size of right", \ 408 "[m] Linear feedback area of stop command", \ 409 "[rad] Linear feedback area of spin command", \ 410 "[rad] Linear feedback area of wheel_ang command", \ 411 "[rad] Minimum wheel angle (for wheel_angle command)", \ 412 "[rad] Maximum wheel angle (for wheel_angle command)", \ 413 "Used for vehicle control (0: false, 1: true)", \ 414 "[s] Time-span to resend control mode (0: don't resend)", \ 415 "Motor load inertia", \ 416 "Motor load cross inertia", \ 417 "Encoder count divider 2^x (e.g. 4 means divide by 16)", \ 418 "Encoder count denominator" \ 419 " (COUNT_REV/ENCODER_DENOMINATOR is encoder resolution for one electrical revolution)", \ 420 "[rad] Index signal rising edge angle at CW rotation", \ 421 "[rad] Index signal falling edge angle at CW rotation", \ 422 "[in/out] Index signal gear ratio", \ 430 #define YP_PARAM_MAX_MOTOR_NUM 16 432 #define YP_PARAM_ALIAS_NUM 2 434 #define YP_PARAM_ALIAS \ 437 YP_PARAM_RADIUS_L, YP_PARAM_RADIUS, MOTOR_LEFT \ 440 YP_PARAM_RADIUS_R, YP_PARAM_RADIUS, MOTOR_RIGHT \ 445 #define YP_PARAM_REQUIRED_VERSION 4.0 446 #define YP_PARAM_SUPPORTED_VERSION 5.0 491 #define YPSPUR_MAX_SOCKET 64 515 #define YPSPUR_MSQ_KEY 0x7045 516 #define YPSPUR_MSG_CMD 1 517 #define YPSPUR_MSG_SIZE (sizeof(YPSpur_msg) - sizeof(long)) 524 #endif // __cplusplus
enum ipcmd_t::ipcmd_type_t type
void(* flush)(struct ipcmd_t *ipcmd)
int clients[YPSPUR_MAX_SOCKET]
enum ipcmd_t::ipcmd_tcp_type_t tcp_type
static const char YPSpur_CSName[CS_MAX][16]
int(* recv)(struct ipcmd_t *ipcmd, YPSpur_msg *data)
int(* send)(struct ipcmd_t *ipcmd, YPSpur_msg *data)