117 #endif // SICK_SAFETYSCANNERS_COLA2_CHANGECOMMSETTINGSCOMMAND_H Command for method calls to the sensor.
void writeEnabledToDataPtr(uint8_t *&data_ptr) const
bool processReply()
Processes the return from the sensor. Checks if the method was acknowledged by the sensor...
void writeIPAddresstoDataPtr(uint8_t *&data_ptr) const
sick::datastructure::CommSettings m_settings
Containing the communication settings for the sensor which can be changed on runtime.
Method command class for changing the settings in the sensor. Such as which data packages to enable...
void writeDataToDataPtr(uint8_t *&data_ptr) const
uint8_t * prepareTelegramAndGetDataPtr(sick::datastructure::PacketBuffer::VectorBuffer &telegram) const
void addTelegramData(sick::datastructure::PacketBuffer::VectorBuffer &telegram) const
Adds the settings as data to the packetbuffer.
bool canBeExecutedWithoutSessionID() const
Returns if the command can be executed without a session ID. Will return false for most commands exce...
void writeFeaturesToDataPtr(uint8_t *&data_ptr) const
void writeEndAngleToDataPtr(uint8_t *&data_ptr) const
void writeEInterfaceTypeToDataPtr(uint8_t *&data_ptr) const
void writeStartAngleToDataPtr(uint8_t *&data_ptr) const
std::shared_ptr< sick::data_processing::ReadWriteHelper > m_writer_ptr
void writeFrequencyToDataPtr(uint8_t *&data_ptr) const
ChangeCommSettingsCommand(Cola2Session &session, const datastructure::CommSettings &settings)
Constructor of the Command, takes the current session and the new set of parameters for the sensor...
sick::cola2::MethodCommand base_class
Typedef to reference the base class.
void writePortToDataPtr(uint8_t *&data_ptr) const
std::vector< uint8_t > VectorBuffer
Typedef for a vector buffer, to sort the incoming packets.
Establishes a cola2 session with a sensor and enables execution of commands in this session...
void writeChannelToDataPtr(uint8_t *&data_ptr) const