25 if ((pHandle) && (pInfo))
30 for (trial = 0; trial < pHandle->
numTrials; trial++)
SBG_INLINE SbgErrorCode sbgStreamBufferInitForRead(SbgStreamBuffer *pHandle, const void *pLinkedBuffer, size_t bufferSize)
SbgErrorCode sbgEComReceiveCmd(SbgEComHandle *pHandle, uint8 msgClass, uint8 msg, void *pData, size_t *pSize, size_t maxSize, uint32 timeOut)
This file implements SbgECom commands related to device info.
Used to read/write data from/to a memory buffer stream.
SBG_INLINE uint16 sbgStreamBufferReadUint16LE(SbgStreamBuffer *pHandle)
SbgEComProtocol protocolHandle
SBG_INLINE SbgErrorCode sbgStreamBufferReadBuffer(SbgStreamBuffer *pHandle, void *pBuffer, size_t numBytesToRead)
SbgErrorCode sbgEComProtocolSend(SbgEComProtocol *pHandle, uint8 msgClass, uint8 msg, const void *pData, size_t size)
SBG_INLINE uint32 sbgStreamBufferReadUint32LE(SbgStreamBuffer *pHandle)
#define sbgStreamBufferReadUint8LE
SbgErrorCode sbgEComCmdGetInfo(SbgEComHandle *pHandle, SbgEComDeviceInfo *pInfo)
enum _SbgErrorCode SbgErrorCode
SBG_INLINE SbgErrorCode sbgStreamBufferGetLastError(SbgStreamBuffer *pHandle)