This is the complete list of members for ROSParamService, including all inherited members.
add(const std::string &name, OperationInterfacePart *part) | RTT::OperationInterface | |
addAttribute(const std::string &name, T &attr) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
addAttribute(const std::string &name, Attribute< T > &attr) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
addAttribute(base::AttributeBase &a) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
addConstant(const std::string &name, const T &cnst) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
addConstant(const std::string &name, Constant< T > &cnst) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
addConstant(base::AttributeBase &c) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
addEventPort(const std::string &name, base::InputPortInterface &port, SlotFunction callback=SlotFunction()) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
addEventPort(base::InputPortInterface &port, SlotFunction callback=SlotFunction()) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
addLocalEventPort(base::InputPortInterface &port, SlotFunction callback=SlotFunction()) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
addLocalOperation(base::OperationBase &op) | RTT::Service | |
addLocalPort(base::PortInterface &port) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
addOperation(Operation< Signature > &op) | RTT::Service | |
addOperation(const std::string name, Func func, Class *obj, ExecutionThread et=ClientThread) | RTT::Service | |
addOperation(const std::string name, Func *func, ExecutionThread et=ClientThread) | RTT::Service | |
addOperationDS(const std::string &name, Func func, internal::DataSource< boost::shared_ptr< ObjT > > *sp, ExecutionThread et=ClientThread) | RTT::Service | |
addOperationDS(internal::DataSource< boost::shared_ptr< ObjT > > *sp, Operation< Signature > &op) | RTT::Service | |
addPort(const std::string &name, base::PortInterface &port) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
addPort(base::PortInterface &port) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
addProperty(const std::string &name, T &prop) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
addProperty(const std::string &name, Property< T > &prop) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
addProperty(base::PropertyBase &pb) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
addService(shared_ptr obj) | RTT::Service | virtual |
addSynchronousOperation(Operation< Signature > &op) | RTT::Service | |
addSynchronousOperation(const std::string name, Func func, Class *obj, ExecutionThread et=ClientThread) | RTT::Service | |
Arguments typedef | RTT::OperationInterface | |
AttributeNames typedef | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
AttributeObjects typedef | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
bag | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | protected |
RTT::chkPtr(const std::string &where, const std::string &name, const void *ptr) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | protected |
RTT::DataFlowInterface::chkPtr(const std::string &where, const std::string &name, const void *ptr) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | protected |
clear() | RTT::Service | |
ConfigurationInterface() | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
copy(std::map< const base::DataSourceBase *, base::DataSourceBase * > &repl, bool instantiate) const | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
Create(const std::string &name, TaskContext *owner=0) | RTT::Service | static |
create(std::string name, ExecutionEngine *caller) | RTT::Service | |
createPortObject(const std::string &name) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | protected |
data | RTT::OperationInterface | protected |
DataFlowInterface(Service *parent=0) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
dataOnPort(base::PortInterface *port) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
Descriptions typedef | RTT::OperationInterface | |
doc() const | RTT::Service | |
doc(const std::string &description) | RTT::Service | |
Factory typedef | RTT::Service | |
get(const std::string ¶m_name, const unsigned int policy=(unsigned int) COMPONENT_PRIVATE) | ROSParamService | private |
getArgumentList(const std::string &name) const | RTT::OperationInterface | |
getArity(const std::string &name) const | RTT::OperationInterface | |
getAttribute(const std::string &name) const | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
getAttributeNames() const | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
getCollectArity(const std::string &name) const | RTT::OperationInterface | |
getConstant(const std::string &name) const | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
getDescription(const std::string &name) const | RTT::OperationInterface | |
getEigenVectorParamImpl(const std::string &ros_param_name, Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &eigen_vector) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getLocalOperation(std::string name) | RTT::Service | |
getName() const | RTT::Service | |
getNames() const | RTT::OperationInterface | |
getOperation(std::string name) | RTT::Service | |
getOperation(std::string name, const std::vector< base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr > &args, ExecutionEngine *caller) const | RTT::Service | |
getOperationNames() const | RTT::Service | |
getOwner() const | RTT::Service | |
getOwnerExecutionEngine() const | RTT::Service | |
getParam(const std::string &ros_name, const std::string &rtt_name) | ROSParamService | private |
getParamAbsolute(const std::string &name) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParamComponentAbsolute(const std::string &name) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParamComponentPrivate(const std::string &name) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParamComponentRelative(const std::string &name) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParamImpl(const std::string &ros_param_name, T &value) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParamPrivate(const std::string &name) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParamRelative(const std::string &name) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParams(RTT::Service::shared_ptr service, const std::string &ns) | ROSParamService | private |
getParams(const ResolutionPolicy policy) | ROSParamService | private |
getParamsAbsolute() | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParamsComponentAbsolute() | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParamsComponentPrivate() | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParamsComponentRelative() | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParamsPrivate() | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParamsRelative() | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
getParent() const | RTT::Service | |
getPart(const std::string &name) | RTT::OperationInterface | |
getPort(const std::string &name) const | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
getPortDescription(const std::string &name) const | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
getPortNames() const | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
getPorts() const | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
getPortType(const std::string &name) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
getProperty(const std::string &name) const | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
getProviderNames() const | RTT::Service | virtual |
getResultType(const std::string &name) const | RTT::OperationInterface | |
getService(const std::string &service_name) | RTT::Service | |
RTT::DataFlowInterface::getService() const | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
getValue(const std::string &name) const | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
getValues() const | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
hasAttribute(const std::string &name) const | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
hasMember(const std::string &name) const | RTT::OperationInterface | |
hasOperation(const std::string &name) const | RTT::Service | |
hasProperty(const std::string &name) const | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
hasService(const std::string &service_name) | RTT::Service | |
isSynchronous(const std::string &name) const | RTT::OperationInterface | |
loadValues(AttributeObjects const &new_values) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
RTT::map_t typedef | RTT::OperationInterface | protected |
RTT::ConfigurationInterface::map_t typedef | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | protected |
mdescription | RTT::Service | protected |
mname | RTT::Service | protected |
mowner | RTT::Service | protected |
mports | RTT::DataFlowInterface | protected |
mservice | RTT::DataFlowInterface | protected |
OperationList typedef | RTT::Service | protected |
ownedoperations | RTT::Service | protected |
parent | RTT::Service | protected |
PortNames typedef | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
Ports typedef | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
produce(const std::string &name, const Arguments &args, ExecutionEngine *caller) const | RTT::OperationInterface | |
produceCollect(const std::string &name, const Arguments &args, internal::DataSource< bool >::shared_ptr blocking) const | RTT::OperationInterface | |
produceHandle(const std::string &name) const | RTT::OperationInterface | |
produceSend(const std::string &name, const Arguments &args, ExecutionEngine *caller) const | RTT::OperationInterface | |
properties() | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
ProviderNames typedef | RTT::Service | |
provides() | RTT::Service | |
provides(const std::string &service_name) | RTT::Service | |
remove(const std::string &name) | RTT::OperationInterface | |
removeAttribute(const std::string &name) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
removeLocalPort(const std::string &name) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
removeOperation(const std::string &name) | RTT::Service | |
removePort(const std::string &name) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
removeProperty(base::PropertyBase &p) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
removeService(std::string const &service_name) | RTT::Service | virtual |
removeValue(const std::string &name) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
resetOperation(std::string name, base::OperationBase *impl) | RTT::Service | |
resolvedName(const std::string ¶m_name, const ResolutionPolicy policy) | ROSParamService | private |
ROSParamService(TaskContext *owner) | ROSParamService | inline |
Service(const std::string &name, TaskContext *owner=0) | RTT::Service | |
Services typedef | RTT::Service | protected |
services | RTT::Service | protected |
set(const std::string ¶m_name, const unsigned int policy=(unsigned int) COMPONENT_PRIVATE) | ROSParamService | private |
setEigenVectorParamImpl(const std::string &ros_param_name, const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &eigen_vector) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setName(const std::string &name) | RTT::Service | |
setOperationThread(std::string const &name, ExecutionThread et) | RTT::Service | |
setOwner(TaskContext *new_owner) | RTT::Service | |
setParam(const std::string &ros_name, const std::string &rtt_name) | ROSParamService | private |
setParamAbsolute(const std::string &name) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParamComponentAbsolute(const std::string &name) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParamComponentPrivate(const std::string &name) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParamComponentRelative(const std::string &name) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParamImpl(const std::string &ros_param_name, const T &value) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParamPrivate(const std::string &name) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParamRelative(const std::string &name) | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParams(RTT::Service::shared_ptr service, const std::string &ns) | ROSParamService | private |
setParams(const ResolutionPolicy policy) | ROSParamService | private |
setParamsAbsolute() | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParamsComponentAbsolute() | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParamsComponentPrivate() | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParamsComponentRelative() | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParamsPrivate() | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParamsRelative() | ROSParamService | inlineprivate |
setParent(shared_ptr new_parent) | RTT::Service | |
setPortDescription(const std::string &name, const std::string description) | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
setValue(base::AttributeBase *ab) | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
shared_constptr typedef | RTT::Service | |
shared_ptr typedef | RTT::Service | |
simpleoperations | RTT::Service | protected |
SimpleOperations typedef | RTT::Service | protected |
SlotFunction typedef | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
testOperation(base::OperationBase &op) | RTT::Service | protected |
values | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | protected |
~ConfigurationInterface() | RTT::ConfigurationInterface | |
~DataFlowInterface() | RTT::DataFlowInterface | |
~Service() | RTT::Service | virtual |