std::runtime_error(error_desc) {}
109 #endif // PLUGINLIB__EXCEPTIONS_HPP_ Thrown when pluginlib is unable to instantiate a class loader.
A base class for all pluginlib exceptions that inherits from std::runtime_exception.
InvalidXMLException(const std::string error_desc)
ClassLoaderException(const std::string error_desc)
LibraryUnloadException(const std::string error_desc)
Thrown when pluginlib is unable to unload the library associated with a given plugin.
Thrown when pluginlib is unable to load a plugin XML file.
PluginlibException(const std::string error_desc)
LibraryLoadException(const std::string error_desc)
CreateClassException(const std::string error_desc)
Thrown when pluginlib is unable to load the library associated with a given plugin.
Thrown when pluginlib is unable to create the class associated with a given plugin.