11 #define QWT_SAMPLES_H 1 55 double v,
double min,
double max ):
72 return !( *
this == other );
80 explicit QwtSetSample(
const QVector<double> & = QVector<double>() );
124 return !( *
this == other );
131 for (
int i = 0;
i <
i++ )
150 double open = 0.0,
double high = 0.0,
151 double low = 0.0,
double close = 0.0 );
155 bool isValid()
187 double o,
double h,
double l,
double c ):
227 minY = qMin( minY,
high );
228 minY = qMin( minY,
low );
229 minY = qMin( minY,
close );
232 maxY = qMax( maxY,
high );
233 maxY = qMax( maxY,
low );
234 maxY = qMax( maxY,
close );
Open-High-Low-Close sample used in financial charts.
QwtInterval boundingInterval() const
Calculate the bounding interval of the OHLC values.
A class representing an interval.
double open
Opening price.
bool operator==(optional< T > const &x, optional< T > const &y)
bool operator!=(const QwtSetSample &other) const
Compare operator.
TFSIMD_FORCE_INLINE const tfScalar & y() const
double high
Highest price.
A sample of the types (x1...xn, y) or (x, y1..yn)
bool operator==(const QwtIntervalSample &) const
Compare operator.
double close
Closing price.
A sample of the types (x1-x2, y) or (x, y1-y2)
bool operator!=(const QwtIntervalSample &) const
Compare operator.
bool isValid() const
Check if a sample is valid.
QwtOHLCSample(double time=0.0, double open=0.0, double high=0.0, double low=0.0, double close=0.0)
bool operator!=(optional< T > const &x, optional< T > const &y)
bool operator==(const QwtSetSample &other) const
Compare operator.
QVector< double > set
Vector of values associated to value.
QwtInterval interval