Protected Member Functions | List of all members
com.generalrobotix.ui.item.GrxHwcItem Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for com.generalrobotix.ui.item.GrxHwcItem:
Inheritance graph

Protected Member Functions

 GrxHwcItem (String name, GrxPluginManager manager, GrxModelItem model, HwcInfo info)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.item.GrxShapeTransformItem
void addTransformedShapeIndex (TransformedShapeIndex transformedShapeIndex)
void buildShapeTransforms (double[][] inlinedShapeTransformMatrices)
void initMenu ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.item.GrxTransformItem
void resizeBoundingBox ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.GrxBaseItem
 GrxBaseItem (String name, GrxPluginManager manager)
 constructor More...
void setDefaultDirectory (String dir)
void setFileExtension (String ext)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.GrxBasePlugin
 GrxBasePlugin (String name, GrxPluginManager manager)
 constructor More...
void setIcon (String iconName)
 set icon More...
void setMenuPath (String[] path)
 set menu path More...
boolean syncExec (Runnable r)
 Transfer SWT UI thread. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.item.GrxShapeTransformItem
void addPrimitiveShape (String name)
void addShape (Matrix4d segmentT)
void addShape (String fPath)
 create and add a new shape as a child More...
Matrix4d getTransform ()
 GrxShapeTransformItem (String name, GrxPluginManager manager, GrxModelItem model)
void rename (String newName)
double[] rotation ()
boolean rotation (String value)
 set new rotation from string More...
boolean rotation (double[] rot)
void transform (double[] w)
double[] translation ()
boolean translation (String value)
 set new translation from string More...
boolean translation (double[] pos)
 set new translation to TransformGroup More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.item.GrxTransformItem
 GrxTransformItem (String name, GrxPluginManager manager, GrxModelItem model)
void addChild (GrxTransformItem child)
 add a child More...
void removeChild (GrxTransformItem child)
 remove a child from children More...
void delete ()
 delete this item and children More...
GrxModelItem model ()
 get model item to which this item belongs More...
void setFocused (boolean b)
void gatherSensors (String type, List< GrxSensorItem > sensors)
Vector3d transformV3 (Vector3d v)
Switch getBBSwitch ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.GrxBaseItem
File chooseSaveFile ()
GrxBaseItem clone ()
 Override clone method. More...
boolean create ()
void delete ()
 delete this item More...
File getDefaultDir ()
 get default directory More...
String getFileExtention ()
 get file extension More...
Object getValue ()
boolean load (File file)
void paste (String clipVal)
 paste object More...
void setValue (Object o)
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.GrxBasePlugin
void addObserver (GrxObserver v)
GrxBasePlugin clone ()
 Override clone method. More...
void deleteObserver (GrxObserver v)
boolean equals (Object obj)
 check whether obj equals to this More...
Element getElement ()
 get element More...
Image getIcon ()
 get icon More...
Vector< Action > getMenu ()
 get menu More...
String[] getMenuPath ()
 get menu path More...
final String getName ()
 get name More...
ArrayList< GrxObservergetObserver ()
String getOldName ()
Vector< MenuManager > getSubMenu ()
 get subMenu More...
String getURL (boolean expand)
ValueEditType GetValueEditType (String key)
 Return editing type of the key item. More...
boolean isExclusive ()
 check whether this is exclusive or not More...
boolean isSelected ()
 check whether this is selected or not More...
void notifyObservers (Object...arg)
boolean propertyChanged (String property, String value)
 check validity of new value of property and update if valid More...
boolean registerCORBA ()
void rename (String newName)
 rename this item More...
void restoreProperties ()
 restore properties. Called by menu item "restore Properties" More...
void setDocument (Document doc)
 set document More...
void setElement (Element element)
 set element More...
void setExclusive (boolean b)
 set exclusive flag More...
void setFocused (boolean b)
 set/unset focus on this plugin More...
void setMenuItem (Action a)
 add a menu item More...
void setName (String name)
 set name More...
Object setProperty (String key, String value)
 set property value associated with a keyword More...
void setSelected (boolean b)
 set selected flag More...
void setSubMenu (MenuManager m)
 add a submenu More...
void setURL (String url)
 set URL property More...
void shutdown ()
Element storeProperties ()
 store properties More...
final String toString ()
 convert to String. Currently, name is returned. More...
void unregisterCORBA ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.util.GrxConfigBundle
final Double getDbl (String key, Double defaultVal)
 get double value associated to key More...
Double getDbl (String value)
final double[] getDblAry (String key, double[] defaultVal)
 get double array associated to key More...
double[] getDblAry (String value)
 get array of double from String More...
final Float getFlt (String key, Float defaultVal)
 get float value associated to key More...
final Float getFlt (String value)
final float[] getFltAry (String key, float[] defaultVal)
 get float array associated to key More...
float[] getFltAry (String value)
final Integer getInt (String key, Integer defaultVal)
 get integer value associated to key More...
final int[] getIntAry (String key)
 get integer array associated to key More...
final Short getShort (String key, Short defaultVal)
 get short value associated to key More...
Short getShort (String value)
final String getStr (String key)
 get value associated to keyword More...
final String getStr (String key, String defaultVal)
 get value associated to key More...
 GrxConfigBundle ()
 constructor More...
 GrxConfigBundle (String fname) throws IOException
 construct from a file More...
final boolean isFalse (String key)
 check whether value associated to key includes a word "false" More...
final boolean isFalse (String key, boolean defaultVal)
 check whether value associated to key includes a word "false" More...
final boolean isTrue (String key)
 check whether value associated to key includes a word "true" More...
final boolean isTrue (String key, boolean defaultVal)
 check whether value associated to key includes a word "true" More...
void load (String fname) throws IOException
 load config from a file More...
final void setBool (String key, boolean value)
final void setDbl (String key, double value)
 associate double value to key More...
final void setDbl (String key, double value, int digits)
 associate double value to key More...
final void setDblAry (String key, double[] value, int digits)
 associate double array to key More...
final void setDblAry (String key, double[] value)
 associate double array to key More...
final void setFlt (String key, float value)
 associate float value to key More...
final void setFltAry (String key, float[] value)
 associate float array to key More...
final void setInt (String key, int value)
 associate int value to key More...
final void setShort (String key, short value)
 associate short value to key More...
void store (String fname, String comments) throws IOException
 store this config More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.GrxBasePlugin
static Object getField (Class<?extends GrxBasePlugin > cls, String field, Object defaultValue)
 get field More...
- Public Attributes inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.item.GrxTransformItem
BranchGroup bg_
Vector< GrxTransformItemchildren_
GrxTransformItem parent_
TransformGroup tg_
- Protected Attributes inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.item.GrxTransformItem
GrxModelItem model_
- Protected Attributes inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.GrxBaseItem
String clipValue_ = ""
File file_
- Protected Attributes inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.GrxBasePlugin
Document doc_
Element element_
GrxPluginManager manager_
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.GrxBaseItem
static final String[] jointTypeComboItem_ = new String[] { "fixed", "rotate", "free", "slide" }
static final String[] methodComboItem_ = new String[] { "EULER", "RUNGE_KUTTA" }
static final String[] modeComboItem_ = new String[] { "Torque", "HighGain" }
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from com.generalrobotix.ui.GrxBasePlugin
static final String[] booleanComboItem_ = new String[] {"true", "false" }
static final String INDENT4 = " "
static final String ITEM_TAG = "item"
static final String PROPERTY_TAG = "property"
static final String VIEW_TAG = "view"

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

com.generalrobotix.ui.item.GrxHwcItem.GrxHwcItem ( String  name,
GrxPluginManager  manager,
GrxModelItem  model,
HwcInfo  info 
infoHwc information retrieved through ModelLoader

Definition at line 31 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): AIST, General Robotix Inc., Nakamura Lab of Dept. of Mechano Informatics at University of Tokyo
autogenerated on Sat Apr 13 2019 02:14:29