std::string SerializeId()
The identification of the class for serialization.
CapturePluginFile(const std::string &captureType)
CaptureDevice captureDevice()
The camera information associated to this capture object.
unsigned long mXResolution
cv::VideoCapture mVideoCapture
bool Serialize(Serialization *serialization)
Performs serialization of the class members and configuration.
This file implements a capture plugin based on File.
CaptureDevice holder for camera information.
void registerPlugin(const std::string &captureType, alvar::CapturePlugin *&capturePlugin)
CapturePlugin interface that plugins must implement.
bool start()
Starts the camera capture.
Capture * createCapture(const CaptureDevice captureDevice)
Create Capture class. Transfers onwership to the caller.
void stop()
Stops the camera capture.
bool isCapturing()
Test if the camera was properly initialized.
CaptureDeviceVector enumerateDevices()
Enumerate capture devices currently available.
Capture interface that plugins must implement.
IplImage * captureImage()
Capture one image from the camera.
Class for serializing class content to/from file or std::iostream.
Implementation of Capture interface for File plugin.
std::vector< CaptureDevice > CaptureDeviceVector
Vector of CaptureDevices.
bool showSettingsDialog()
Show the settings dialog of the camera.
unsigned long mYResolution
CaptureFile(const CaptureDevice captureDevice)