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swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmData Class Reference

The actual UTM conversion processing takes place in this helper class, which is a singleton due to the large memory footprint of the underlying PROJ.4 projections library structures. More...

Public Member Functions

void ToLatLon (int zone, char band, double easting, double northing, double &latitude, double &longitude) const
 Convert UTM easting and northing to WGS84 latitude and longitude. More...
void ToUtm (double latitude, double longitude, double &easting, double &northing) const
 Convert WGS84 latitude and longitude to UTM. More...
void ToUtm (double latitude, double longitude, int &zone, char &band, double &easting, double &northing) const
 Convert WGS84 latitude and longitude to UTM. More...
 ~UtmData ()

Private Member Functions

 UtmData ()

Private Attributes

boost::mutex mutex_
PJ * P_ll_north_ [60]
PJ * P_ll_south_ [60]


class boost::serialization::detail::singleton_wrapper< swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmData >

Detailed Description

The actual UTM conversion processing takes place in this helper class, which is a singleton due to the large memory footprint of the underlying PROJ.4 projections library structures.

Thread safety is enforced with mutexes around the PROJ.4 functions, but could be achieved in the future with a thread-safe version of PROJ.4 or ignored all together if the calls can be determined to be thread safe in this context.

Definition at line 116 of file utm_util.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~UtmData()

swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmData::~UtmData ( )

◆ UtmData()

swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmData::UtmData ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ ToLatLon()

void swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmData::ToLatLon ( int  zone,
char  band,
double  easting,
double  northing,
double &  latitude,
double &  longitude 
) const

Convert UTM easting and northing to WGS84 latitude and longitude.

[in]zoneUTM zone.
[in]bandUTM band.
[in]eastingUTM easting in meters.
[in]northingUTM northing in meters.
[out]latitudeWGS84 latitude in degrees.
[out]longitudeWGS84 longitude in degrees.

◆ ToUtm() [1/2]

void swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmData::ToUtm ( double  latitude,
double  longitude,
double &  easting,
double &  northing 
) const

Convert WGS84 latitude and longitude to UTM.

[in]latitudeLatitude value in degrees.
[in]longitudeLongitude value in degrees.
[out]eastingUTM easting in meters.
[out]northingUTM northing in meters.

◆ ToUtm() [2/2]

void swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmData::ToUtm ( double  latitude,
double  longitude,
int &  zone,
char &  band,
double &  easting,
double &  northing 
) const

Convert WGS84 latitude and longitude to UTM.

[in]latitudeLatitude value in degrees.
[in]longitudeLongitude value in degrees.
[out]zoneUTM zone number
[out]bandUTM band letter
[out]eastingUTM easting in meters.
[out]northingUTM northing in meters.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ boost::serialization::detail::singleton_wrapper< swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmData >

friend class boost::serialization::detail::singleton_wrapper< swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmData >

Definition at line 164 of file utm_util.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mutex_

boost::mutex swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmData::mutex_

Definition at line 172 of file utm_util.h.

◆ P_ll_north_

PJ* swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmData::P_ll_north_[60]

Definition at line 169 of file utm_util.h.

◆ P_ll_south_

PJ* swri_transform_util::UtmUtil::UtmData::P_ll_south_[60]

Definition at line 170 of file utm_util.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Marc Alban
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2024 02:33:19