Classes | Functions
gtwrap.interface_parser.namespace Namespace Reference


class  Namespace


list find_sub_namespace ("Namespace" namespace, List["Namespace"] str_namespaces)

Detailed Description

GTSAM Copyright 2010-2020, Georgia Tech Research Corporation,
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
All Rights Reserved

See LICENSE for the license information

Classes and rules to parse a namespace.

Author: Duy Nguyen Ta, Fan Jiang, Matthew Sklar, Varun Agrawal, and Frank Dellaert

Function Documentation

◆ find_sub_namespace()

list gtwrap.interface_parser.namespace.find_sub_namespace ( "Namespace"  namespace,
List["Namespace"]  str_namespaces 
Get the namespaces nested under `namespace`, filtered by a list of namespace strings.

    namespace: The top-level namespace under which to find sub-namespaces.
    str_namespaces: The list of namespace strings to filter against.

Definition at line 29 of file interface_parser/

autogenerated on Fri Oct 4 2024 03:17:27