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gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph Class Reference

#include <HybridGaussianFactorGraph.h>

Inheritance diagram for gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

using Base = HybridFactorGraph
using BaseEliminateable = EliminateableFactorGraph< This >
using Indices = KeyVector
 map from keys to values More...
using shared_ptr = std::shared_ptr< This >
 shared_ptr to This More...
using This = HybridGaussianFactorGraph
 for elimination More...
using Values = gtsam::Values
 backwards compatibility More...
- Public Types inherited from gtsam::HybridFactorGraph
using Base = FactorGraph< Factor >
using Indices = KeyVector
using shared_ptr = std::shared_ptr< This >
 shared_ptr to This More...
using This = HybridFactorGraph
 this class More...
using Values = gtsam::Values
 backwards compatibility More...
- Public Types inherited from gtsam::FactorGraph< Factor >
typedef FastVector< sharedFactor >::const_iterator const_iterator
typedef Factor FactorType
 factor type More...
typedef FastVector< sharedFactor >::iterator iterator
typedef std::shared_ptr< FactorsharedFactor
 Shared pointer to a factor. More...
typedef sharedFactor value_type
- Public Types inherited from gtsam::EliminateableFactorGraph< HybridGaussianFactorGraph >
typedef EliminationTraitsType::BayesNetType BayesNetType
 Bayes net type produced by sequential elimination. More...
typedef EliminationTraitsType::BayesTreeType BayesTreeType
 Bayes tree type produced by multifrontal elimination. More...
typedef EliminationTraitsType::ConditionalType ConditionalType
 Conditional type stored in the Bayes net produced by elimination. More...
typedef std::function< EliminationResult(const FactorGraphType &, const Ordering &)> Eliminate
 The function type that does a single dense elimination step on a subgraph. More...
typedef std::pair< std::shared_ptr< ConditionalType >, std::shared_ptr< _FactorType > > EliminationResult
typedef EliminationTraits< FactorGraphTypeEliminationTraitsType
 Typedef to the specific EliminationTraits for this graph. More...
typedef EliminationTraitsType::EliminationTreeType EliminationTreeType
 Elimination tree type that can do sequential elimination of this graph. More...
typedef EliminationTraitsType::JunctionTreeType JunctionTreeType
 Junction tree type that can do multifrontal elimination of this graph. More...
typedef std::optional< Ordering::OrderingTypeOptionalOrderingType
 Typedef for an optional ordering type. More...
typedef std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< const VariableIndex > > OptionalVariableIndex

Public Member Functions

 HybridGaussianFactorGraph ()=default
 Default constructor. More...
template<class DERIVEDFACTOR >
 HybridGaussianFactorGraph (const FactorGraph< DERIVEDFACTOR > &graph)
void printErrors (const HybridValues &values, const std::string &str="HybridGaussianFactorGraph: ", const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter, const std::function< bool(const Factor *, double, size_t)> &printCondition=[](const Factor *, double, size_t) { return true;}) const
Standard Interface
AlgebraicDecisionTree< KeyerrorTree (const VectorValues &continuousValues) const
 Compute error for each discrete assignment, and return as a tree. More...
AlgebraicDecisionTree< KeyprobPrime (const VectorValues &continuousValues) const
 Compute unnormalized probability $ P(X | M, Z) $ for each discrete assignment, and return as a tree. More...
double probPrime (const HybridValues &values) const
 Compute the unnormalized posterior probability for a continuous vector values given a specific assignment. More...
GaussianFactorGraphTree assembleGraphTree () const
 Create a decision tree of factor graphs out of this hybrid factor graph. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::HybridFactorGraph
 HybridFactorGraph ()=default
 Default constructor. More...
template<class DERIVEDFACTOR >
 HybridFactorGraph (const FactorGraph< DERIVEDFACTOR > &graph)
std::set< DiscreteKeydiscreteKeys () const
 Get all the discrete keys in the factor graph. More...
KeySet discreteKeySet () const
 Get all the discrete keys in the factor graph, as a set. More...
std::unordered_map< Key, DiscreteKeydiscreteKeyMap () const
 Get a map from Key to corresponding DiscreteKey. More...
const KeySet continuousKeySet () const
 Get all the continuous keys in the factor graph. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::FactorGraph< Factor >
 FactorGraph (std::initializer_list< std::shared_ptr< DERIVEDFACTOR >> sharedFactors)
virtual ~FactorGraph ()=default
void reserve (size_t size)
IsDerived< DERIVEDFACTOR > push_back (std::shared_ptr< DERIVEDFACTOR > factor)
 Add a factor directly using a shared_ptr. More...
IsDerived< DERIVEDFACTOR > push_back (const DERIVEDFACTOR &factor)
IsDerived< DERIVEDFACTOR > emplace_shared (Args &&... args)
 Emplace a shared pointer to factor of given type. More...
IsDerived< DERIVEDFACTOR > add (std::shared_ptr< DERIVEDFACTOR > factor)
 add is a synonym for push_back. More...
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< FactorType, DERIVEDFACTOR >::value, This >::typeoperator+= (std::shared_ptr< DERIVEDFACTOR > factor)
 Append factor to factor graph. More...
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< FactorType, DERIVEDFACTOR >::value, This >::typeoperator, (std::shared_ptr< DERIVEDFACTOR > factor)
 Overload comma operator to allow for append chaining. More...
HasDerivedElementType< ITERATOR > push_back (ITERATOR firstFactor, ITERATOR lastFactor)
HasDerivedValueType< ITERATOR > push_back (ITERATOR firstFactor, ITERATOR lastFactor)
 Push back many factors with an iterator (factors are copied) More...
HasDerivedElementType< CONTAINER > push_back (const CONTAINER &container)
HasDerivedValueType< CONTAINER > push_back (const CONTAINER &container)
 Push back non-pointer objects in a container (factors are copied). More...
void add (const FACTOR_OR_CONTAINER &factorOrContainer)
Thisoperator+= (const FACTOR_OR_CONTAINER &factorOrContainer)
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< This, typename CLIQUE::FactorGraphType >::value >::type push_back (const BayesTree< CLIQUE > &bayesTree)
FactorIndices add_factors (const CONTAINER &factors, bool useEmptySlots=false)
virtual void print (const std::string &s="FactorGraph", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const
 Print out graph to std::cout, with optional key formatter. More...
bool equals (const This &fg, double tol=1e-9) const
 Check equality up to tolerance. More...
size_t size () const
bool empty () const
const sharedFactor at (size_t i) const
sharedFactorat (size_t i)
std::shared_ptr< F > at (size_t i)
const std::shared_ptr< F > at (size_t i) const
 Const version of templated at method. More...
const sharedFactor operator[] (size_t i) const
sharedFactoroperator[] (size_t i)
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
sharedFactor front () const
sharedFactor back () const
double error (const HybridValues &values) const
iterator begin ()
iterator end ()
virtual void resize (size_t size)
void remove (size_t i)
void replace (size_t index, sharedFactor factor)
iterator erase (iterator item)
iterator erase (iterator first, iterator last)
void dot (std::ostream &os, const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter, const DotWriter &writer=DotWriter()) const
 Output to graphviz format, stream version. More...
std::string dot (const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter, const DotWriter &writer=DotWriter()) const
 Output to graphviz format string. More...
void saveGraph (const std::string &filename, const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter, const DotWriter &writer=DotWriter()) const
 output to file with graphviz format. More...
size_t nrFactors () const
KeySet keys () const
KeyVector keyVector () const
bool exists (size_t idx) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from gtsam::EliminateableFactorGraph< HybridGaussianFactorGraph >
std::shared_ptr< BayesTreeTypeeliminateMultifrontal (const Ordering &ordering, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::shared_ptr< BayesTreeTypeeliminateMultifrontal (OptionalOrderingType orderingType={}, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::pair< std::shared_ptr< BayesTreeType >, std::shared_ptr< FactorGraphType > > eliminatePartialMultifrontal (const KeyVector &variables, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::pair< std::shared_ptr< BayesTreeType >, std::shared_ptr< FactorGraphType > > eliminatePartialMultifrontal (const Ordering &ordering, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::pair< std::shared_ptr< BayesNetType >, std::shared_ptr< FactorGraphType > > eliminatePartialSequential (const KeyVector &variables, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::pair< std::shared_ptr< BayesNetType >, std::shared_ptr< FactorGraphType > > eliminatePartialSequential (const Ordering &ordering, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::shared_ptr< BayesNetTypeeliminateSequential (const Ordering &ordering, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::shared_ptr< BayesNetTypeeliminateSequential (OptionalOrderingType orderingType={}, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::shared_ptr< FactorGraphTypemarginal (const KeyVector &variables, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::shared_ptr< BayesNetTypemarginalMultifrontalBayesNet (const KeyVector &variables, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::shared_ptr< BayesNetTypemarginalMultifrontalBayesNet (const KeyVector &variables, const Ordering &marginalizedVariableOrdering, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::shared_ptr< BayesNetTypemarginalMultifrontalBayesNet (const Ordering &variables, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::shared_ptr< BayesNetTypemarginalMultifrontalBayesNet (const Ordering &variables, const Ordering &marginalizedVariableOrdering, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::shared_ptr< BayesTreeTypemarginalMultifrontalBayesTree (const KeyVector &variables, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::shared_ptr< BayesTreeTypemarginalMultifrontalBayesTree (const KeyVector &variables, const Ordering &marginalizedVariableOrdering, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::shared_ptr< BayesTreeTypemarginalMultifrontalBayesTree (const Ordering &variables, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const
std::shared_ptr< BayesTreeTypemarginalMultifrontalBayesTree (const Ordering &variables, const Ordering &marginalizedVariableOrdering, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex={}) const

Protected Types

template<typename FACTOR >
using IsGaussian = typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< GaussianFactor, FACTOR >::value >::type
 Check if FACTOR type is derived from GaussianFactor. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from gtsam::FactorGraph< Factor >
bool isEqual (const FactorGraph &other) const
 Check exact equality of the factor pointers. Useful for derived ==. More...
 FactorGraph ()
 FactorGraph (ITERATOR firstFactor, ITERATOR lastFactor)
 FactorGraph (const CONTAINER &factors)
- Protected Attributes inherited from gtsam::FactorGraph< Factor >
FastVector< sharedFactorfactors_

Detailed Description

Hybrid Gaussian Factor Graph

This is the linearized version of a hybrid factor graph.

Definition at line 104 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Base

Definition at line 114 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.h.

◆ BaseEliminateable

Definition at line 117 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.h.

◆ Indices

map from keys to values

Definition at line 121 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.h.

◆ IsGaussian

template<typename FACTOR >
using gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph::IsGaussian = typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of<GaussianFactor, FACTOR>::value>::type

Check if FACTOR type is derived from GaussianFactor.

Definition at line 111 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.h.

◆ shared_ptr

shared_ptr to This

Definition at line 118 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.h.

◆ This

for elimination

Definition at line 116 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.h.

◆ Values

backwards compatibility

Definition at line 120 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HybridGaussianFactorGraph() [1/2]

gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph::HybridGaussianFactorGraph ( )

Default constructor.

◆ HybridGaussianFactorGraph() [2/2]

template<class DERIVEDFACTOR >
gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph::HybridGaussianFactorGraph ( const FactorGraph< DERIVEDFACTOR > &  graph)

Implicit copy/downcast constructor to override explicit template container constructor. In BayesTree this is used for: cachedSeparatorMarginal_.reset(*separatorMarginal)

Definition at line 135 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ assembleGraphTree()

GaussianFactorGraphTree gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph::assembleGraphTree ( ) const

Create a decision tree of factor graphs out of this hybrid factor graph.

For example, if there are two mixture factors, one with a discrete key A and one with a discrete key B, then the decision tree will have two levels, one for A and one for B. The leaves of the tree will be the Gaussian factors that have only continuous keys.

Definition at line 177 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.cpp.

◆ errorTree()

AlgebraicDecisionTree< Key > gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph::errorTree ( const VectorValues continuousValues) const

Compute error for each discrete assignment, and return as a tree.

Error $ e = \Vert x - \mu \Vert_{\Sigma} $.

continuousValuesContinuous values at which to compute the error.

Definition at line 502 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.cpp.

◆ printErrors()

void gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph::printErrors ( const HybridValues values,
const std::string &  str = "HybridGaussianFactorGraph: ",
const KeyFormatter keyFormatter = DefaultKeyFormatter,
const std::function< bool(const Factor *, double, size_t)> &  printCondition = [](const Factor*, double, size_t) { return true; } 
) const

Definition at line 78 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.cpp.

◆ probPrime() [1/2]

double gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph::probPrime ( const HybridValues values) const

Compute the unnormalized posterior probability for a continuous vector values given a specific assignment.


Definition at line 533 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.cpp.

◆ probPrime() [2/2]

AlgebraicDecisionTree< Key > gtsam::HybridGaussianFactorGraph::probPrime ( const VectorValues continuousValues) const

Compute unnormalized probability $ P(X | M, Z) $ for each discrete assignment, and return as a tree.

continuousValuesContinuous values at which to compute the probability.

Definition at line 540 of file HybridGaussianFactorGraph.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

autogenerated on Mon Jul 1 2024 03:14:13