Macros | Typedefs | Functions
yapi.h File Reference
#include "ydef.h"
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#define Y_DETECT_NET   2
#define Y_DETECT_NONE   0
#define Y_DETECT_USB   1


typedef void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT(* yapiDeviceLogCallback) (YAPI_FUNCTION fundescr, const char *line)
typedef void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT(* yapiDeviceUpdateCallback) (YAPI_DEVICE devdescr)
typedef void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT(* yapiFunctionUpdateCallback) (YAPI_FUNCTION fundescr, const char *value)
typedef void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT(* yapiHubDiscoveryCallback) (const char *serial, const char *url)
typedef void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT(* yapiLogFunction) (const char *log, u32 loglen)
typedef void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT(* yapiTimedReportCallback) (YAPI_FUNCTION fundesc, double timestamp, const u8 *bytes, u32 len)
typedef void(* yRawNotificationCb) (USB_Notify_Pkt *)
typedef void(* yRawReportCb) (YAPI_DEVICE serialref, USB_Report_Pkt_V1 *report, int pktsize)
typedef void(* yRawReportV2Cb) (YAPI_DEVICE serialref, USB_Report_Pkt_V2 *report, int pktsize)


YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiCheckFirmware (const char *serial, const char *rev, const char *path, char *buffer, int buffersize, int *fullsize, char *errmsg)
int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiCheckLogicalName (const char *name)
void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiFreeAPI (void)
YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT void yapiFreeMem (void *ptr)
int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetAllDevices (YAPI_DEVICE *buffer, int maxsize, int *neededsize, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetAllJsonKeys (const char *jsonbuffer, char *out_buffer, int out_buffersize, int *fullsize, char *errmsg)
u16 YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetAPIVersion (const char **version, const char **apidate)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetBootloaders (char *buffer, int buffersize, int *fullsize, char *errmsg)
YAPI_DEVICE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetDevice (const char *device_str, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetDeviceInfo (YAPI_DEVICE devdesc, yDeviceSt *infos, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetDevicePath (YAPI_DEVICE devdesc, char *rootdevice, char *path, int pathsize, int *neededsize, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetDevicePathEx (const char *serial, char *rootdevice, char *request, int requestsize, int *neededsize, char *errmsg)
YAPI_FUNCTION YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetFunction (const char *class_str, const char *function_str, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetFunctionInfo (YAPI_FUNCTION fundesc, YAPI_DEVICE *devdesc, char *serial, char *funcId, char *funcName, char *funcVal, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetFunctionInfoEx (YAPI_FUNCTION fundesc, YAPI_DEVICE *devdesc, char *serial, char *funcId, char *baseType, char *funcName, char *funcVal, char *errmsg)
int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetFunctionsByClass (const char *class_str, YAPI_FUNCTION prevfundesc, YAPI_FUNCTION *buffer, int maxsize, int *neededsize, char *errmsg)
int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetFunctionsByDevice (YAPI_DEVICE devdesc, YAPI_FUNCTION prevfundesc, YAPI_FUNCTION *buffer, int maxsize, int *neededsize, char *errmsg)
YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT void * yapiGetMem (int size)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetSubdevices (const char *serial, char *buffer, int buffersize, int *fullsize, char *errmsg)
u64 YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetTickCount (void)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHandleEvents (char *errmsg)
int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequest (const char *device, const char *request, char *buffer, int buffsize, int *fullsize, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestAsync (const char *device, const char *request, yapiRequestAsyncCallback callback, void *context, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestAsyncEx (const char *device, const char *request, int requestsize, yapiRequestAsyncCallback callback, void *context, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestAsyncOutOfBand (int channel, const char *device, const char *request, int requestsize, yapiRequestAsyncCallback callback, void *context, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestSyncDone (YIOHDL *iohdl, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestSyncStart (YIOHDL *iohdl, const char *device, const char *request, char **reply, int *replysize, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestSyncStartEx (YIOHDL *iohdl, const char *device, const char *request, int requestsize, char **reply, int *replysize, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestSyncStartOutOfBand (YIOHDL *iohdl, int channel, const char *device, const char *request, int requestsize, char **reply, int *replysize, yapiRequestProgressCallback progress_cb, void *progress_ctx, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiInitAPI (int type, char *errmsg)
int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiJsonDecodeString (const char *json_string, char *output)
int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiJsonGetPath (const char *path, const char *json_data, int json_size, const char **result, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiLockDeviceCallBack (char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiLockFunctionCallBack (char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiPreregisterHub (const char *rooturl, char *errmsg)
void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterDeviceArrivalCallback (yapiDeviceUpdateCallback arrivalCallback)
void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterDeviceChangeCallback (yapiDeviceUpdateCallback changeCallback)
void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterDeviceLogCallback (yapiDeviceLogCallback logCallback)
void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback (yapiDeviceUpdateCallback removalCallback)
void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterFunctionUpdateCallback (yapiFunctionUpdateCallback updateCallback)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterHub (const char *rooturl, char *errmsg)
void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterHubDiscoveryCallback (yapiHubDiscoveryCallback hubDiscoveryCallback)
void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterLogFunction (yapiLogFunction logfun)
void yapiRegisterRawNotificationCb (yRawNotificationCb callback)
void yapiRegisterRawReportCb (yRawReportCb callback)
void yapiRegisterRawReportV2Cb (yRawReportV2Cb callback)
void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterTimedReportCallback (yapiTimedReportCallback timedReportCallback)
void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiSetTraceFile (const char *file)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiSleep (int duration_ms, char *errmsg)
void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiStartStopDeviceLogCallback (const char *serial, int start)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiTestHub (const char *rooturl, int mstimeout, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiTriggerHubDiscovery (char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiUnlockDeviceCallBack (char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiUnlockFunctionCallBack (char *errmsg)
void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiUnregisterHub (const char *url)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiUpdateDeviceList (u32 forceupdate, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiUpdateFirmware (const char *serial, const char *firmwarePath, const char *settings, int startUpdate, char *errmsg)
YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiUpdateFirmwareEx (const char *serial, const char *firmwarePath, const char *settings, int force, int startUpdate, char *errmsg)

Macro Definition Documentation


Definition at line 128 of file yapi.h.


Definition at line 126 of file yapi.h.

#define Y_DETECT_NET   2

Definition at line 124 of file yapi.h.

#define Y_DETECT_NONE   0

Definition at line 122 of file yapi.h.

#define Y_DETECT_USB   1

Definition at line 123 of file yapi.h.


Definition at line 125 of file yapi.h.


Definition at line 58 of file yapi.h.


Definition at line 56 of file yapi.h.


Definition at line 57 of file yapi.h.


Definition at line 52 of file yapi.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT(* yapiDeviceLogCallback) (YAPI_FUNCTION fundescr, const char *line)

Definition at line 83 of file yapi.h.

typedef void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT(* yapiDeviceUpdateCallback) (YAPI_DEVICE devdescr)

Definition at line 68 of file yapi.h.

typedef void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT(* yapiFunctionUpdateCallback) (YAPI_FUNCTION fundescr, const char *value)

Definition at line 75 of file yapi.h.

typedef void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT(* yapiHubDiscoveryCallback) (const char *serial, const char *url)

Definition at line 81 of file yapi.h.

typedef void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT(* yapiLogFunction) (const char *log, u32 loglen)

Definition at line 65 of file yapi.h.

typedef void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT(* yapiTimedReportCallback) (YAPI_FUNCTION fundesc, double timestamp, const u8 *bytes, u32 len)

Definition at line 78 of file yapi.h.

typedef void(* yRawNotificationCb) (USB_Notify_Pkt *)

Definition at line 1054 of file yapi.h.

typedef void(* yRawReportCb) (YAPI_DEVICE serialref, USB_Report_Pkt_V1 *report, int pktsize)

Definition at line 1055 of file yapi.h.

typedef void(* yRawReportV2Cb) (YAPI_DEVICE serialref, USB_Report_Pkt_V2 *report, int pktsize)

Definition at line 1056 of file yapi.h.

Function Documentation

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiCheckFirmware ( const char *  serial,
const char *  rev,
const char *  path,
char *  buffer,
int  buffersize,
int *  fullsize,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4730 of file yapi.c.

int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiCheckLogicalName ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 4464 of file yapi.c.

void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiFreeAPI ( void  )

Definition at line 4304 of file yapi.c.

YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT void yapiFreeMem ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 4724 of file yapi.c.

int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetAllDevices ( YAPI_DEVICE buffer,
int  maxsize,
int *  neededsize,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4497 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetAllJsonKeys ( const char *  jsonbuffer,
char *  out_buffer,
int  out_buffersize,
int *  fullsize,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4706 of file yapi.c.

u16 YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetAPIVersion ( const char **  version,
const char **  apidate 

Definition at line 4472 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetBootloaders ( char *  buffer,
int  buffersize,
int *  fullsize,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4673 of file yapi.c.

YAPI_DEVICE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetDevice ( const char *  device_str,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4488 of file yapi.c.

yDeviceSt infos,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4506 of file yapi.c.

char *  rootdevice,
char *  path,
int  pathsize,
int *  neededsize,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4515 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetDevicePathEx ( const char *  serial,
char *  rootdevice,
char *  request,
int  requestsize,
int *  neededsize,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4524 of file yapi.c.

YAPI_FUNCTION YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetFunction ( const char *  class_str,
const char *  function_str,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4533 of file yapi.c.

YAPI_DEVICE devdesc,
char *  serial,
char *  funcId,
char *  funcName,
char *  funcVal,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4562 of file yapi.c.

YAPI_DEVICE devdesc,
char *  serial,
char *  funcId,
char *  baseType,
char *  funcName,
char *  funcVal,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4572 of file yapi.c.

int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetFunctionsByClass ( const char *  class_str,
YAPI_FUNCTION  prevfundesc,
int  maxsize,
int *  neededsize,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4542 of file yapi.c.

int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetFunctionsByDevice ( YAPI_DEVICE  devdesc,
YAPI_FUNCTION  prevfundesc,
int  maxsize,
int *  neededsize,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4552 of file yapi.c.

YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT void* yapiGetMem ( int  size)

Definition at line 4715 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetSubdevices ( const char *  serial,
char *  buffer,
int  buffersize,
int *  fullsize,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4758 of file yapi.c.

u64 YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiGetTickCount ( void  )

Definition at line 2713 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHandleEvents ( char *  errmsg)

Definition at line 4446 of file yapi.c.

int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequest ( const char *  device,
const char *  request,
char *  buffer,
int  buffsize,
int *  fullsize,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4648 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestAsync ( const char *  device,
const char *  request,
yapiRequestAsyncCallback  callback,
void *  context,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4629 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestAsyncEx ( const char *  device,
const char *  request,
int  requestsize,
yapiRequestAsyncCallback  callback,
void *  context,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4620 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiHTTPRequestAsyncOutOfBand ( int  channel,
const char *  device,
const char *  request,
int  requestsize,
yapiRequestAsyncCallback  callback,
void *  context,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4638 of file yapi.c.

char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4611 of file yapi.c.

const char *  device,
const char *  request,
char **  reply,
int *  replysize,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4591 of file yapi.c.

const char *  device,
const char *  request,
int  requestsize,
char **  reply,
int *  replysize,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4582 of file yapi.c.

int  channel,
const char *  device,
const char *  request,
int  requestsize,
char **  reply,
int *  replysize,
yapiRequestProgressCallback  progress_cb,
void *  progress_ctx,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4601 of file yapi.c.

char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4295 of file yapi.c.

int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiJsonDecodeString ( const char *  json_string,
char *  output 

Definition at line 4683 of file yapi.c.

int YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiJsonGetPath ( const char *  path,
const char *  json_data,
int  json_size,
const char **  result,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4691 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiLockDeviceCallBack ( char *  errmsg)

Definition at line 4385 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiLockFunctionCallBack ( char *  errmsg)

Definition at line 4367 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiPreregisterHub ( const char *  rooturl,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4421 of file yapi.c.

void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterDeviceArrivalCallback ( yapiDeviceUpdateCallback  arrivalCallback)

Definition at line 4332 of file yapi.c.

void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterDeviceChangeCallback ( yapiDeviceUpdateCallback  changeCallback)

Definition at line 4346 of file yapi.c.

void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterDeviceLogCallback ( yapiDeviceLogCallback  logCallback)

Definition at line 4318 of file yapi.c.

void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback ( yapiDeviceUpdateCallback  removalCallback)

Definition at line 4339 of file yapi.c.

void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterFunctionUpdateCallback ( yapiFunctionUpdateCallback  updateCallback)

Definition at line 4353 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterHub ( const char *  rooturl,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4412 of file yapi.c.

void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterHubDiscoveryCallback ( yapiHubDiscoveryCallback  hubDiscoveryCallback)

Definition at line 4657 of file yapi.c.

void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterLogFunction ( yapiLogFunction  logfun)

Definition at line 4311 of file yapi.c.

void yapiRegisterRawNotificationCb ( yRawNotificationCb  callback)

Definition at line 4093 of file yapi.c.

void yapiRegisterRawReportCb ( yRawReportCb  callback)

Definition at line 4103 of file yapi.c.

void yapiRegisterRawReportV2Cb ( yRawReportV2Cb  callback)

Definition at line 4113 of file yapi.c.

void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiRegisterTimedReportCallback ( yapiTimedReportCallback  timedReportCallback)

Definition at line 4360 of file yapi.c.

void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiSetTraceFile ( const char *  file)

Definition at line 4481 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiSleep ( int  duration_ms,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4455 of file yapi.c.

void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiStartStopDeviceLogCallback ( const char *  serial,
int  start 

Definition at line 4325 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiTestHub ( const char *  rooturl,
int  mstimeout,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4403 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiTriggerHubDiscovery ( char *  errmsg)

Definition at line 4664 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiUnlockDeviceCallBack ( char *  errmsg)

Definition at line 4394 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiUnlockFunctionCallBack ( char *  errmsg)

Definition at line 4376 of file yapi.c.

void YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiUnregisterHub ( const char *  url)

Definition at line 4430 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiUpdateDeviceList ( u32  forceupdate,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4437 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiUpdateFirmware ( const char *  serial,
const char *  firmwarePath,
const char *  settings,
int  startUpdate,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4739 of file yapi.c.

YRETCODE YAPI_FUNCTION_EXPORT yapiUpdateFirmwareEx ( const char *  serial,
const char *  firmwarePath,
const char *  settings,
int  force,
int  startUpdate,
char *  errmsg 

Definition at line 4748 of file yapi.c.

Author(s): Anja Sheppard
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 15:49:13