▼NXmlRpc | |
CXmlRpcClient | A class to send XML RPC requests to a server and return the results |
▼CXmlRpcDispatch | |
CMonitoredSource | |
CXmlRpcErrorHandler | An interface allowing custom handling of error message reporting |
CXmlRpcException | |
CXmlRpcLogHandler | An interface allowing custom handling of informational message reporting |
CXmlRpcServer | A class to handle XML RPC requests |
CXmlRpcServerConnection | A class to handle XML RPC requests from a particular client |
CXmlRpcServerMethod | Abstract class representing a single RPC method |
CXmlRpcSocket | A platform-independent socket API |
CXmlRpcSource | An RPC source represents a file descriptor to monitor |
CXmlRpcUtil | Utilities for XML parsing, encoding, and decoding and message handlers |
CXmlRpcValue | RPC method arguments and results are represented by Values |
CArrayOfStructsTest | |
▼Cbase64 | |
Ccrlf | |
Ccrlfsp | |
Cnoline | |
Cthree2four | |
CClearFlagOnExit | |
CCountTheEntities | |
CDefaultErrorHandler | |
CDefaultLogHandler | |
CEasyStructTest | |
CEchoStructTest | |
CHello | |
CHelloName | |
CListMethods | |
CManyTypesTest | |
CMethodHelp | |
CModerateSizeArrayCheck | |
CNestedStructTest | |
CSimpleStructReturnTest | |
CSum | |
CTestBase64 |