Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Casv::WavefieldEntityA class to manage a wave field that can be accessed from the World
 Casv::GeometryA collection of static methods concerning linear geometry
 Cgazebo::WaveguagePluginA plugin that sets the model height (z) to be the same as the wave height calculated for the physics. All SDF parameters are optional
 Casv::WavefieldModelPluginA Gazebo model plugin to simulate water waves
 Casv::PhysicalConstantsA collection of static methods to retrieve physical constants
 Casv::PhysicsA collection of static methods for various physics calculations
 Casv::WavefieldVisualPluginA Gazebo visual plugin to synchronise and control a vertex shader rendering Gerstner waves. It also renders reflections and refractions onto the water
 Casv::UtilitiesA collection of static methods for common tasks
 Casv::WavefieldVisualPluginA Gazebo visual plugin to synchronise and control a vertex shader rendering Gerstner waves. It also renders reflections and refractions onto the water
 Casv::WavefieldSamplerA class to manage sampling depths from a wave field
 Casv::WaveParametersA class to manage the parameters for generating a wave

Author(s): Rhys Mainwaring
autogenerated on Thu May 7 2020 03:54:44