Typedefs | Functions | Variables
uav_simple_tracking.cpp File Reference
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <ros/console.h>
#include <actionlib/server/simple_action_server.h>
#include <cpswarm_msgs/TrackingAction.h>
#include <cpswarm_msgs/TargetPositionEvent.h>
#include "lib/uav_simple_tracking.h"
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typedef actionlib::SimpleActionServer< cpswarm_msgs::TrackingAction > action_server_t
 An action server type that allows to start and stop the tracking task. More...


void ActionCallback (const cpswarm_msgs::TrackingGoalConstPtr &goal, action_server_t *as)
 Callback of the action server which executes the tracking task until it is preempted or finished. More...
void done_callback (const cpswarm_msgs::TargetPositionEvent::ConstPtr &msg)
 Callback function to receive event that target has been done. More...
void lost_callback (const cpswarm_msgs::TargetPositionEvent::ConstPtr &msg)
 Callback function to receive event that target has been lost. More...
int main (int argc, char **argv)
 Main function to be executed by ROS. More...
void update_callback (const cpswarm_msgs::TargetPositionEvent::ConstPtr &msg)
 Callback function to receive target update events. More...


behavior_state_t state
 The state of the behavior algorithm. More...
cpswarm_msgs::TargetPositionEvent target
 The target being tracked. More...

Typedef Documentation

typedef actionlib::SimpleActionServer<cpswarm_msgs::TrackingAction> action_server_t

An action server type that allows to start and stop the tracking task.

Definition at line 23 of file uav_simple_tracking.cpp.

Function Documentation

void ActionCallback ( const cpswarm_msgs::TrackingGoalConstPtr &  goal,
action_server_t as 

Callback of the action server which executes the tracking task until it is preempted or finished.

goalThe goal message received from the action client.
asThe action server offered by this node.

Definition at line 30 of file uav_simple_tracking.cpp.

void done_callback ( const cpswarm_msgs::TargetPositionEvent::ConstPtr &  msg)

Callback function to receive event that target has been done.

msgID and position of target.

Definition at line 105 of file uav_simple_tracking.cpp.

void lost_callback ( const cpswarm_msgs::TargetPositionEvent::ConstPtr &  msg)

Callback function to receive event that target has been lost.

msgID and position of target.

Definition at line 95 of file uav_simple_tracking.cpp.

int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Main function to be executed by ROS.

argcNumber of command line arguments.
argvArray of command line arguments.

Definition at line 117 of file uav_simple_tracking.cpp.

void update_callback ( const cpswarm_msgs::TargetPositionEvent::ConstPtr &  msg)

Callback function to receive target update events.

msgID and position of target.

Definition at line 84 of file uav_simple_tracking.cpp.

Variable Documentation

The state of the behavior algorithm.

Definition at line 13 of file uav_simple_tracking.cpp.

cpswarm_msgs::TargetPositionEvent target

The target being tracked.

Definition at line 18 of file uav_simple_tracking.cpp.

Author(s): Micha Sende
autogenerated on Sat Feb 6 2021 03:11:44