This is the complete list of members for tuw::LayeredMaps, including all inherited members.
BILINEAR enum value | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
circle(T &map, const Point2D &p, int radius, const cv::Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=CV_AA) const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | inline |
clearLayer(const size_t &_layer) | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
clearLayers() | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
computeDistanceField(cv::Mat &_mDst, std::vector< Point2D > &_pSrc, const double &_radius, bool _flipDistance=false, bool connectPoints=false) const | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
computeDistanceField(cv::Mat &_mDst, cv::Mat &_mSrc, const double &_radius, bool _flipDistance=false) const | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
get(cv::Mat_< T > &map, const Point2D &p) const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | inline |
getVal(const size_t &_layer, const tuw::Point2D &_worldPos, Interpolation interpolationType=BILINEAR) const | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
height() const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
infoHeader() const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
init(int width_pixel, int height_pixel, double min_y, double max_y, double min_x, double max_x, double rotation=0) | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
init(const T &metadata) | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | inline |
initialized() | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
initLayers(int width_pixel, int height_pixel, double min_x, double max_x, double min_y, double max_y, double rotation=0) | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
initLayers() | tuw::LayeredMaps | protectedvirtual |
Interpolation enum name | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
LayeredMaps() | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
LayeredMaps(const LayeredMaps &)=default | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
LayeredMaps(LayeredMaps &&)=default | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
line(T &map, const Point2D &p0, const Point2D &p1, const cv::Scalar &color, int thickness=1, int lineType=CV_AA) const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | inline |
m2w(const Point2D &src) const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
m2w(double x, double y) const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
m2w(const Point2D &src, Point2D &des) const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
mapLayer(const size_t &_layer) | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
mapLayer(const size_t &_layer) const | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
mapLayers_ | tuw::LayeredMaps | private |
max_x() const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
max_y() const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
min_x() const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
min_y() const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
Mm2w() const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
Mw2m() const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
operator=(const LayeredMaps &)=default | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
operator=(LayeredMaps &&)=default | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
tuw::WorldScopedMaps::operator=(const WorldScopedMaps &)=default | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
tuw::WorldScopedMaps::operator=(WorldScopedMaps &&)=default | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
resizeLayers(const size_t &_n) | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
scale_w2m(double v) const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
scale_x() const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
scale_y() const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
SIMPLE enum value | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
sizeLayers() const | tuw::LayeredMaps | |
w2m(const Point2D &src) const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
w2m(double x, double y) const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
w2m(const Point2D &src, Point2D &des) const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
width() const | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
WorldScopedMaps() | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
WorldScopedMaps(const WorldScopedMaps &)=default | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
WorldScopedMaps(WorldScopedMaps &&)=default | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | |
~LayeredMaps()=default | tuw::LayeredMaps | virtual |
~WorldScopedMaps()=default | tuw::WorldScopedMaps | virtual |