This is the complete list of members for ObjectManipulationAction, including all inherited members.
addObject(float x, float y, float z, int n) | ObjectManipulationAction | inline |
addObjects(const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState &state, const turtlebot_arm_object_manipulation::ObjectDetectionResultConstPtr &result) | ObjectManipulationAction | inline |
detectObjects() | ObjectManipulationAction | inline |
feedbackCb(const InteractiveMarkerFeedbackConstPtr &feedback) | ObjectManipulationAction | inline |
makeBox(InteractiveMarker &msg, float r, float g, float b) | ObjectManipulationAction | inline |
moveObject(const geometry_msgs::Pose &start_pose, const geometry_msgs::Pose &end_pose) | ObjectManipulationAction | inline |
nh_ | ObjectManipulationAction | private |
object_detection_action_ | ObjectManipulationAction | private |
object_detection_goal_ | ObjectManipulationAction | private |
ObjectManipulationAction() | ObjectManipulationAction | inline |
old_pose_ | ObjectManipulationAction | private |
pick_and_place_action_ | ObjectManipulationAction | private |
pick_and_place_goal_ | ObjectManipulationAction | private |
server_ | ObjectManipulationAction | private |