STOMP MoveIt! Setup

Create the Pipeline Launch File

First, you must already have a moveit_config package that was generated with the MoveIt! Setup Assistant . Once this package is available you can tell the move_group node to load STOMP by creating a stomp_planning_pipeline.launch.xml file as follows:

1 <launch>
3  <!-- Stomp Plugin for MoveIt! -->
4  <arg name="planning_plugin" value="stomp_moveit_interface/StompPlannerManager" />
6  <!-- The request adapters (plugins) ORDER MATTERS -->
7  <arg name="planning_adapters" value="default_planner_request_adapters/FixWorkspaceBounds
8  default_planner_request_adapters/FixStartStateBounds
9  default_planner_request_adapters/FixStartStateCollision
10  default_planner_request_adapters/FixStartStatePathConstraints" />
12  <arg name="start_state_max_bounds_error" value="0.1" />
14  <param name="planning_plugin" value="$(arg planning_plugin)" />
15  <param name="request_adapters" value="$(arg planning_adapters)" />
16  <param name="start_state_max_bounds_error" value="$(arg start_state_max_bounds_error)" />
17  <rosparam command="load" file="$(find test_moveit_config)/config/stomp_planning.yaml"/>
19 </launch>

Modify the move_group.launch file

Open the move_group.launch file of your moveit_config package and change the pipeline parameter to "stomp" as shown below:

<!-- Planning Functionality -->
<include ns="move_group" file="$(test_moveit_config)/launch/planning_pipeline.launch.xml">
<arg name="pipeline" value="stomp" />

Author(s): Jorge Nicho
autogenerated on Fri May 8 2020 03:35:47