22 #ifndef STDR_GUI_CONNECTOR 23 #define STDR_GUI_CONNECTOR 94 void addToGrid(QWidget *w,
int row,
int column);
void loadCo2Pressed(void)
Signal emmited on load CO2 source pressed.
CRobotCreatorConnector robotCreatorConn
< Serves the Qt events of the RobotCreator Widget
void setGridColumnStretch(int cell, int stretch)
Wraps the Qt gridColumnStretch function.
void setMapInitialized(bool mi)
Sets the map_initialized_ private variable.
void actionZoomOutTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the zoom out tool button is pressed.
void robotFromFile(stdr_msgs::RobotMsg msg)
Signal emmited on load robot from file pressed.
void show(void)
Shows the main window.
void setAdjustedCursor(bool state)
Qt signal that is emmited when the Adjust map button is pressed.
bool map_initialized_
True if grid is enabled.
void shutdown(void)
Shuts down the main window.
void actionNewRobotTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the NewRobot tool button is pressed.
void setZoomInCursor(bool state)
Qt signal that is emmited in GuiConnector::actionZoomInTriggered and connects to MapLoader::setCursor...
void raiseMessage(QString title, QString s)
Raises a message box with a specific message.
void addToGrid(QWidget *w, int row, int column)
Adds a widget to the main window Qt grid.
void loadSoundPressed(void)
Signal emmited on load sound source pressed.
bool closeTriggered(void)
Returns the exit triggered status.
void actionAddRobotTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the AddRobot tool button is pressed.
Serves the Qt events of the main GUI window. Inherits from QObject.
QEvent * getCloseEvent(void)
Returns the exit event captured.
void setZoomOutCursor(bool state)
Qt signal that is emmited in GuiConnector::actionZoomOutTriggered and connects to MapLoader::setCurso...
int argc_
< Number of input arguments
void actionGridTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the grid status has changed.
void actionAdjustedTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the adjusted map visualization tool button is pressed.
void loadRfidPressed(void)
Signal emmited on load RFID tag pressed.
void setStatusBarMessage(QString s)
Displays a message in the QMainWindow status bar.
void actionNewSoundTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the NewSound tool button is pressed.
CGuiConnector(int argc, char **argv)
Default contructor.
The main namespace for STDR GUI.
void actionNewCo2Triggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the NewCO2 tool button is pressed.
void loadThermalPressed(void)
Signal emmited on load thermal source pressed.
bool grid_enabled_
The loader of main GUI QWidget.
void actionLoadMapTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the LoadMap tool button is pressed.
void actionExitTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the Exit action is triggered.
void guiExitEvent(void)
Signal emmited on exit pressed.
Implements the high level functionalities of the robot creator widget. Inherits form QObject...
void actionAboutTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the About tool button is pressed.
void actionNewThermalTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the NewThermal tool button is pressed.
char ** argv_
True if any map is loaded from server.
void actionPropertiesTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the Properties tool button is pressed.
void uncheckZoomButtons(void)
Unchecks the zoom in & out buttons when right click in map is pushed.
void actionZoomInTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the zoom in tool button is pressed.
bool isGridEnabled(void)
Returns the grid enabled state.
void actionNewRfidTriggered(void)
Qt slot that is called when the NewRfid tool button is pressed.