Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # Copyright 2015 Shadow Robot Company Ltd.
4 #
5 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
7 # Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
8 #
9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
12 # more details.
13 #
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 # with this program. If not, see <>.
17 import threading
19 import rospy
20 from actionlib import SimpleActionClient
21 from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryAction, \
22  FollowJointTrajectoryGoal
23 from moveit_commander import MoveGroupCommander, RobotCommander, \
24  PlanningSceneInterface
25 from moveit_msgs.msg import RobotTrajectory, PositionIKRequest
26 from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
27 import geometry_msgs.msg
28 from sr_robot_msgs.srv import RobotTeachMode, RobotTeachModeRequest, \
29  RobotTeachModeResponse
31 from moveit_msgs.srv import GetPositionIK
32 from moveit_msgs.srv import ListRobotStatesInWarehouse as ListStates
33 from moveit_msgs.srv import GetRobotStateFromWarehouse as GetState
34 from moveit_msgs.msg import OrientationConstraint, Constraints
36 from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint, JointTrajectory
37 from math import radians
39 from moveit_msgs.srv import GetPositionFK
40 from std_msgs.msg import Header
42 import tf2_ros
43 import copy
44 import numpy
47 class SrRobotCommanderException(Exception):
49  def __init__(self, value):
50  self._value = value
52  def __str__(self):
53  return repr(self._value)
56 class SrRobotCommander(object):
58  """
59  Base class for hand and arm commanders.
60  """
62  def __init__(self, name):
63  """
64  Initialize MoveGroupCommander object.
65  @param name - name of the MoveIt group.
66  """
67  self._name = name
68  self._move_group_commander = MoveGroupCommander(name)
70  self._robot_commander = RobotCommander()
72  self._robot_name = self._robot_commander._r.get_robot_name()
76  self._warehouse_name_get_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("get_robot_state",
77  GetState)
78  self._planning_scene = PlanningSceneInterface()
80  self._joint_states_lock = threading.Lock()
82  rospy.Subscriber("joint_states", JointState,
83  self._joint_states_callback, queue_size=1)
84  self._joints_position = {}
85  self._joints_velocity = {}
86  self._joints_effort = {}
87  self._joints_state = None
88  self._clients = {}
89  self.__plan = None
91  self._controllers = {}
93  rospy.wait_for_service('compute_ik')
94  self._compute_ik = rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_ik', GetPositionIK)
95  self._forward_k = rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_fk', GetPositionFK)
97  controller_list_param = rospy.get_param("/move_group/controller_list")
99  # create dictionary with name of controllers and corresponding joints
100  self._controllers = {item["name"]: item["joints"] for item in controller_list_param}
107  threading.Thread(None, rospy.spin)
109  def set_planner_id(self, planner_id):
110  """
111  Sets the planner_id used for all future planning requests.
112  @param planner_id - The string for the planner id, set to None to clear.
113  """
114  self._move_group_commander.set_planner_id(planner_id)
116  def set_num_planning_attempts(self, num_planning_attempts):
117  self._move_group_commander.set_num_planning_attempts(num_planning_attempts)
119  def set_planning_time(self, seconds):
120  """
121  Specifies the amount of time to be used for motion planning.
122  Some planning algorithms might require more time than others to compute
123  a valid solution.
124  """
125  self._move_group_commander.set_planning_time(seconds)
128  state = self._warehouse_name_get_srv(name, self._robot_name).state
129  return self.get_end_effector_pose_from_state(state)
132  header = Header()
133  fk_link_names = [self._move_group_commander.get_end_effector_link()]
134  header.frame_id = self._move_group_commander.get_pose_reference_frame()
135  response = self._forward_k(header, fk_link_names, state)
136  return response.pose_stamped[0]
139  """
140  @return - returns the name of the frame wrt which the motion planning
141  is computed.
142  """
143  return self._move_group_commander.get_planning_frame()
145  def set_pose_reference_frame(self, reference_frame):
146  """
147  Set the reference frame to assume for poses of end-effectors.
148  @param reference_frame - name of the frame.
149  """
150  self._move_group_commander.set_pose_reference_frame(reference_frame)
152  def get_group_name(self):
153  return self._name
160  """
161  Set a scaling factor for optionally reducing the maximum joint velocity.
162  @param value - Allowed values are in (0,1].
163  """
164  self._move_group_commander.set_max_velocity_scaling_factor(value)
167  """
168  Set a scaling factor for optionally reducing the maximum joint accelaration.
169  @param value - Allowed values are in (0,1].
170  """
171  self._move_group_commander.set_max_acceleration_scaling_factor(value)
173  def allow_looking(self, value):
174  """
175  Enable/disable looking around for motion planning.
176  @param value - boolean.
177  """
178  self._move_group_commander.allow_looking(value)
180  def allow_replanning(self, value):
181  """
182  Enable/disable replanning in case new obstacles are detected
183  while executing a plan.
184  @param value - boolean.
185  """
186  self._move_group_commander.allow_replanning(value)
188  def execute(self):
189  """
190  Executes the last plan made.
191  """
192  if self.check_plan_is_valid():
193  self._move_group_commander.execute(self.__plan)
194  self.__plan = None
195  else:
196  rospy.logwarn("No plans were made, not executing anything.")
198  def execute_plan(self, plan):
199  """
200  Executes a given plan.
201  @param plan - RobotTrajectory msg that contains the trajectory
202  to the set goal state.
203  """
204  if self.check_given_plan_is_valid(plan):
205  self._move_group_commander.execute(plan)
206  self.__plan = None
207  else:
208  rospy.logwarn("Plan is not valid, not executing anything.")
210  def move_to_joint_value_target(self, joint_states, wait=True,
211  angle_degrees=False):
212  """
213  Set target of the robot's links and moves to it.
214  @param joint_states - dictionary with joint name and value. It can
215  contain only joints values of which need to be changed.
216  @param wait - should method wait for movement end or not.
217  @param angle_degrees - are joint_states in degrees or not.
218  """
219  joint_states_cpy = copy.deepcopy(joint_states)
221  if angle_degrees:
222  joint_states_cpy.update((joint, radians(i))
223  for joint, i in joint_states_cpy.items())
224  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state()
225  self._move_group_commander.set_joint_value_target(joint_states_cpy)
226  self._move_group_commander.go(wait=wait)
228  def plan_to_joint_value_target(self, joint_states, angle_degrees=False, custom_start_state=None):
229  """
230  Set target of the robot's links and plans.
231  @param joint_states - dictionary with joint name and value. It can
232  contain only joints values of which need to be changed.
233  @param angle_degrees - are joint_states in degrees or not.
234  @param custom_start_state - specify a start state different than the current state
235  This is a blocking method.
236  @return - motion plan (RobotTrajectory msg) that contains the trajectory to the set goal state.
237  """
238  joint_states_cpy = copy.deepcopy(joint_states)
240  if angle_degrees:
241  joint_states_cpy.update((joint, radians(i))
242  for joint, i in joint_states_cpy.items())
243  if custom_start_state is None:
244  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state()
245  else:
246  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state(custom_start_state)
247  self._move_group_commander.set_joint_value_target(joint_states_cpy)
248  self.__plan = self._move_group_commander.plan()
249  return self.__plan
252  """
253  Checks if current plan contains a valid trajectory
254  """
255  return (self.__plan is not None and len(self.__plan.joint_trajectory.points) > 0)
257  def check_given_plan_is_valid(self, plan):
258  """
259  Checks if given plan contains a valid trajectory
260  """
261  return (plan is not None and len(plan.joint_trajectory.points) > 0)
263  def evaluate_given_plan(self, plan):
264  """
265  Returns given plan quality calculated by a weighted sum of angles traveled by each
266  of the joints, giving higher weights to the joints closer to the base of the robot,
267  thus penalizing them as smallmovements of these joints will result in bigger movements
268  of the end effector. Formula:
270  PQ = sum_(i=0)^(n-1){w_i * abs(x_i - x_(i0)}, where:
272  n - number of robot's joints,
273  w - weight specified for each joint,
274  x - joint's goal position,
275  x_0 - joint's initial position.
277  The lower the value, the better the plan.
278  """
280  if plan is None:
281  return None
283  num_of_joints = len(plan.joint_trajectory.points[0].positions)
284  weights = numpy.array(sorted(range(1, num_of_joints + 1), reverse=True))
285  plan_array = numpy.empty(shape=(len(plan.joint_trajectory.points),
286  num_of_joints))
288  for i, point in enumerate(plan.joint_trajectory.points):
289  plan_array[i] = point.positions
291  deltas = abs(numpy.diff(plan_array, axis=0))
292  sum_deltas = numpy.sum(deltas, axis=0)
293  sum_deltas_weighted = sum_deltas * weights
294  plan_quality = float(numpy.sum(sum_deltas_weighted))
295  return plan_quality
297  def evaluate_plan(self):
298  return self.evaluate_given_plan(self.__plan)
300  def evaluate_plan_quality(self, plan_quality, good_threshold=20, medium_threshold=50):
301  if plan_quality > medium_threshold:
302  rospy.logwarn("Low plan quality! Value: {}".format(plan_quality))
303  return 'poor'
304  elif (plan_quality > good_threshold and
305  plan_quality < medium_threshold):
306  rospy.loginfo("Medium plan quality. Value: {}".format(plan_quality))
307  return 'medium'
308  elif plan_quality < good_threshold:
309  rospy.loginfo("Good plan quality. Value: {}".format(plan_quality))
310  return 'good'
312  def get_robot_name(self):
313  return self._robot_name
315  def named_target_in_srdf(self, name):
316  return name in self._srdf_names
318  def set_named_target(self, name):
319  """
320  Set a joint configuration by name.
321  @param name - name of the target which must correspond to a name defined,
322  either in the srdf or in the mongo warehouse database.
323  @return - bool to confirm that the target has been correctly set.
324  """
325  if name in self._srdf_names:
326  self._move_group_commander.set_named_target(name)
327  elif (name in self._warehouse_names):
328  response = self._warehouse_name_get_srv(name, self._robot_name)
330  active_names = self._move_group_commander._g.get_active_joints()
331  joints =
332  positions = response.state.joint_state.position
333  js = {}
335  for n, this_name in enumerate(joints):
336  if this_name in active_names:
337  js[this_name] = positions[n]
338  self._move_group_commander.set_joint_value_target(js)
339  else:
340  rospy.logerr("Unknown named state '%s'..." % name)
341  return False
342  return True
345  """
346  Get the joint angles for targets specified by name.
347  @param name - @param name - name of the target which must correspond to a name defined,
348  either in the srdf or in the mongo warehouse database.
349  @return - joint values of the named target.
350  """
351  output = dict()
353  if (name in self._srdf_names):
354  output = self._move_group_commander._g.get_named_target_values(str(name))
356  elif (name in self._warehouse_names):
357  js = self._warehouse_name_get_srv(
358  name, self._robot_name).state.joint_state
360  for x, n in enumerate(
361  if n in self._move_group_commander._g.get_joints():
362  output[n] = js.position[x]
364  else:
365  rospy.logerr("No target named %s" % name)
367  return None
369  return output
372  return self._move_group_commander.get_end_effector_link()
374  def get_current_pose(self, reference_frame=None):
375  """
376  Get the current pose of the end effector.
377  @param reference_frame - The desired reference frame in which end effector pose should be returned.
378  If none is passed, it will use the planning frame as reference.
379  @return - geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() - current pose of the end effector.
380  """
381  if reference_frame is not None:
382  try:
383  trans = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform(reference_frame,
384  self._move_group_commander.get_end_effector_link(),
385  rospy.Time(0),
386  rospy.Duration(5.0))
387  current_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
388  current_pose.position.x = trans.transform.translation.x
389  current_pose.position.y = trans.transform.translation.y
390  current_pose.position.z = trans.transform.translation.z
391  current_pose.orientation.x = trans.transform.rotation.x
392  current_pose.orientation.y = trans.transform.rotation.y
393  current_pose.orientation.z = trans.transform.rotation.z
394  current_pose.orientation.w = trans.transform.rotation.w
395  return current_pose
396  except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException):
397  rospy.logwarn("Couldn't get the pose from " + self._move_group_commander.get_end_effector_link() +
398  " in " + reference_frame + " reference frame")
399  return None
400  else:
401  return self._move_group_commander.get_current_pose().pose
403  def get_current_state(self):
404  """
405  Get the current joint state of the group being used.
406  @return - a dictionary with the joint names as keys and current joint values.
407  """
408  joint_names = self._move_group_commander._g.get_active_joints()
409  joint_values = self._move_group_commander._g.get_current_joint_values()
411  return dict(zip(joint_names, joint_values))
414  """
415  Get the current joint state of the group being used, enforcing that they are within each joint limits.
416  @return - a dictionary with the joint names as keys and current joint values.
417  """
418  current = self._move_group_commander._g.get_current_state_bounded()
419  names = self._move_group_commander._g.get_active_joints()
420  output = {n: current[n] for n in names if n in current}
422  return output
425  return self._move_group_commander._g.get_current_state_bounded()
427  def move_to_named_target(self, name, wait=True):
428  """
429  Set target of the robot's links and moves to it
430  @param name - name of the target pose defined in SRDF
431  @param wait - should method wait for movement end or not
432  """
433  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state()
434  if self.set_named_target(name):
435  self._move_group_commander.go(wait=wait)
437  def plan_to_named_target(self, name, custom_start_state=None):
438  """
439  Set target of the robot's links and plans
440  This is a blocking method.
441  @param name - name of the target pose defined in SRDF.
442  @param custom_start_state - specify a start state different than the current state.
443  @return - a motion plan (RobotTrajectory msg) that contains the trajectory to the named target.
444  """
445  if custom_start_state is None:
446  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state()
447  else:
448  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state(custom_start_state)
449  if self.set_named_target(name):
450  self.__plan = self._move_group_commander.plan()
453  try:
454  list_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("list_robot_states", ListStates)
455  return list_srv("", self._robot_name).states
457  except rospy.ServiceException as exc:
458  rospy.logwarn("Couldn't access warehouse: " + str(exc))
459  return list()
461  def _reset_plan(self):
462  self.__plan = None
464  def _set_plan(self, plan):
465  self.__plan = plan
467  def __get_srdf_names(self):
468  return self._move_group_commander._g.get_named_targets()
470  def get_named_targets(self):
471  """
472  Get the complete list of named targets, from SRDF
473  as well as warehouse poses if available.
474  @return - list of strings containing names of targets.
475  """
476  return self._srdf_names + self._warehouse_names
479  """
480  Returns joints position.
481  @return - dictionary with joints positions.
482  """
483  with self._joint_states_lock:
484  return self._joints_position
487  """
488  Returns joints velocities
489  @return - dictionary with joints velocities.
490  """
491  with self._joint_states_lock:
492  return self._joints_velocity
495  """
496  Returns joints effort.
497  @return - dictionary with joints efforts.
498  """
499  with self._joint_states_lock:
500  return self._joints_effort
502  def get_joints_state(self):
503  """
504  Returns joints state
505  @return - JointState message
506  """
507  with self._joint_states_lock:
508  return self._joints_state
510  def run_joint_trajectory(self, joint_trajectory):
511  """
512  Moves robot through all joint states with specified timeouts.
513  @param joint_trajectory - JointTrajectory class object. Represents
514  trajectory of the joints which would be executed.
515  """
516  plan = RobotTrajectory()
517  plan.joint_trajectory = joint_trajectory
518  self._move_group_commander.execute(plan)
520  def make_named_trajectory(self, trajectory):
521  """
522  Makes joint value trajectory from specified by named poses (either from
523  SRDF or from warehouse).
524  @param trajectory - list of waypoints, each waypoint is a dict with
525  the following elements (n.b either name or joint_angles is required)
526  - name -> the name of the way point
527  - joint_angles -> a dict of joint names and angles
528  - interpolate_time -> time to move from last wp
529  - pause_time -> time to wait at this wp
530  - degrees -> set to true if joint_angles is specified in degrees. Assumed false if absent.
531  """
532  current = self.get_current_state_bounded()
534  joint_trajectory = JointTrajectory()
535  joint_names = current.keys()
536  joint_trajectory.joint_names = joint_names
538  start = JointTrajectoryPoint()
539  start.positions = current.values()
540  start.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(0.001)
541  joint_trajectory.points.append(start)
543  time_from_start = 0.0
545  for wp in trajectory:
547  joint_positions = None
548  if 'name' in wp.keys():
549  joint_positions = self.get_named_target_joint_values(wp['name'])
550  elif 'joint_angles' in wp.keys():
551  joint_positions = copy.deepcopy(wp['joint_angles'])
552  if 'degrees' in wp.keys() and wp['degrees']:
553  for joint, angle in joint_positions.iteritems():
554  joint_positions[joint] = radians(angle)
556  if joint_positions is None:
557  rospy.logerr("Invalid waypoint. Must contain valid name for named target or dict of joint angles.")
558  return None
560  new_positions = {}
562  for n in joint_names:
563  new_positions[n] = joint_positions[n] if n in joint_positions else current[n]
565  trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
566  trajectory_point.positions = [new_positions[n] for n in joint_names]
568  current = new_positions
570  time_from_start += wp['interpolate_time']
571  trajectory_point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(time_from_start)
572  joint_trajectory.points.append(trajectory_point)
574  if 'pause_time' in wp and wp['pause_time'] > 0:
575  extra = JointTrajectoryPoint()
576  extra.positions = trajectory_point.positions
577  time_from_start += wp['pause_time']
578  extra.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(time_from_start)
579  joint_trajectory.points.append(extra)
581  return joint_trajectory
584  """
585  Sends a trajectory of all active joints at their current position.
586  This stops the robot.
587  """
589  current = self.get_current_state_bounded()
591  trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
592  trajectory_point.positions = current.values()
593  trajectory_point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(0.1)
595  trajectory = JointTrajectory()
596  trajectory.points.append(trajectory_point)
597  trajectory.joint_names = current.keys()
599  self.run_joint_trajectory_unsafe(trajectory)
601  def run_named_trajectory_unsafe(self, trajectory, wait=False):
602  """
603  Moves robot through trajectory specified by named poses, either from
604  SRDF or from warehouse. Runs trajectory directly via contoller.
605  @param trajectory - list of waypoints, each waypoint is a dict with
606  the following elements:
607  - name -> the name of the way point
608  - interpolate_time -> time to move from last wp
609  - pause_time -> time to wait at this wp
610  """
611  joint_trajectory = self.make_named_trajectory(trajectory)
612  if joint_trajectory is not None:
613  self.run_joint_trajectory_unsafe(joint_trajectory, wait)
615  def run_named_trajectory(self, trajectory):
616  """
617  Moves robot through trajectory specified by named poses, either from
618  SRDF or from warehouse. Runs trajectory via moveit.
619  @param trajectory - list of waypoints, each waypoint is a dict with
620  the following elements:
621  - name -> the name of the way point
622  - interpolate_time -> time to move from last wp
623  - pause_time -> time to wait at this wp
624  """
625  joint_trajectory = self.make_named_trajectory(trajectory)
626  if joint_trajectory is not None:
627  self.run_joint_trajectory(joint_trajectory)
629  def move_to_position_target(self, xyz, end_effector_link="", wait=True):
630  """
631  Specify a target position for the end-effector and moves to it.
632  @param xyz - new position of end-effector.
633  @param end_effector_link - name of the end effector link.
634  @param wait - should method wait for movement end or not.
635  """
636  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state()
637  self._move_group_commander.set_position_target(xyz, end_effector_link)
638  self._move_group_commander.go(wait=wait)
640  def plan_to_position_target(self, xyz, end_effector_link="", custom_start_state=None):
641  """
642  Specify a target position for the end-effector and plans.
643  This is a blocking method.
644  @param xyz - new position of end-effector.
645  @param end_effector_link - name of the end effector link.
646  @param custom_start_state - specify a start state different than the current state.
647  """
648  if custom_start_state is None:
649  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state()
650  else:
651  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state(custom_start_state)
652  self._move_group_commander.set_position_target(xyz, end_effector_link)
653  self.__plan = self._move_group_commander.plan()
655  def move_to_pose_target(self, pose, end_effector_link="", wait=True):
656  """
657  Specify a target pose for the end-effector and moves to it
658  @param pose - new pose of end-effector: a Pose message, a PoseStamped
659  message or a list of 6 floats: [x, y, z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z] or a list
660  of 7 floats [x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw].
661  @param end_effector_link - name of the end effector link.
662  @param wait - should method wait for movement end or not.
663  """
664  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state()
665  self._move_group_commander.set_pose_target(pose, end_effector_link)
666  self._move_group_commander.go(wait=wait)
668  def plan_to_pose_target(self, pose, end_effector_link="", alternative_method=False, custom_start_state=None):
669  """
670  Specify a target pose for the end-effector and plans.
671  This is a blocking method.
672  @param pose - new pose of end-effector: a Pose message, a PoseStamped
673  message or a list of 6 floats: [x, y, z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z] or a list
674  of 7 floats [x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw].
675  @param end_effector_link - name of the end effector link.
676  @param alternative_method - use set_joint_value_target instead of set_pose_target.
677  @param custom_start_state - specify a start state different than the current state.
678  """
679  if custom_start_state is None:
680  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state()
681  else:
682  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state(custom_start_state)
683  if alternative_method:
684  self._move_group_commander.set_joint_value_target(pose, end_effector_link)
685  else:
686  self._move_group_commander.set_pose_target(pose, end_effector_link)
687  self.__plan = self._move_group_commander.plan()
688  return self.__plan
690  def _joint_states_callback(self, joint_state):
691  """
692  The callback function for the topic joint_states.
693  It will store the received joint position, velocity and efforts
694  information into dictionaries.
695  @param joint_state - the message containing the joints data.
696  """
697  with self._joint_states_lock:
698  self._joints_state = joint_state
699  self._joints_position = {n: p for n, p in
700  zip(,
701  joint_state.position)}
702  self._joints_velocity = {n: v for n, v in
703  zip(,
704  joint_state.velocity)}
705  self._joints_effort = {n: v for n, v in
706  zip(, joint_state.effort)}
708  def _set_up_action_client(self, controller_list):
709  """
710  Sets up an action client to communicate with the trajectory controller.
711  """
712  self._action_running = {}
714  for controller_name in controller_list.keys():
715  self._action_running[controller_name] = False
716  service_name = controller_name + "/follow_joint_trajectory"
717  self._clients[controller_name] = SimpleActionClient(service_name,
718  FollowJointTrajectoryAction)
719  if self._clients[controller_name].wait_for_server(timeout=rospy.Duration(4)) is False:
720  err_msg = 'Failed to connect to action server ({}) in 4 sec'.format(service_name)
721  rospy.logwarn(err_msg)
723  def move_to_joint_value_target_unsafe(self, joint_states, time=0.002,
724  wait=True, angle_degrees=False):
725  """
726  Set target of the robot's links and moves to it.
727  @param joint_states - dictionary with joint name and value. It can
728  contain only joints values of which need to be changed.
729  @param time - time in s (counting from now) for the robot to reach the
730  target (it needs to be greater than 0.0 for it not to be rejected by
731  the trajectory controller).
732  @param wait - should method wait for movement end or not.
733  @param angle_degrees - are joint_states in degrees or not.
734  """
735  # self._update_default_trajectory()
736  # self._set_targets_to_default_trajectory(joint_states)
737  goals = {}
738  joint_states_cpy = copy.deepcopy(joint_states)
740  if angle_degrees:
741  joint_states_cpy.update((joint, radians(i))
742  for joint, i in joint_states_cpy.items())
744  for controller in self._controllers:
745  controller_joints = self._controllers[controller]
746  goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
747  goal.trajectory.joint_names = []
748  point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
749  point.positions = []
751  for x in joint_states_cpy.keys():
752  if x in controller_joints:
753  goal.trajectory.joint_names.append(x)
754  point.positions.append(joint_states_cpy[x])
756  point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(time)
758  goal.trajectory.points = [point]
760  goals[controller] = goal
762  self._call_action(goals)
764  if not wait:
765  return
767  for i in self._clients.keys():
768  if not self._clients[i].wait_for_result():
769  rospy.loginfo("Trajectory not completed")
771  def action_is_running(self, controller=None):
772  if controller is not None:
773  return self._action_running[controller]
775  for controller_running in self._action_running.values():
776  if controller_running:
777  return True
778  return False
780  def _action_done_cb(self, controller, terminal_state, result):
781  self._action_running[controller] = False
783  def _call_action(self, goals):
784  for client in self._clients:
785  self._action_running[client] = True
786  self._clients[client].send_goal(
787  goals[client], lambda terminal_state, result: self._action_done_cb(client, terminal_state, result))
789  def run_joint_trajectory_unsafe(self, joint_trajectory, wait=True):
790  """
791  Moves robot through all joint states with specified timeouts.
792  @param joint_trajectory - JointTrajectory class object. Represents
793  trajectory of the joints which would be executed.
794  @param wait - should method wait for movement end or not.
795  """
796  goals = {}
797  for controller in self._controllers:
798  controller_joints = self._controllers[controller]
799  goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
800  goal.trajectory = copy.deepcopy(joint_trajectory)
802  indices_of_joints_in_this_controller = []
804  for i, joint in enumerate(joint_trajectory.joint_names):
805  if joint in controller_joints:
806  indices_of_joints_in_this_controller.append(i)
808  goal.trajectory.joint_names = [
809  joint_trajectory.joint_names[i] for i in indices_of_joints_in_this_controller]
811  for point in goal.trajectory.points:
812  if point.positions:
813  point.positions = [point.positions[i] for i in indices_of_joints_in_this_controller]
814  if point.velocities:
815  point.velocities = [point.velocities[i] for i in indices_of_joints_in_this_controller]
816  if point.effort:
817  point.effort = [point.effort[i] for i in indices_of_joints_in_this_controller]
819  goals[controller] = goal
821  self._call_action(goals)
823  if not wait:
824  return
826  for i in self._clients.keys():
827  if not self._clients[i].wait_for_result():
828  rospy.loginfo("Trajectory not completed")
830  def plan_to_waypoints_target(self, waypoints, reference_frame=None,
831  eef_step=0.005, jump_threshold=0.0, custom_start_state=None):
832  """
833  Specify a set of waypoints for the end-effector and plans.
834  This is a blocking method.
835  @param reference_frame - the reference frame in which the waypoints are given.
836  @param waypoints - an array of poses of end-effector.
837  @param eef_step - configurations are computed for every eef_step meters.
838  @param jump_threshold - maximum distance in configuration space between consecutive points in the
839  resulting path.
840  @param custom_start_state - specify a start state different than the current state.
841  @return - motion plan (RobotTrajectory msg) that contains the trajectory to the set wayapoints targets.
842  """
843  if custom_start_state is None:
844  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state_to_current_state()
845  else:
846  self._move_group_commander.set_start_state(custom_start_state)
847  old_frame = self._move_group_commander.get_pose_reference_frame()
848  if reference_frame is not None:
849  self.set_pose_reference_frame(reference_frame)
850  self.__plan, fraction = self._move_group_commander.compute_cartesian_path(waypoints, eef_step, jump_threshold)
851  self.set_pose_reference_frame(old_frame)
852  return self.__plan, fraction
854  def set_teach_mode(self, teach):
855  """
856  Activates/deactivates the teach mode for the robot.
857  Activation: stops the the trajectory controllers for the robot, and
858  sets it to teach mode.
859  Deactivation: stops the teach mode and starts trajectory controllers
860  for the robot.
861  Currently this method blocks for a few seconds when called on a hand,
862  while the hand parameters are reloaded.
863  @param teach - bool to activate or deactivate teach mode
864  """
866  if teach:
867  mode = RobotTeachModeRequest.TEACH_MODE
868  else:
869  mode = RobotTeachModeRequest.TRAJECTORY_MODE
870  self.change_teach_mode(mode, self._name)
872  def move_to_trajectory_start(self, trajectory, wait=True):
873  """
874  Make and execute a plan from the current state to the first state in an pre-existing trajectory.
875  @param trajectory - moveit_msgs/JointTrajectory.
876  @param wait - Bool to specify if movement should block untill finished.
877  """
879  if len(trajectory.points) <= 0:
880  rospy.logerr("Trajectory has no points in it, can't reverse...")
881  return None
883  first_point = trajectory.points[0]
884  end_state = dict(zip(trajectory.joint_names, first_point.positions))
885  self.move_to_joint_value_target(end_state, wait=wait)
887  @staticmethod
888  def change_teach_mode(mode, robot):
889  teach_mode_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('/teach_mode', RobotTeachMode)
891  req = RobotTeachModeRequest()
892  req.teach_mode = mode
893  req.robot = robot
894  try:
895  resp = teach_mode_client(req)
896  if resp.result == RobotTeachModeResponse.ERROR:
897  rospy.logerr("Failed to change robot %s to mode %d", robot,
898  mode)
899  else:
900  rospy.loginfo("Changed robot %s to mode %d Result = %d", robot,
901  mode, resp.result)
902  except rospy.ServiceException:
903  rospy.logerr("Failed to call service teach_mode")
905  def get_ik(self, target_pose, avoid_collisions=False, joint_states=None, ik_constraints=None):
907  """
908  Computes the inverse kinematics for a given pose. It returns a JointState.
909  @param target_pose - A given pose of type PoseStamped.
910  @param avoid_collisions - Find an IK solution that avoids collisions. By default, this is false.
911  @param joint_states - initial joint configuration of type JointState from which the IK solution is computed.
912  If set to None, the current joint state is retrieved automatically.
913  @param ik_constraints - Set constraints of type Constraints for computing the IK solution.
914  """
915  service_request = PositionIKRequest()
916  service_request.group_name = self._name
917  service_request.ik_link_name = self._move_group_commander.get_end_effector_link()
918  service_request.pose_stamped = target_pose
919  service_request.timeout.secs = 0.5
920  service_request.avoid_collisions = avoid_collisions
921  if ik_constraints is not None:
922  service_request.constraints = ik_constraints
923  if joint_states is None:
924  service_request.robot_state.joint_state = self.get_joints_state()
925  else:
926  service_request.robot_state.joint_state = joint_states
928  try:
929  resp = self._compute_ik(ik_request=service_request)
930  # Check if error_code.val is SUCCESS=1
931  if resp.error_code.val != 1:
932  if resp.error_code.val == -10:
933  rospy.logerr("Unreachable point: Start state in collision")
934  elif resp.error_code.val == -12:
935  rospy.logerr("Unreachable point: Goal state in collision")
936  elif resp.error_code.val == -31:
937  rospy.logerr("Unreachable point: No IK solution")
938  else:
939  rospy.logerr("Unreachable point (error: %s)" % resp.error_code)
940  return
941  else:
942  return resp.solution.joint_state
944  except rospy.ServiceException as e:
945  rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % e)
947  def move_to_pose_value_target_unsafe(self, target_pose, avoid_collisions=False,
948  time=0.002, wait=True, ik_constraints=None):
949  """
950  Specify a target pose for the end-effector and moves to it.
951  @param target_pose - new pose of end-effector: a Pose message, a PoseStamped
952  message or a list of 6 floats: [x, y, z, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z] or a list
953  of 7 floats [x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw].
954  @param avoid_collisions - Find an IK solution that avoids collisions. By default, this is false.
955  @param time - time in s (counting from now) for the robot to reach the
956  target (it needs to be greater than 0.0 for it not to be rejected by
957  the trajectory controller).
958  @param wait - should method wait for movement end or not.
959  @param ik_constraints - Set constraints of type Constraints for computing the IK solution.
960  """
961  joint_state = self.get_ik(target_pose, avoid_collisions, ik_constraints=ik_constraints)
962  if joint_state is not None:
963  active_joints = self._move_group_commander.get_active_joints()
964  current_indices = [i for i, x in enumerate( if any(thing in x for thing in active_joints)]
965  current_names = [[i] for i in current_indices]
966  current_positions = [joint_state.position[i] for i in current_indices]
967  state_as_dict = dict(zip(current_names, current_positions))
968  self.move_to_joint_value_target_unsafe(state_as_dict, time=time, wait=wait)
def plan_to_named_target(self, name, custom_start_state=None)
def move_to_pose_value_target_unsafe(self, target_pose, avoid_collisions=False, time=0.002, wait=True, ik_constraints=None)
def plan_to_pose_target(self, pose, end_effector_link="", alternative_method=False, custom_start_state=None)
def get_ik(self, target_pose, avoid_collisions=False, joint_states=None, ik_constraints=None)
def run_joint_trajectory_unsafe(self, joint_trajectory, wait=True)
def plan_to_waypoints_target(self, waypoints, reference_frame=None, eef_step=0.005, jump_threshold=0.0, custom_start_state=None)
def _action_done_cb(self, controller, terminal_state, result)
def run_named_trajectory_unsafe(self, trajectory, wait=False)
def move_to_position_target(self, xyz, end_effector_link="", wait=True)
def set_num_planning_attempts(self, num_planning_attempts)
def move_to_pose_target(self, pose, end_effector_link="", wait=True)
def evaluate_plan_quality(self, plan_quality, good_threshold=20, medium_threshold=50)
def move_to_joint_value_target(self, joint_states, wait=True, angle_degrees=False)
def move_to_joint_value_target_unsafe(self, joint_states, time=0.002, wait=True, angle_degrees=False)
def plan_to_position_target(self, xyz, end_effector_link="", custom_start_state=None)
def plan_to_joint_value_target(self, joint_states, angle_degrees=False, custom_start_state=None)

Author(s): Andriy Petlovanyy
autogenerated on Wed Oct 14 2020 04:05:30