33 namespace canopen_schunk {
156 default: ret =
175 default:ret =
void update(const CanMsg &msg)
update Updates the NMT status with newly received data
CanDevPtr m_can_device
can device handle for sending of NMT commands
void resetCommunication()
resetCommunication Resets the communication of a device, setting communication values to their defaul...
NMT(const uint8_t &node_id, const CanDevPtr &can_device)
NMT Construct a new NMT object to manage the NMT state of a device.
The NMT class provides access to NMT functions of the canOpen protocol and keeps the NMT state of can...
const std::string nmtStateToString(const eNMT_State &state)
nmtStateToString Returns a string corresponding to a given NMT state
The NMT Substate is only used during initialization of a device. Meaning the substates are only usefu...
void preOperational()
preOperational switches the device back into pre-operational state where configuration can occur ...
bool isValidNmtState(const uint8_t &state)
isValidNmtState Helper function to check if a received value is a valid NMT state ...
void reset()
reset Resets the device and triggers a complete reboot
static const uint8_t NMT_ALL_NODES
Node ID of all nodes at once.
void stop()
stop Stops the device by setting the NMT state to stopped
const std::string nmtCommandToString(const eNMT_Command &cmd)
commandToString Returns a string corresponding to a command enum.
uint8_t m_node_id
We keep the node ID which this NMT object is corresponding to.
NMT Command specifies what the state machine shall do value = "cs" as specified in ds301 7...
void sendCommand(const eNMT_Command &cmd)
sendCommand Sends an actual NMT command to the device. This will proactively change the state of the ...
void start()
start Starts the device by setting the NMT state to operational
The NMT state indicates the behavior of the communication of a device, everything else is device spec...
eNMT_State m_state
Status of the NMT state machine.