virtual QVariant | getViewData (int column, int role) const |
| Return data appropriate for the given column (0 or 1) and role for this Property. More...
| IconizedProperty (const QString &name=QString(), const QVariant default_value=QVariant(), const QString &description=QString(), Property *parent=0, const char *changed_slot=0, QObject *receiver=0) |
void | setIcon (QIcon icon) |
virtual void | addChild (Property *child, int index=-1) |
| Add a child property. More...
Property * | childAt (int index) const |
| Return the child Property with the given index, or NULL if the index is out of bounds or if the child at that index is not a Property. More...
virtual Property * | childAtUnchecked (int index) const |
| Return the child Property with the given index, without checking whether the index is within bounds. More...
virtual void | collapse () |
| Collapse (hide the children of) this Property. More...
bool | contains (Property *possible_child) const |
| Return true if the list of children includes possible_child, false if not. More...
virtual QWidget * | createEditor (QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) |
| Create an editor widget to edit the value of this property. More...
virtual void | expand () |
| Expand (show the children of) this Property. More...
virtual QString | getDescription () const |
| Return the description. More...
virtual bool | getDisableChildren () |
| If true, the children of this property should set their ItemIsEnabled flag to false. More...
virtual bool | getHidden () const |
| Return the hidden/shown state. True means hidden, false means visible. More...
virtual QIcon | getIcon () const |
PropertyTreeModel * | getModel () const |
| Return the model managing this Property and its childrent. More...
virtual QString | getName () const |
| Return the name of this Property as a QString. More...
std::string | getNameStd () const |
| Return the name of this Property as a std::string. More...
Property * | getParent () const |
| Return the parent Property. More...
virtual bool | getReadOnly () |
| Return the read-only-ness of this property. More...
virtual QVariant | getValue () const |
| Return the value of this Property as a QVariant. If the value has never been set, an invalid QVariant is returned. More...
virtual Qt::ItemFlags | getViewFlags (int column) const |
| Return item flags appropriate for the given column (0 or 1) for this Property. More...
void | hide () |
| Hide this Property in any PropertyTreeWidgets. More...
bool | isAncestorOf (Property *possible_child) const |
| Returns true if this is an ancestor of possible_child, meaning is the parent or parent of parent etc. More...
virtual void | load (const Config &config) |
| Load the value of this property and/or its children from the given Config reference. More...
virtual void | moveChild (int from_index, int to_index) |
| Move the child at from_index to to_index. More...
virtual int | numChildren () const |
| Return the number of child objects (Property or otherwise). More...
virtual bool | paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const |
| Hook to provide custom painting of the value data (right-hand column) in a subclass. More...
| Property (const QString &name=QString(), const QVariant default_value=QVariant(), const QString &description=QString(), Property *parent=0, const char *changed_slot=0, QObject *receiver=0) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual void | removeChildren (int start_index=0, int count=-1) |
| Remove and delete some or all child Properties. Does not change the value of this Property. More...
int | rowNumberInParent () const |
| Return the row number of this property within its parent, or -1 if it has no parent. More...
virtual void | save (Config config) const |
| Write the value of this property and/or its children into the given Config reference. More...
virtual void | setDescription (const QString &description) |
| Set the description. More...
virtual void | setHidden (bool hidden) |
| Hide or show this property in any PropertyTreeWidget viewing its parent. More...
virtual void | setIcon (const QIcon &icon) |
| Set the icon to be displayed next to the property. More...
void | setModel (PropertyTreeModel *model) |
| Set the model managing this Property and all its child properties, recursively. More...
virtual void | setName (const QString &name) |
| Set the name. More...
void | setParent (Property *new_parent) |
| Set parent property, without telling the parent. More...
virtual void | setReadOnly (bool read_only) |
| Prevent or allow users to edit this property from a PropertyTreeWidget. More...
void | setShouldBeSaved (bool save) |
| If save is true and getReadOnly() is false, shouldBeSaved will return true; otherwise false. Default is true. More...
virtual bool | setValue (const QVariant &new_value) |
| Set the new value for this property. Returns true if the new value is different from the old value, false if same. More...
bool | shouldBeSaved () const |
| Returns true if the property is not read-only AND has data worth saving. More...
void | show () |
| Show this Property in any PropertyTreeWidgets. More...
virtual Property * | subProp (const QString &sub_name) |
| Return the first child Property with the given name, or the FailureProperty if no child has the name. More...
Property * | takeChild (Property *child) |
| Remove a given child object and return a pointer to it. More...
virtual Property * | takeChildAt (int index) |
| Take a child out of the child list, but don't destroy it. More...
virtual | ~Property () |
| Destructor. Removes this property from its parent's list of children. More...