25 explicit UaServer(
const Common::Logger::SharedPtr & logger);
OpcUa::MessageSecurityMode SecurityMode
void SetEndpoint(const std::string &endpoint)
set endpoint uri on wich server will listen. opc.tcp://localhost:4841/opcua/server opc...
Node GetRootNode() const
helper methods for node you will probably want to access
Common::AddonsManager::SharedPtr Addons
Server::ServicesRegistry::SharedPtr Registry
void SetServerURI(const std::string &uri)
void EnableEventNotification()
Enable event notification on Server node this is necessary if you want to be able to send custom even...
Server::SubscriptionService::SharedPtr SubscriptionService
Node GetNodeFromPath(const std::vector< QualifiedName > &path) const
Get a node using its browsepath.
Node GetServerNode() const
Node GetNode(const NodeId &nodeid) const
Get a specific node by nodeid.
uint32_t RegisterNamespace(std::string uri)
Register your application namespace.
void Start()
Start and Stop server.
void TriggerEvent(Event event)
Trigger and event.
void SetProductURI(const std::string &uri)
setup server description
create high level server
OPC UA Address space part. GNU LGPL.
ServerOperations CreateServerOperations()
Create a server operations object.
A Node object represent an OPC-UA node. It is high level object intended for developper who want to e...
Node GetObjectsNode() const
Common::Logger::SharedPtr Logger
uint32_t GetNamespaceIndex(std::string uri)
std::vector< std::string > XmlAddressSpaces
void AddAddressSpace(const std::string &path)
load xml addressspace. This is not implemented yet!!!
void SetServerName(const std::string &name)
void CheckStarted() const
Subscription::SharedPtr CreateSubscription(unsigned int period, SubscriptionHandler &callback)
Create a subscription objects.