Use this node to establish a connection with the metraTec IPS receiver or USB stick. You have to pass the USB port the
stick is connected to or the IP address of the regular receiver as a command line argument or as a private parameter
when you are using a launch file.
Running from command line:
$ rosrun ros_ips <TYPE> <REQUIRED> <OPTIONAL>
For example:
$ rosrun ros_ips usb /dev/ttyUSB0
$ rosrun ros_ips tcp
Subscribed topics:
- ips/receiver/send (std_msgs/String):
Message to be sent over the TCP or serial connection to the IPS receiver or USB stick
Published topics:
- ips/receiver/raw (ros_ips/StringStamped):
Raw messages received from the receiver or USB stick
- ~host (string, default=None):
IP address of the connected receiver
- ~port (with host: int, default=10001; without host: string, default=None):
Port for the TCP connection if '~host' parameter is present, otherwise specifies the USB port of the stick
- ~baudrate (int, default=115200):
Baudrate to use for serial communication with USB receiver
def receiver.get_args |
( |
args | ) |
Return required and optional parameters for this node. Parameters are taken from ROS parameter server if available,
otherwise from command line arguments. Required arguments are either HOST_IP or USB_PORT. Depending on the required
parameter the optional parameter is either a TCP_PORT or the BAUDRATE, respectively.
:param args: CommandLineArguments: arguments passed after $rosrun receiver
:return: String/None: required parameter (HOST_IP for TCP/IP connection, USB_PORT for USB connection)
Int/None: optional parameter (TCP_PORT for TCP/IP connection, BAUDRATE for USB connection)
Definition at line 104 of file