File: robotnik_msgs/BatteryDockingStatus.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Modes of operation:
# no docking station contacts
string MODE_DISABLED=disabled
# Unattended relay detection & activation with no inputs/outputs feedback. Done by the hw
string MODE_AUTO_HW=automatic_hw
# Unattended relay detection & activation with inputs/outputs feedback. Done by the sw
string MODE_AUTO_SW=automatic_sw
# Unattended relay detection & and manual activation of the charging relay
string MODE_MANUAL_SW=manual_sw
string operation_mode
bool contact_relay_status # shows if there's contact with the charger
bool charger_relay_status # shows if the relay for the charge is active or not
Compact Message Definition
string MODE_DISABLED=disabled
string MODE_AUTO_HW=automatic_hw
string MODE_AUTO_SW=automatic_sw
string MODE_MANUAL_SW=manual_sw
string operation_mode
bool contact_relay_status
bool charger_relay_status