13 if __name__ ==
16 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=
''' 17 This scripts reads a bag file containing RGBD data, 18 adds the corresponding PointCloud2 messages, and saves it again into a bag file. 19 Optional arguments allow to select only a portion of the original bag file. 21 parser.add_argument(
'--start', help=
'skip the first N seconds of input bag file (default: 0.0)',default=0.00)
22 parser.add_argument(
'--duration', help=
'only process N seconds of input bag file (default: off)')
23 parser.add_argument(
'--nth', help=
'only process every N-th frame of input bag file (default: 15)',default=15)
24 parser.add_argument(
'--skip', help=
'skip N blocks in the beginning (default: 1)', default=1)
25 parser.add_argument(
'--compress', help=
'compress output bag file', action=
26 parser.add_argument(
'inputbag', help=
'input bag file')
27 parser.add_argument(
'outputbag', nargs=
'output bag file')
28 args = parser.parse_args()
30 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest(
33 import sensor_msgs.msg
35 from cv_bridge
import CvBridge, CvBridgeError
38 if not args.outputbag:
39 args.outputbag = os.path.splitext(args.inputbag)[0] +
"-points.bag" 41 print "Processing bag file:" 42 print " in:",args.inputbag
43 print " out:",args.outputbag
44 print " starting from: %s seconds"%(args.start)
47 print " duration: %s seconds"%(args.duration)
49 print " saving every %s-th frame"%(args.nth)
50 args.skip = float(args.skip)
51 print " skipping %s blocks"%(args.skip)
55 param_compression = rosbag.bag.Compression.BZ2
57 param_compression = rosbag.bag.Compression.NONE
59 outbag =
'w', compression=param_compression)
61 depth_camera_info =
None 62 rgb_camera_info =
None 64 rgb_image_color =
None 72 for topic, msg, t
in inbag.read_messages():
75 if t - time_start < rospy.Duration.from_sec(float(args.start)):
77 if args.duration
and (t - time_start > rospy.Duration.from_sec(float(args.start) + float(args.duration))):
79 print "t=%f\r"%(t-time_start).to_sec(),
80 if topic ==
81 depth_camera_info = msg
83 if topic ==
86 if topic ==
"/camera/rgb/image_color" and rgb_camera_info:
89 if topic ==
"/camera/depth_registered/image" and depth_camera_info
and rgb_image_color
and rgb_camera_info:
93 if depth_image.header.stamp - rgb_image_color.header.stamp > rospy.Duration.from_sec(1/30.0):
97 if frame % float(args.nth) == 0:
102 outbag.write(
103 outbag.write(
104 outbag.write(
105 outbag.write(
108 cv_rgb_image_mono = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(rgb_image_color,
109 rgb_image_mono = bridge.cv_to_imgmsg(cv_rgb_image_mono)
110 rgb_image_mono.header = rgb_image_color.header
111 outbag.write(
114 cv_depth_image = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(depth_image,
115 cv_rgb_image_color = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(rgb_image_color,
117 centerX = depth_camera_info.K[2]
118 centerY = depth_camera_info.K[5]
119 depthFocalLength = depth_camera_info.K[0]
120 depth_points = sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2()
121 depth_points.header = depth_image.header
122 depth_points.width = depth_image.width
123 depth_points.height = depth_image.height
124 depth_points.fields.append(sensor_msgs.msg.PointField(
125 name =
"x",offset = 0,datatype = sensor_msgs.msg.PointField.FLOAT32,count = 1 ))
126 depth_points.fields.append(sensor_msgs.msg.PointField(
127 name =
"y",offset = 4,datatype = sensor_msgs.msg.PointField.FLOAT32,count = 1 ))
128 depth_points.fields.append(sensor_msgs.msg.PointField(
129 name =
"z",offset = 8,datatype = sensor_msgs.msg.PointField.FLOAT32,count = 1 ))
130 depth_points.point_step = 16
131 depth_points.row_step = depth_points.point_step * depth_points.width
134 for v
in range(depth_image.height):
135 for u
in range(depth_image.width):
136 d = cv_depth_image[v,u]
137 ptx = (u - centerX) * d / depthFocalLength;
138 pty = (v - centerY) * d / depthFocalLength;
140 buffer.append(struct.pack(
141 depth_points.data =
142 outbag.write(
"/camera/depth/points", depth_points, t)
144 centerX = depth_camera_info.K[2]
145 centerY = depth_camera_info.K[5]
146 depthFocalLength = depth_camera_info.K[0]
147 rgb_points = sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud2()
148 rgb_points.header = rgb_image_color.header
149 rgb_points.width = depth_image.width
150 rgb_points.height = depth_image.height
151 rgb_points.fields.append(sensor_msgs.msg.PointField(
152 name =
"x",offset = 0,datatype = sensor_msgs.msg.PointField.FLOAT32,count = 1 ))
153 rgb_points.fields.append(sensor_msgs.msg.PointField(
154 name =
"y",offset = 4,datatype = sensor_msgs.msg.PointField.FLOAT32,count = 1 ))
155 rgb_points.fields.append(sensor_msgs.msg.PointField(
156 name =
"z",offset = 8,datatype = sensor_msgs.msg.PointField.FLOAT32,count = 1 ))
157 rgb_points.fields.append(sensor_msgs.msg.PointField(
158 name =
"rgb",offset = 16,datatype = sensor_msgs.msg.PointField.FLOAT32,count = 1 ))
159 rgb_points.point_step = 32
160 rgb_points.row_step = rgb_points.point_step * rgb_points.width
162 for v
in range(depth_image.height):
163 for u
in range(depth_image.width):
164 d = cv_depth_image[v,u]
165 rgb = cv_rgb_image_color[v,u]
166 ptx = (u - centerX) * d / depthFocalLength;
167 pty = (v - centerY) * d / depthFocalLength;
169 buffer.append(struct.pack(
171 rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2],0,
173 rgb_points.data =
174 outbag.write(
"/camera/depth_registered/points", rgb_points, t)
177 rgb_image_color =
None 179 if topic
not in [
180 "/camera/rgb/image_color",
182 outbag.write(topic,msg,t)