Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678910]
 CAppenderImplement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements
 Cappender_tA function table which is bound to log4cpp's Appender class
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::AttachStatistics_tDelivers information about the attached chunks and nodes
 CBasicConfiguratorThis class implements a trivial default configuration for log4cpp: it adds a FileAppender that logs to stdout and uses a BasicLayout to the root Category
 Crcg::BufferThe buffer class encapsulates a Genicam buffer that is provided by a stream
 CCategoryThis is the central class in the log4j package
 Ccategory_tA function table which is bound to log4cpp's Category class
 CCategoryStreamThis class enables streaming simple types and objects to a category
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CBooleanPolyRefA reference to a bool which can bei either an bool variable, or a pointer to an IInteger, an IEnumeration, or an IBoolean
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CChunkAdapterConnects a chunked buffer to a node map
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CEventAdapterDelivers Events to ports
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CFeatureBaggerClass use to bag features
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CFloatPolyRefA reference to a float which can be either a double variable, or a pointer to an IFloat, IInteger, or an IEnumeration interface
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CGeneric_XMLLoaderParamsEmpty base class used by class CNodeMapRef as generic template argument
 CGENICAM_NAMESPACE::CGlobalLockNamed global lock which can be used over process boundaries
 CGENICAM_NAMESPACE::CGlobalLockUnlockerUnlocks the global lock object on destruction
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CInt64MathParserParser and evaluator for CIntSwissKnife
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CIntegerPolyRefA reference to an int64 which can bei either an int64 variable, or a pointer to an IInteger, an IEnumeration, an IBoolean, or a IFloat
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CL_EVENT_DATACL/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data WITHOUT event specific data
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CL_EVENT_DATA1CL/GenCP EVENT_CMD specific command data WITH event specific data
 CGENICAM_NAMESPACE::CLogThis logging class initializes the logger
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CMathParserExpression parser and evaluator of CSwissKnife
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeCallbackCallback body instance for INode pointers
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeMapFactoryThe node map factory is used for creating node maps from camera description files
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeWriteConcatenatorRefReference object for CNodeWriteConcatenator create with NewNodeWriteConcatenator function of nodemap objects
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CPointer< T, B >Encapsulates a GenApi pointer dealing with the dynamic_cast automatically
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CPointer< IBoolean >
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CPointer< IEnumeration >
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CPointer< IFloat, IBase >
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CPointer< IInteger >
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CRegisterSetHelperCopies data from buffer to variables in a typesafe manner
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CStringPolyRefA reference to a gcstring which can be either a gcstring variable, or a pointer to an IString
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CValueArrayAdapterBaseBase class wrapping internal implementation details of the value array adapter functionality
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::double_autovector_tVector of doubles with reference counting
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::EAccessModeClassEAccessModeClass holds conversion methods for the access mode enumeration
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::ECachingModeClassECachingModeClass holds conversion methods for the caching mode enumeration
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::EDisplayNotationClassHolds conversion methods for the notation type of floats
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::EEndianessClassEEndianessClass holds conversion methods for the endianess enumeration
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::EGenApiSchemaVersionClassHelper class converting EGenApiSchemaVersion from and to string
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::EInputDirectionClassHolds conversion methods for the notation type of floats
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::ENameSpaceClassHolds conversion methods for the namespace enumeration
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeImpl::EntryMethodFinalizerUsed to ensure that PostSetValue() is called in any case
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::ERepresentationClassERepresentationClass holds conversion methods for the representation enumeration
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::ESignClassESignClass holds conversion methods for the sign enumeration
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::ESlopeClassHolds conversion methods for the converter formulas
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::EStandardNameSpaceClassHolds conversion methods for the standard namespace enumeration
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::EVisibilityClassEVisibilityClass holds conversion methods for the visibility enumeration
 CGENICAM_NAMESPACE::ExceptionReporter< E >Printf like creation of exceptions
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::EYesNoClassHolds conversion methods for the standard namespace enumeration
 CFilterUsers should extend this class to implement customized logging event filtering
 CGENICAM_NAMESPACE::gcstringA string class which is a clone of std::string
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::GENDC_CHUNK_TRAILERHeader of a GenDC chunk trailing tag
 CGENICAM_NAMESPACE::GenericExceptionGenICam's exception class
 Crcg::GenTLWrapperWrapper for dynamically loaded GenICam transport layers
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENT_ITEMLayout of a GVCP event item (Extended ID flag not set)
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENT_ITEM_BASICLayout of a GVCP event item (common to all types)
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENT_ITEM_EXTENDED_IDLayout of a GVCP event item (Extended ID flag set)
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENT_REQUESTLayout of a GVCP event request packet (Extended ID flag not set)
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENT_REQUEST_EXTENDED_IDLayout of a GVCP event request packet (Extended ID flag set)
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENTDATA_REQUESTLayout of a GVCP event data request packet (Extended ID flag not set)
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::GVCP_EVENTDATA_REQUEST_EXTENDED_IDLayout of a GVCP event data request packet (Extended ID flag set)
 CHierarchyMaintainerHierarchyMaintainer is an internal log4cpp class
 Crcg::ImageThe image class encapsulates image information
 Crcg::ImageListAn object of this class manages a limited number of images
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::int64_autovector_tVector of integers with reference counting
 CLayoutExtend this abstract class to create your own log layout format
 CGENICAM_NAMESPACE::LockableObject< Object >::Lock
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::LockableObject< Object >::Lock
 CGENICAM_NAMESPACE::LockableObject< Object >Instance-Lock for an object
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::LockableObject< Object >Instance-Lock for an object
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::LockableObject< CValueCache >
 CLoggingEventThe top level namespace for all 'Log for C++' types and classes
 Cthreading::MSMutexA simple object wrapper around CreateMutex() and DeleteMutex()
 Cthreading::MSScopedLockA simple object wrapper around WaitForSingleObject() and ReleaseMutex()
 CNDCImplements nested diagnostic contexts as defined by Neil Harrison in the article "Patterns for Logging Diagnostic Messages" part of the book "<i>Pattern Languages of Program Design 3</i>" edited by Martin et al
 Cndc_tA function table which is bound to log4cpp's NDC class
 Cpattern_layout_tA function table which is bound to log4cpp's PatternLayout class
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CNodeImpl::PostSetValueFinalizerUsed to ensure that PostSetValue() is called in any case
 CPriorityImportance levels with which one can categorize log messages
 Cproperty_configurator_tA function table which is bound to log4cpp's PropertyConfigurator class
 CPropertyConfiguratorProperty configurator will read a config file using the same (or similar) format to the config file used by log4j
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::MyAlloc< T >::rebind< U >
 Cthreading::ScopedLockDefinition of ScopedLock;
 CSimpleConfiguratorThis class implements a simple configurator for log4cpp
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::SwapExtractor< TValueSize >
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::SwapExtractor< 1 >
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::SwapExtractor< 2 >
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::SwapExtractor< 4 >
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::SwapExtractor< 8 >
 Cthreading::ThreadLocalDataHolder< T >This class holds Thread local data of type T, i.e
 CTimeStampA simple TimeStamp abstraction
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::TypeConverter< TTargetType >
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::TypeConverter< bool >
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::U3V_EVENT_MESSAGEEntire event data message (without the variable-sized data field)
 Cwrapper_tA wrapper which bridges to log4cpp functionality
 CGENAPI_NAMESPACE::CPortWriteList::WriteCommand_tThe data associated with a write command

Author(s): Heiko Hirschmueller
autogenerated on Wed Mar 17 2021 02:48:42