Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NGENAPI_NAMESPACELexical analyzer for CIntSwissKnife
 CAbortAppenderThis Appender causes the application to abort() upon the first append() call
 CAppenderImplement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements
 Cappender_tA function table which is bound to log4cpp's Appender class
 CAppenderSkeletonAppenderSkeleton is a helper class, simplifying implementation of Appenders: it already takes care of handling of Thresholds and Filters
 CBasicConfiguratorThis class implements a trivial default configuration for log4cpp: it adds a FileAppender that logs to stdout and uses a BasicLayout to the root Category
 CBasicLayoutBasicLayout is a simple fixed format Layout implementation
 CCategoryThis is the central class in the log4j package
 Ccategory_tA function table which is bound to log4cpp's Category class
 CCategoryStreamThis class enables streaming simple types and objects to a category
 CConfigureFailureException class for configuration
 CFilterUsers should extend this class to implement customized logging event filtering
 CFixedContextCategoryThis Category subclass replaces the NDC field in LoggingEvents with a fixed context string
 CHierarchyMaintainerHierarchyMaintainer is an internal log4cpp class
 CIdsaAppenderIdsaAppender is an Appender that sends LoggingEvents to the IDS/A logger and reference monitor by Marc Welz
 CLayoutExtend this abstract class to create your own log layout format
 CLayoutAppenderLayoutAppender is a common superclass for all Appenders that require a Layout
 CLoggingEventThe top level namespace for all 'Log for C++' types and classes
 CNDCImplements nested diagnostic contexts as defined by Neil Harrison in the article "Patterns for Logging Diagnostic Messages" part of the book "<i>Pattern Languages of Program Design 3</i>" edited by Martin et al
 Cndc_tA function table which is bound to log4cpp's NDC class
 COstreamAppenderOstreamAppender appends LoggingEvents to ostreams
 Cpattern_layout_tA function table which is bound to log4cpp's PatternLayout class
 CPatternLayoutPatternLayout is a simple fixed format Layout implementation
 CPriorityImportance levels with which one can categorize log messages
 Cproperty_configurator_tA function table which is bound to log4cpp's PropertyConfigurator class
 CPropertyConfiguratorProperty configurator will read a config file using the same (or similar) format to the config file used by log4j
 CRemoteSyslogAppenderRemoteSyslogAppender sends LoggingEvents to a remote syslog system
 CRollingFileAppenderRollingFileAppender is a FileAppender that rolls over the logfile once it has reached a certain size limit
 CSimpleConfiguratorThis class implements a simple configurator for log4cpp
 CSimpleLayoutBasicLayout is a simple fixed format Layout implementation
 CStringQueueAppenderThis class puts log messages in an in-memory queue
 CSyslogAppenderSyslogAppender sends LoggingEvents to the local syslog system
 CTimeStampA simple TimeStamp abstraction
 Cwrapper_tA wrapper which bridges to log4cpp functionality

Author(s): Heiko Hirschmueller
autogenerated on Wed Mar 17 2021 02:48:42