Classes | Typedefs
qb_device_hardware_interface Namespace Reference


class  qbDeviceHW
 The qbrobotics Device HardWare interface extends the hardware_interface::RobotHW by providing all the common structures to manage the communication with both the qbhand and qbmove devices. More...
class  qbDeviceHWInterfaces
 The qbrobotics Device HardWare Interfaces is a simple class aimed to group all the hardware_interface:: related structures in a unique place. More...
class  qbDeviceHWMock
class  qbDeviceHWResources
 The qbrobotics Device HardWare Resources contains vectors of named joints. More...
class  qbDeviceResources
 The qbrobotics Device Resources contains just few device information. More...


typedef std::shared_ptr< qbDeviceHWqbDeviceHWPtr

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 244 of file qb_device_hardware_interface.h.

Author(s): qbroboticsĀ®
autogenerated on Wed Oct 9 2019 03:45:36