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prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor Class Reference

Performs service calls for Stop1 and the respective reversal, that is enabling the manipulator. Incoming updates of the RUN_PERMITTED state are handled asynchronously. More...

#include <stop1_executor.h>

Inheritance diagram for prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 Stop1Executor (const TServiceCallFunc &hold_func, const TServiceCallFunc &unhold_func, const TServiceCallFunc &recover_func, const TServiceCallFunc &halt_func)
 Create required service clients and state machine; start worker-thread and state machine. More...
void updateRunPermitted (const bool run_permitted)
 This is called everytime an updated run_permitted value is obtained. More...
bool updateRunPermittedCallback (std_srvs::SetBool::Request &req, std_srvs::SetBool::Response &res)
virtual ~Stop1Executor ()
 Stop state machine and terminate worker-thread. More...

Protected Member Functions

void stopStateMachine ()
 Stop the state machine. More...

Private Member Functions

void workerThreadFun ()
 This is executed in the worker-thread and allows asynchronous handling of run_permitted updates. More...

Private Attributes

std::mutex sm_mutex_
std::unique_ptr< RunPermittedStateMachinestate_machine_
 State machine. More...
std::atomic_bool terminate_ {false}
 Flag indicating if the worker-thread should terminate. More...
std::condition_variable worker_cv_
 Condition variable for notifying a waiting worker-thread. More...
std::thread worker_thread_
 Worker-thread. More...

Detailed Description

Performs service calls for Stop1 and the respective reversal, that is enabling the manipulator. Incoming updates of the RUN_PERMITTED state are handled asynchronously.

In order to handle the asynchrony of events, a state machine is used to represent the current state. The state machine manages a task queue for the currently required service call.

General behaviour:

Unhold the controller is skipped if RUN_PERMITTED changes during recover. This avoids the superfluous execution of a hold trajectory, which would result in an overlong stopping time.
If a service call fails, the execution is always continued in order to make a Stop1 or a recover-retry possible.
this class is templated for easier mocking. However for usability it can be used by AdapterSto

Definition at line 61 of file stop1_executor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor::Stop1Executor ( const TServiceCallFunc hold_func,
const TServiceCallFunc unhold_func,
const TServiceCallFunc recover_func,
const TServiceCallFunc halt_func 

Create required service clients and state machine; start worker-thread and state machine.

Definition at line 23 of file stop1_executor.cpp.

prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor::~Stop1Executor ( )

Stop state machine and terminate worker-thread.

Definition at line 36 of file stop1_executor.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor::stopStateMachine ( )

Stop the state machine.

The access modifier protected allows this method to be used in tests.

Definition at line 137 of file stop1_executor.h.

void prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor::updateRunPermitted ( const bool  run_permitted)

This is called everytime an updated run_permitted value is obtained.

Process run_permitted_updated event and notify worker-thread in case it is waiting for new required tasks.

Access to the state machine is protected for thread-safety.
run_permittedThe updated run_permitted value.

Definition at line 51 of file stop1_executor.cpp.

bool prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor::updateRunPermittedCallback ( std_srvs::SetBool::Request &  req,
std_srvs::SetBool::Response &  res 

Definition at line 61 of file stop1_executor.cpp.

void prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor::workerThreadFun ( )

This is executed in the worker-thread and allows asynchronous handling of run_permitted updates.

Wait for notification if the task queue of the state machine is empty. Once a task is present, execute it and signal its completion.

Access to the state machine is protected for thread-safety. It is assumed that task execution does not access the state machine, whereas the completion signalling does.

Definition at line 69 of file stop1_executor.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

std::mutex prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor::sm_mutex_

Mutex for protecting access to the state machine, needs to be owned when triggering an event of the state machine

Definition at line 127 of file stop1_executor.h.

std::unique_ptr<RunPermittedStateMachine> prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor::state_machine_

State machine.

Definition at line 120 of file stop1_executor.h.

std::atomic_bool prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor::terminate_ {false}

Flag indicating if the worker-thread should terminate.

Definition at line 123 of file stop1_executor.h.

std::condition_variable prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor::worker_cv_

Condition variable for notifying a waiting worker-thread.

Definition at line 130 of file stop1_executor.h.

std::thread prbt_hardware_support::Stop1Executor::worker_thread_


Definition at line 133 of file stop1_executor.h.

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autogenerated on Tue Feb 2 2021 03:50:18