A structure containing the function pointers to a persistence implementation and the context or state that will be shared across all the persistence functions. More...
#include <MQTTClientPersistence.h>
A structure containing the function pointers to a persistence implementation and the context or state that will be shared across all the persistence functions.
Definition at line 215 of file MQTTClientPersistence.h.
void* MQTTClient_persistence::context |
A pointer to any data required to initialize the persistent store.
Definition at line 219 of file MQTTClientPersistence.h.
Persistence_clear MQTTClient_persistence::pclear |
A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_clear().
Definition at line 247 of file MQTTClientPersistence.h.
Persistence_close MQTTClient_persistence::pclose |
A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_close().
Definition at line 227 of file MQTTClientPersistence.h.
Persistence_containskey MQTTClient_persistence::pcontainskey |
A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_containskey().
Definition at line 251 of file MQTTClientPersistence.h.
Persistence_get MQTTClient_persistence::pget |
A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_get().
Definition at line 235 of file MQTTClientPersistence.h.
Persistence_keys MQTTClient_persistence::pkeys |
A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_keys().
Definition at line 243 of file MQTTClientPersistence.h.
Persistence_open MQTTClient_persistence::popen |
A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_open().
Definition at line 223 of file MQTTClientPersistence.h.
Persistence_put MQTTClient_persistence::pput |
A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_put().
Definition at line 231 of file MQTTClientPersistence.h.
Persistence_remove MQTTClient_persistence::premove |
A function pointer to an implementation of Persistence_remove().
Definition at line 239 of file MQTTClientPersistence.h.