Public Attributes | List of all members
MQTTAsync_message Struct Reference

#include <MQTTAsync.h>

Public Attributes

int dup
int msgid
void * payload
int payloadlen
MQTTProperties properties
int qos
int retained
char struct_id [4]
int struct_version

Detailed Description

A structure representing the payload and attributes of an MQTT message. The message topic is not part of this structure (see MQTTAsync_publishMessage(), MQTTAsync_publish(), MQTTAsync_receive(), MQTTAsync_freeMessage() and MQTTAsync_messageArrived()).

Definition at line 257 of file MQTTAsync.h.

Member Data Documentation

int MQTTAsync_message::dup

The dup flag indicates whether or not this message is a duplicate. It is only meaningful when receiving QoS1 messages. When true, the client application should take appropriate action to deal with the duplicate message.

Definition at line 307 of file MQTTAsync.h.

int MQTTAsync_message::msgid

The message identifier is reserved for internal use by the MQTT client and server. It is an output parameter only - writing to it will serve no purpose.

Definition at line 312 of file MQTTAsync.h.

void* MQTTAsync_message::payload

A pointer to the payload of the MQTT message.

Definition at line 267 of file MQTTAsync.h.

int MQTTAsync_message::payloadlen

The length of the MQTT message payload in bytes.

Definition at line 265 of file MQTTAsync.h.

MQTTProperties MQTTAsync_message::properties

The MQTT V5 properties associated with the message.

Definition at line 316 of file MQTTAsync.h.

int MQTTAsync_message::qos

The quality of service (QoS) assigned to the message. There are three levels of QoS:

Fire and forget - the message may not be delivered
At least once - the message will be delivered, but may be delivered more than once in some circumstances.
Once and one only - the message will be delivered exactly once.

Definition at line 281 of file MQTTAsync.h.

int MQTTAsync_message::retained

The retained flag serves two purposes depending on whether the message it is associated with is being published or received.

retained = true
For messages being published, a true setting indicates that the MQTT server should retain a copy of the message. The message will then be transmitted to new subscribers to a topic that matches the message topic. For subscribers registering a new subscription, the flag being true indicates that the received message is not a new one, but one that has been retained by the MQTT server.

retained = false
For publishers, this indicates that this message should not be retained by the MQTT server. For subscribers, a false setting indicates this is a normal message, received as a result of it being published to the server.

Definition at line 300 of file MQTTAsync.h.

char MQTTAsync_message::struct_id[4]

The eyecatcher for this structure. must be MQTM.

Definition at line 260 of file MQTTAsync.h.

int MQTTAsync_message::struct_version

The version number of this structure. Must be 0 or 1. 0 indicates no message properties

Definition at line 263 of file MQTTAsync.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Sun Dec 6 2020 04:02:49