10 #ifndef QWT_PLOT_ZOOMER_H 11 #define QWT_PLOT_ZOOMER_H 85 QWidget *,
bool doReplot =
true );
89 virtual void setZoomBase(
bool doReplot =
true );
90 virtual void setZoomBase(
const QRectF & );
92 QRectF zoomBase()
93 QRectF zoomRect()
97 void setMaxStackDepth(
int );
98 int maxStackDepth()
102 int zoomRectIndex = -1 );
104 uint zoomRectIndex()
107 void moveBy(
double dx,
double dy );
108 virtual void moveTo(
const QPointF & );
110 virtual void zoom(
const QRectF & );
111 virtual void zoom(
int offset );
121 void zoomed(
const QRectF &rect );
124 virtual void rescale();
126 virtual QSizeF minZoomSize()
136 void init(
bool doReplot );
virtual void widgetKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *)
virtual bool accept(QPolygon &) const
Validate and fix up the selection.
virtual void setAxis(int xAxis, int yAxis)
QwtPlotPicker provides selections on a plot canvas.
QwtPlotZoomer provides stacked zooming for a plot widget.
virtual void widgetMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *)
virtual bool end(bool ok=true) QWT_OVERRIDE
void init(QWidget *, RubberBand rubberBand, DisplayMode trackerMode)
Initialize the picker - used by the constructors.