28 template <
typename T>
class QList;
79 Q_PROPERTY( QBrush canvasBackground
80 READ canvasBackground WRITE setCanvasBackground )
bool autoReplot READ autoReplot WRITE setAutoReplot )
88 Q_PROPERTY( QString propertiesDocument
89 READ grabProperties WRITE applyProperties )
132 explicit QwtPlot( QWidget * = NULL );
137 void applyProperties(
const QString & );
138 QString grabProperties()
140 void setAutoReplot(
bool =
true );
141 bool autoReplot()
152 void setTitle(
const QString & );
153 void setTitle(
const QwtText & );
161 void setFooter(
const QString & );
162 void setFooter(
const QwtText & );
170 void setCanvas( QWidget * );
173 const QWidget *canvas()
175 void setCanvasBackground(
const QBrush & );
176 QBrush canvasBackground()
180 double invTransform(
int axisId,
int pos )
181 double transform(
int axisId,
double value )
189 void setAxisAutoScale(
int axisId,
bool on =
true );
190 bool axisAutoScale(
int axisId )
192 void enableAxis(
int axisId,
bool tf =
true );
193 bool axisEnabled(
int axisId )
195 void setAxisFont(
int axisId,
const QFont & );
196 QFont axisFont(
int axisId )
198 void setAxisScale(
int axisId,
double min,
double max,
double stepSize = 0 );
199 void setAxisScaleDiv(
int axisId,
const QwtScaleDiv & );
202 double axisStepSize(
int axisId )
205 const QwtScaleDiv &axisScaleDiv(
int axisId )
213 void setAxisLabelAlignment(
int axisId, Qt::Alignment );
214 void setAxisLabelRotation(
int axisId,
double rotation );
216 void setAxisTitle(
int axisId,
const QString & );
217 void setAxisTitle(
int axisId,
const QwtText & );
218 QwtText axisTitle(
int axisId )
220 void setAxisMaxMinor(
int axisId,
int maxMinor );
221 int axisMaxMinor(
int axisId )
223 void setAxisMaxMajor(
int axisId,
int maxMajor );
224 int axisMaxMajor(
int axisId )
242 virtual
void updateLayout();
243 virtual
void drawCanvas( QPainter * );
246 void updateCanvasMargins();
248 virtual
void getCanvasMarginsHint(
249 const
QwtScaleMap maps[], const QRectF &canvasRect,
250 double &
double &
double &
double &bottom) const;
252 virtual
bool event( QEvent * ) QWT_OVERRIDE;
253 virtual
bool eventFilter( QObject *, QEvent * ) QWT_OVERRIDE;
255 virtual
void drawItems( QPainter *, const QRectF &,
258 virtual QVariant itemToInfo(
QwtPlotItem * ) const;
259 virtual
QwtPlotItem *infoToItem( const QVariant & ) const;
268 void itemAttached(
QwtPlotItem *plotItem,
bool on );
280 void legendDataChanged( const QVariant &itemInfo,
284 virtual
void replot();
288 static
bool axisValid(
int axisId );
290 virtual
void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * ) QWT_OVERRIDE;
293 void updateLegendItems( const QVariant &itemInfo,
298 void attachItem( QwtPlotItem *,
bool );
301 void deleteAxesData();
302 void updateScaleDiv();
304 void initPlot( const
QwtText &title );
307 AxisData *d_axisData[axisCnt];
enum MQTTPropertyCodes value
A Widget which displays a QwtText.
A class representing an interval.
Y axis right of the canvas.
A class representing a scale division.
Y axis left of the canvas.
A dictionary for plot items.
The legend will be below the footer.
A class representing a text.
The legend will be right from the QwtPlot::yRight axis.
The legend will be left from the QwtPlot::yLeft axis.
Abstract base class for legend widgets.
Layout engine for QwtPlot.
A class for drawing scales.
Base class for items on the plot canvas.
Attributes of an entry on a legend.
Base class for scale engines.