11 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050a00 22 double a = std::fmod( radians, 2.0 *
M_PI );
37 double a = std::fmod( degrees, 360.0 );
50 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050a00 51 return QRandomGenerator::global()->generate();
53 return static_cast< quint32
>( qrand() );
double qwtNormalizeRadians(double radians)
Normalize an angle to be int the range [0.0, 2 * PI[.
quint32 qwtRand()
Uses QRandomGenerator for Qt >= 5.10 and qRand() otherwise.
double qwtNormalizeDegrees(double degrees)
Normalize an angle to be int the range [0.0, 360.0[.