Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
PlotZoomer Class Reference

#include <plotzoomer.h>

Inheritance diagram for PlotZoomer:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

void keepAspectRatio (bool doKeep)
 PlotZoomer ()
 PlotZoomer (QWidget *)
virtual ~PlotZoomer () override=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from QwtPlotZoomer
int maxStackDepth () const
 QwtPlotZoomer (QWidget *, bool doReplot=true)
 Create a zoomer for a plot canvas. More...
 QwtPlotZoomer (int xAxis, int yAxis, QWidget *, bool doReplot=true)
 Create a zoomer for a plot canvas. More...
virtual void setAxis (int xAxis, int yAxis) QWT_OVERRIDE
void setMaxStackDepth (int)
 Limit the number of recursive zoom operations to depth. More...
virtual void setZoomBase (bool doReplot=true)
virtual void setZoomBase (const QRectF &)
 Set the initial size of the zoomer. More...
void setZoomStack (const QStack< QRectF > &, int zoomRectIndex=-1)
 Assign a zoom stack. More...
QRectF zoomBase () const
QRectF zoomRect () const
uint zoomRectIndex () const
const QStack< QRectF > & zoomStack () const
virtual ~QwtPlotZoomer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QwtPlotPicker
QWidget * canvas ()
const QWidget * canvas () const
QwtPlotplot ()
const QwtPlotplot () const
 QwtPlotPicker (QWidget *canvas)
 Create a plot picker. More...
 QwtPlotPicker (int xAxis, int yAxis, QWidget *)
 QwtPlotPicker (int xAxis, int yAxis, RubberBand rubberBand, DisplayMode trackerMode, QWidget *)
int xAxis () const
 Return x axis. More...
int yAxis () const
 Return y axis. More...
virtual ~QwtPlotPicker ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QwtPicker
virtual void drawRubberBand (QPainter *) const
virtual void drawTracker (QPainter *) const
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *, QEvent *) QWT_OVERRIDE
 Event filter. More...
bool isActive () const
bool isEnabled () const
QWidget * parentWidget ()
 Return the parent widget, where the selection happens. More...
const QWidget * parentWidget () const
 Return the parent widget, where the selection happens. More...
virtual QPainterPath pickArea () const
 QwtPicker (QWidget *parent)
 QwtPicker (RubberBand rubberBand, DisplayMode trackerMode, QWidget *)
ResizeMode resizeMode () const
RubberBand rubberBand () const
virtual QRegion rubberBandMask () const
QPen rubberBandPen () const
QPolygon selection () const
void setResizeMode (ResizeMode)
 Set the resize mode. More...
void setRubberBand (RubberBand)
void setRubberBandPen (const QPen &)
void setStateMachine (QwtPickerMachine *)
void setTrackerFont (const QFont &)
void setTrackerMode (DisplayMode)
 Set the display mode of the tracker. More...
void setTrackerPen (const QPen &)
const QwtPickerMachinestateMachine () const
QwtPickerMachinestateMachine ()
QFont trackerFont () const
virtual QRegion trackerMask () const
DisplayMode trackerMode () const
QPen trackerPen () const
QPoint trackerPosition () const
virtual QRect trackerRect (const QFont &) const
virtual ~QwtPicker ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QwtEventPattern
void initKeyPattern ()
void initMousePattern (int numButtons)
bool keyMatch (KeyPatternCode, const QKeyEvent *) const
 Compare a key event with an event pattern. More...
const QVector< KeyPattern > & keyPattern () const
QVector< KeyPattern > & keyPattern ()
bool mouseMatch (MousePatternCode, const QMouseEvent *) const
 Compare a mouse event with an event pattern. More...
const QVector< MousePattern > & mousePattern () const
QVector< MousePattern > & mousePattern ()
 QwtEventPattern ()
void setKeyPattern (KeyPatternCode, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers=Qt::NoModifier)
void setKeyPattern (const QVector< KeyPattern > &)
 Change the key event patterns. More...
void setMousePattern (MousePatternCode, Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers=Qt::NoModifier)
void setMousePattern (const QVector< MousePattern > &)
 Change the mouse event patterns. More...
virtual ~QwtEventPattern ()
 Destructor. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool accept (QPolygon &) const override
 Check and correct a selected rectangle. More...
virtual QSizeF minZoomSize () const override
 Limit zooming by a minimum rectangle. More...
virtual void widgetMouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override
virtual void widgetMousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override
virtual void widgetMouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event) override
virtual void zoom (const QRectF &rect) override
 Zoom in. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QwtPlotZoomer
virtual void begin () QWT_OVERRIDE
virtual bool end (bool ok=true) QWT_OVERRIDE
virtual void rescale ()
virtual void widgetKeyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *) QWT_OVERRIDE
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QwtPlotPicker
virtual void append (const QPoint &) QWT_OVERRIDE
QRectF invTransform (const QRect &) const
QPointF invTransform (const QPoint &) const
virtual void move (const QPoint &) QWT_OVERRIDE
QRectF scaleRect () const
virtual QwtText trackerText (const QPoint &) const QWT_OVERRIDE
virtual QwtText trackerTextF (const QPointF &) const
 Translate a position into a position string. More...
QRect transform (const QRectF &) const
QPoint transform (const QPointF &) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QwtPicker
virtual QPolygon adjustedPoints (const QPolygon &) const
 Map the pickedPoints() into a selection() More...
const QPolygon & pickedPoints () const
virtual void remove ()
virtual void reset ()
const QwtWidgetOverlayrubberBandOverlay () const
virtual void stretchSelection (const QSize &oldSize, const QSize &newSize)
const QwtWidgetOverlaytrackerOverlay () const
virtual void transition (const QEvent *)
virtual void updateDisplay ()
 Update the state of rubber band and tracker label. More...
virtual void widgetEnterEvent (QEvent *)
virtual void widgetKeyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *)
virtual void widgetLeaveEvent (QEvent *)
virtual void widgetMouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void widgetWheelEvent (QWheelEvent *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QwtEventPattern
virtual bool keyMatch (const KeyPattern &, const QKeyEvent *) const
 Compare a key event with an event pattern. More...
virtual bool mouseMatch (const MousePattern &, const QMouseEvent *) const
 Compare a mouse event with an event pattern. More...

Private Attributes

QPoint _initial_pos
bool _keep_aspect_ratio
bool _mouse_pressed
bool _zoom_enabled

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QwtPicker
enum  DisplayMode { AlwaysOff, AlwaysOn, ActiveOnly }
 Display mode. More...
enum  ResizeMode { Stretch, KeepSize }
enum  RubberBand {
  NoRubberBand = 0, HLineRubberBand, VLineRubberBand, CrossRubberBand,
  RectRubberBand, EllipseRubberBand, PolygonRubberBand, UserRubberBand = 100
- Public Types inherited from QwtEventPattern
enum  KeyPatternCode {
  KeySelect1, KeySelect2, KeyAbort, KeyLeft,
  KeyRight, KeyUp, KeyDown, KeyRedo,
  KeyUndo, KeyHome, KeyPatternCount
 Symbolic keyboard input codes. More...
enum  MousePatternCode {
  MouseSelect1, MouseSelect2, MouseSelect3, MouseSelect4,
  MouseSelect5, MouseSelect6, MousePatternCount
 Symbolic mouse input codes. More...
- Public Slots inherited from QwtPlotZoomer
void moveBy (double dx, double dy)
virtual void moveTo (const QPointF &)
virtual void zoom (int offset)
 Zoom in or out. More...
- Public Slots inherited from QwtPicker
void setEnabled (bool)
 En/disable the picker. More...
- Signals inherited from QwtPlotZoomer
void zoomed (const QRectF &rect)
- Signals inherited from QwtPlotPicker
void appended (const QPointF &pos)
void moved (const QPointF &pos)
void selected (const QPointF &pos)
void selected (const QRectF &rect)
void selected (const QVector< QPointF > &pa)
- Signals inherited from QwtPicker
void activated (bool on)
void appended (const QPoint &pos)
void changed (const QPolygon &selection)
void moved (const QPoint &pos)
void removed (const QPoint &pos)
void selected (const QPolygon &polygon)
- Properties inherited from QwtPicker
bool isEnabled
ResizeMode resizeMode
RubberBand rubberBand
QPen rubberBandPen
QFont trackerFont
DisplayMode trackerMode
QPen trackerPen

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file plotzoomer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PlotZoomer::PlotZoomer ( )
PlotZoomer::PlotZoomer ( QWidget *  canvas)

Definition at line 9 of file plotzoomer.cpp.

virtual PlotZoomer::~PlotZoomer ( )

Member Function Documentation

bool PlotZoomer::accept ( QPolygon &  pa) const

Check and correct a selected rectangle.

Reject rectangles with a height or width < 2, otherwise expand the selected rectangle to a minimum size of 11x11 and accept it.

true If the rectangle is accepted, or has been changed to an accepted one.

Reimplemented from QwtPlotZoomer.

Definition at line 79 of file plotzoomer.cpp.

void PlotZoomer::keepAspectRatio ( bool  doKeep)

Definition at line 17 of file plotzoomer.h.

QSizeF PlotZoomer::minZoomSize ( ) const

Limit zooming by a minimum rectangle.

zoomBase().width() / 10e4, zoomBase().height() / 10e4

Reimplemented from QwtPlotZoomer.

Definition at line 124 of file plotzoomer.cpp.

void PlotZoomer::widgetMouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent *  mouseEvent)

Handle a mouse move event for the observed widget.

mouseEventMouse event
See also
eventFilter(), widgetMousePressEvent(), widgetMouseReleaseEvent(), widgetMouseDoubleClickEvent(), widgetWheelEvent(), widgetKeyPressEvent(), widgetKeyReleaseEvent()

Reimplemented from QwtPicker.

Definition at line 32 of file plotzoomer.cpp.

void PlotZoomer::widgetMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *  mouseEvent)

Handle a mouse press event for the observed widget.

mouseEventMouse event
See also
eventFilter(), widgetMouseReleaseEvent(), widgetMouseDoubleClickEvent(), widgetMouseMoveEvent(), widgetWheelEvent(), widgetKeyPressEvent(), widgetKeyReleaseEvent()

Reimplemented from QwtPicker.

Definition at line 15 of file plotzoomer.cpp.

void PlotZoomer::widgetMouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent *  me)

Qt::MidButton zooms out one position on the zoom stack, Qt::RightButton to the zoom base.

Changes the current position on the stack, but doesn't pop any rectangle.

The mouse events can be changed, using QwtEventPattern::setMousePattern: 2, 1

Reimplemented from QwtPlotZoomer.

Definition at line 71 of file plotzoomer.cpp.

void PlotZoomer::zoom ( const QRectF &  rect)

Zoom in.

Clears all rectangles above the current position of the zoom stack and pushes the normalized rectangle on it.

If the maximal stack depth is reached, zoom is ignored.
The zoomed signal is emitted.

Reimplemented from QwtPlotZoomer.

Definition at line 96 of file plotzoomer.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

QPoint PlotZoomer::_initial_pos

Definition at line 36 of file plotzoomer.h.

bool PlotZoomer::_keep_aspect_ratio

Definition at line 35 of file plotzoomer.h.

bool PlotZoomer::_mouse_pressed

Definition at line 33 of file plotzoomer.h.

bool PlotZoomer::_zoom_enabled

Definition at line 34 of file plotzoomer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Davide Faconti
autogenerated on Sun Dec 6 2020 04:02:49