▼Nnav_grid_iterators | |
CAbstractLineIterator | Abstract class for iterating over lines |
CBaseIterator | |
CBresenham | Line Iterator using Bresenham's algorithm (no subpixel precision) |
CCircleFill | Iterates over all of the valid indexes that lie within a circle in row major order |
CCircleOutline | Iterates over the valid indexes that lie on the outline of a circle |
CLine | Iterates over all of the valid indexes of a line |
CPolygonFill | Iterates over all of the valid indexes that lie within an arbitrary polygon in row major order |
CPolygonOutline | Iterates over all of the valid indexes on the outline of a polygon |
CRayTrace | Line Iterator with Ray Tracing (subpixel accuracy) |
CSpiral | Iterates over all of the valid indexes that lie within a circle from the center out |
CSubGrid | Iterator for looping through every index within an aligned rectangular portion of the grid |
CWholeGrid | |
CInfiniteIterator |