Representation of a collision checking request.
virtual double distanceWorld(const CollisionWorld &world) const
Representation of a collision checking result.
virtual double distanceRobot(const CollisionRobot &robot, const robot_state::RobotState &state) const
Generic interface to collision detection.
Definition of a structure for the allowed collision matrix. All elements in the collision world are r...
This class represents a collision model of the robot and can be used for self collision checks (to ch...
virtual void checkWorldCollision(const CollisionRequest &req, CollisionResult &res, const CollisionWorld &other_world) const
Check whether a given set of objects is in collision with objects from another world. Any contacts are considered.
Perform collision checking with the environment. The collision world maintains a representation of th...
virtual void checkRobotCollision(const CollisionRequest &req, CollisionResult &res, const CollisionRobot &robot, const robot_state::RobotState &state) const
Check whether the robot model is in collision with the world. Any collisions between a robot link and...
Representation of a robot's state. This includes position, velocity, acceleration and effort...