This is the complete list of members for IRsRtsp, including all inherited members.
addStream(rs2_video_stream t_stream, rtp_callback *t_frameCallBack)=0 | IRsRtsp | pure virtual |
close()=0 | IRsRtsp | pure virtual |
getControls()=0 | IRsRtsp | pure virtual |
getDeviceData()=0 | IRsRtsp | pure virtual |
getOption(const std::string &t_sensorName, rs2_option t_option, float &t_value)=0 | IRsRtsp | pure virtual |
getStreams()=0 | IRsRtsp | pure virtual |
setOption(const std::string &t_sensorName, rs2_option t_option, float t_value)=0 | IRsRtsp | pure virtual |
start()=0 | IRsRtsp | pure virtual |
stop()=0 | IRsRtsp | pure virtual |