| BufferGL (const Context &context, cl_mem_flags flags, cl_GLuint bufobj, cl_int *err=NULL) |
| Constructs a BufferGL in a specified context, from a given GL buffer. More...
| BufferGL () |
| Default constructor - initializes to NULL. More...
__CL_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS | BufferGL (const cl_mem &buffer) |
| Constructor from cl_mem - takes ownership. More...
| BufferGL (const BufferGL &buf) |
| Copy constructor to forward copy to the superclass correctly. Required for MSVC. More...
cl_int | getObjectInfo (cl_gl_object_type *type, cl_GLuint *gl_object_name) |
| Wrapper for clGetGLObjectInfo(). More...
BufferGL & | operator= (const cl_mem &rhs) |
| Assignment from cl_mem - performs shallow copy. More...
BufferGL & | operator= (const BufferGL &buf) |
| Copy assignment to forward copy to the superclass correctly. Required for MSVC. More...
| Buffer (const Context &context, cl_mem_flags flags,::size_t size, void *host_ptr=NULL, cl_int *err=NULL) |
| Constructs a Buffer in a specified context. More...
| Buffer (cl_mem_flags flags,::size_t size, void *host_ptr=NULL, cl_int *err=NULL) |
| Constructs a Buffer in the default context. More...
template<typename IteratorType > |
| Buffer (IteratorType startIterator, IteratorType endIterator, bool readOnly, bool useHostPtr=false, cl_int *err=NULL) |
| Construct a Buffer from a host container via iterators. IteratorType must be random access. If useHostPtr is specified iterators must represent contiguous data. More...
template<typename IteratorType > |
| Buffer (const Context &context, IteratorType startIterator, IteratorType endIterator, bool readOnly, bool useHostPtr=false, cl_int *err=NULL) |
| Construct a Buffer from a host container via iterators using a specified context. IteratorType must be random access. If useHostPtr is specified iterators must represent contiguous data. More...
template<typename IteratorType > |
| Buffer (const CommandQueue &queue, IteratorType startIterator, IteratorType endIterator, bool readOnly, bool useHostPtr=false, cl_int *err=NULL) |
| Construct a Buffer from a host container via iterators using a specified queue. If useHostPtr is specified iterators must represent contiguous data. More...
| Buffer () |
| Default constructor - initializes to NULL. More...
__CL_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS | Buffer (const cl_mem &buffer) |
| Constructor from cl_mem - takes ownership. More...
| Buffer (const Buffer &buf) |
| Copy constructor to forward copy to the superclass correctly. Required for MSVC. More...
Buffer & | operator= (const cl_mem &rhs) |
| Assignment from cl_mem - performs shallow copy. More...
Buffer & | operator= (const Buffer &buf) |
| Copy assignment to forward copy to the superclass correctly. Required for MSVC. More...
template<typename T > |
cl_int | getInfo (cl_mem_info name, T *param) const |
| Wrapper for clGetMemObjectInfo(). More...
template<cl_int name> |
detail::param_traits< detail::cl_mem_info, name >::param_type | getInfo (cl_int *err=NULL) const |
| Wrapper for clGetMemObjectInfo() that returns by value. More...
| Memory () |
| Default constructor - initializes to NULL. More...
__CL_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS | Memory (const cl_mem &memory) |
| Constructor from cl_mem - takes ownership. More...
| Memory (const Memory &mem) |
| Copy constructor to forward copy to the superclass correctly. Required for MSVC. More...
Memory & | operator= (const cl_mem &rhs) |
| Assignment operator from cl_mem - takes ownership. More...
Memory & | operator= (const Memory &mem) |
| Copy assignment to forward copy to the superclass correctly. Required for MSVC. More...
cl_type | operator() () const |
cl_type & | operator() () |
Wrapper< cl_type > & | operator= (const Wrapper< cl_type > &rhs) |
Wrapper< cl_type > & | operator= (const cl_type &rhs) |
| Wrapper () |
| Wrapper (const cl_type &obj) |
| Wrapper (const Wrapper< cl_type > &rhs) |
| ~Wrapper () |
Class interface for GL Buffer Memory Objects.
This is provided to facilitate interoperability with OpenGL.
See Memory for details about copy semantics, etc.
- See also
- Memory
Definition at line 3456 of file cl.hpp.