This is the complete list of members for GLbody, including all inherited members.
addSensor(Sensor *sensor, int sensorType, int id) | hrp::Body | |
Body() | hrp::Body | |
Body(const Body &org) | hrp::Body | |
bodyInterface() | hrp::Body | static |
calcAngularMomentumJacobian(Link *base, dmatrix &H) | hrp::Body | |
calcCM() | hrp::Body | |
calcCMJacobian(Link *base, dmatrix &J) | hrp::Body | |
calcForwardKinematics(bool calcVelocity=false, bool calcAcceleration=false) | hrp::Body | |
calcInverseDynamics(Link *link, Vector3 &out_f, Vector3 &out_tau) | hrp::Body | |
calcMassMatrix(dmatrix &out_M) | hrp::Body | |
calcTotalMass() | hrp::Body | |
calcTotalMomentum(Vector3 &out_P, Vector3 &out_L) | hrp::Body | |
calcTotalMomentumFromJacobian(Vector3 &out_P, Vector3 &out_L) | hrp::Body | |
clearExternalForces() | hrp::Body | |
clearSensorValues() | hrp::Body | |
computeAABB(hrp::Vector3 &o_min, hrp::Vector3 &o_max) | GLbody | |
createLight(Link *link, int lightType, const std::string &name) | hrp::Body | |
createSensor(Link *link, int sensorType, int id, const std::string &name) | hrp::Body | |
divideLargeTriangles(double maxEdgeLen) | GLbody | |
draw() | GLbody | |
draw() | GLbody | |
drawSensor(hrp::Sensor *i_sensor) | GLbody | |
EJ_XY | hrp::Body | |
EJ_XYZ | hrp::Body | |
EJ_Z | hrp::Body | |
extraJoints | hrp::Body | |
ExtraJointType enum name | hrp::Body | |
findCamera(const char *i_name) | GLbody | |
findCamera(const char *i_name) | GLbody | |
findCamera(const char *i_name) | GLbody | |
getBoundingBox() const | GLbody | inlinevirtual |
getDefaultRootPosition(Vector3 &out_p, Matrix33 &out_R) | hrp::Body | |
getJointPath(Link *baseLink, Link *targetLink) | hrp::Body | |
getSensorDrawCallback() | GLbody | |
GLbody() | GLbody | |
GLbody(OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var i_binfo) | GLbody | |
GLbody(irr::scene::ISceneNode *i_parent, irr::scene::ISceneManager *i_mgr, irr::s32 i_id, OpenHRP::BodyInfo_var i_binfo) | GLbody | |
initializeConfiguration() | hrp::Body | |
installCustomizer() | hrp::Body | |
installCustomizer(BodyCustomizerInterface *customizerInterface) | hrp::Body | |
isStaticModel() | hrp::Body | |
joint(int id) const | hrp::Body | |
joints() const | hrp::Body | |
light(const std::string &name) | hrp::Body | |
link(int index) const | hrp::Body | |
link(const std::string &name) const | hrp::Body | |
links() const | hrp::Body | |
linkTraverse() const | hrp::Body | |
m_box | GLbody | private |
m_links | GLbody | private |
m_root | GLbody | private |
m_sensorDrawCallback | GLbody | private |
m_useAbsTransformToDraw | GLbody | privatestatic |
modelName() | hrp::Body | |
name() | hrp::Body | |
numJoints() const | hrp::Body | |
numLinks() const | hrp::Body | |
numSensors(int sensorType) const | hrp::Body | |
numSensorTypes() const | hrp::Body | |
putInformation(std::ostream &out) | hrp::Body | |
refCounter() | hrp::Referenced | protected |
Referenced() | hrp::Referenced | |
render() | GLbody | inlinevirtual |
rootLink() const | hrp::Body | |
sensor(int sensorType, int sensorId) const | hrp::Body | |
sensor(int id) const | hrp::Body | |
sensor(const std::string &name) const | hrp::Body | |
setColumnOfMassMatrix(dmatrix &M, int column) | hrp::Body | |
setDefaultRootPosition(const Vector3 &p, const Matrix33 &R) | hrp::Body | |
setModelName(const std::string &name) | hrp::Body | |
setName(const std::string &name) | hrp::Body | |
setPosition(double x, double y, double z) | GLbody | |
setPosition(const T &p) | GLbody | inline |
setPosture(const double *i_angles) | GLbody | |
setPosture(const double *i_angles, double *i_pos, double *i_rpy) | GLbody | |
setPosture(const hrp::dvector &i_q, const hrp::Vector3 &i_p, const hrp::Matrix33 &i_R) | GLbody | |
setPosture(double *i_angles, double *i_pos, double *i_rpy) | GLbody | |
setPosture(double *i_angles, double *i_pos, double *i_rpy) | GLbody | |
setRootLink(Link *link) | hrp::Body | |
setRotation(const double *R) | GLbody | |
setRotation(double r, double p, double y) | GLbody | |
setSensorDrawCallback(boost::function2< void, hrp::Body *, hrp::Sensor * > f) | GLbody | |
setVirtualJointForces() | hrp::Body | |
totalMass() const | hrp::Body | |
updateLinkColdetModelPositions() | hrp::Body | |
updateLinkTree() | hrp::Body | |
useAbsTransformToDraw() | GLbody | static |
~Body() | hrp::Body | virtual |
~GLbody() | GLbody | |
~GLbody() | GLbody | |
~Referenced() | hrp::Referenced | virtual |