Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
2 // for linear algebra.
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Gael Guennebaud <gael.guennebaud@inria.fr>
5 //
6 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
7 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
8 // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
10 #include "common.h"
12 template<typename Index, typename Scalar, int StorageOrder, bool ConjugateLhs, bool ConjugateRhs>
14 {
15  static void run(Index rows, Index cols,const Scalar *lhs, Index lhsStride, const Scalar *rhs, Index rhsIncr, Scalar* res, Index resIncr, Scalar alpha)
16  {
17  typedef internal::const_blas_data_mapper<Scalar,Index,StorageOrder> LhsMapper;
18  typedef internal::const_blas_data_mapper<Scalar,Index,RowMajor> RhsMapper;
20  internal::general_matrix_vector_product
21  <Index,Scalar,LhsMapper,StorageOrder,ConjugateLhs,Scalar,RhsMapper,ConjugateRhs>::run(
22  rows, cols, LhsMapper(lhs, lhsStride), RhsMapper(rhs, rhsIncr), res, resIncr, alpha);
23  }
24 };
26 int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC(gemv)(const char *opa, const int *m, const int *n, const RealScalar *palpha,
27  const RealScalar *pa, const int *lda, const RealScalar *pb, const int *incb, const RealScalar *pbeta, RealScalar *pc, const int *incc)
28 {
29  typedef void (*functype)(int, int, const Scalar *, int, const Scalar *, int , Scalar *, int, Scalar);
30  static const functype func[4] = {
31  // array index: NOTR
33  // array index: TR
35  // array index: ADJ
37  0
38  };
40  const Scalar* a = reinterpret_cast<const Scalar*>(pa);
41  const Scalar* b = reinterpret_cast<const Scalar*>(pb);
42  Scalar* c = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(pc);
43  Scalar alpha = *reinterpret_cast<const Scalar*>(palpha);
44  Scalar beta = *reinterpret_cast<const Scalar*>(pbeta);
46  // check arguments
47  int info = 0;
48  if(OP(*opa)==INVALID) info = 1;
49  else if(*m<0) info = 2;
50  else if(*n<0) info = 3;
51  else if(*lda<std::max(1,*m)) info = 6;
52  else if(*incb==0) info = 8;
53  else if(*incc==0) info = 11;
54  if(info)
55  return xerbla_(SCALAR_SUFFIX_UP"GEMV ",&info,6);
57  if(*m==0 || *n==0 || (alpha==Scalar(0) && beta==Scalar(1)))
58  return 0;
60  int actual_m = *m;
61  int actual_n = *n;
62  int code = OP(*opa);
63  if(code!=NOTR)
64  std::swap(actual_m,actual_n);
66  const Scalar* actual_b = get_compact_vector(b,actual_n,*incb);
67  Scalar* actual_c = get_compact_vector(c,actual_m,*incc);
69  if(beta!=Scalar(1))
70  {
71  if(beta==Scalar(0)) make_vector(actual_c, actual_m).setZero();
72  else make_vector(actual_c, actual_m) *= beta;
73  }
75  if(code>=4 || func[code]==0)
76  return 0;
78  func[code](actual_m, actual_n, a, *lda, actual_b, 1, actual_c, 1, alpha);
80  if(actual_b!=b) delete[] actual_b;
81  if(actual_c!=c) delete[] copy_back(actual_c,c,actual_m,*incc);
83  return 1;
84 }
86 int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC(trsv)(const char *uplo, const char *opa, const char *diag, const int *n, const RealScalar *pa, const int *lda, RealScalar *pb, const int *incb)
87 {
88  typedef void (*functype)(int, const Scalar *, int, Scalar *);
89  static const functype func[16] = {
90  // array index: NOTR | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
92  // array index: TR | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
94  // array index: ADJ | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
96  0,
97  // array index: NOTR | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
99  // array index: TR | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
101  // array index: ADJ | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
103  0,
104  // array index: NOTR | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
106  // array index: TR | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
108  // array index: ADJ | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
110  0,
111  // array index: NOTR | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
113  // array index: TR | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
115  // array index: ADJ | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
117  0
118  };
120  const Scalar* a = reinterpret_cast<const Scalar*>(pa);
121  Scalar* b = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(pb);
123  int info = 0;
124  if(UPLO(*uplo)==INVALID) info = 1;
125  else if(OP(*opa)==INVALID) info = 2;
126  else if(DIAG(*diag)==INVALID) info = 3;
127  else if(*n<0) info = 4;
128  else if(*lda<std::max(1,*n)) info = 6;
129  else if(*incb==0) info = 8;
130  if(info)
131  return xerbla_(SCALAR_SUFFIX_UP"TRSV ",&info,6);
133  Scalar* actual_b = get_compact_vector(b,*n,*incb);
135  int code = OP(*opa) | (UPLO(*uplo) << 2) | (DIAG(*diag) << 3);
136  func[code](*n, a, *lda, actual_b);
138  if(actual_b!=b) delete[] copy_back(actual_b,b,*n,*incb);
140  return 0;
141 }
145 int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC(trmv)(const char *uplo, const char *opa, const char *diag, const int *n, const RealScalar *pa, const int *lda, RealScalar *pb, const int *incb)
146 {
147  typedef void (*functype)(int, int, const Scalar *, int, const Scalar *, int, Scalar *, int, const Scalar&);
148  static const functype func[16] = {
149  // array index: NOTR | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
151  // array index: TR | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
153  // array index: ADJ | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
155  0,
156  // array index: NOTR | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
158  // array index: TR | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
160  // array index: ADJ | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
162  0,
163  // array index: NOTR | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
165  // array index: TR | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
167  // array index: ADJ | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
169  0,
170  // array index: NOTR | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
172  // array index: TR | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
174  // array index: ADJ | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
176  0
177  };
179  const Scalar* a = reinterpret_cast<const Scalar*>(pa);
180  Scalar* b = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(pb);
182  int info = 0;
183  if(UPLO(*uplo)==INVALID) info = 1;
184  else if(OP(*opa)==INVALID) info = 2;
185  else if(DIAG(*diag)==INVALID) info = 3;
186  else if(*n<0) info = 4;
187  else if(*lda<std::max(1,*n)) info = 6;
188  else if(*incb==0) info = 8;
189  if(info)
190  return xerbla_(SCALAR_SUFFIX_UP"TRMV ",&info,6);
192  if(*n==0)
193  return 1;
195  Scalar* actual_b = get_compact_vector(b,*n,*incb);
197  res.setZero();
199  int code = OP(*opa) | (UPLO(*uplo) << 2) | (DIAG(*diag) << 3);
200  if(code>=16 || func[code]==0)
201  return 0;
203  func[code](*n, *n, a, *lda, actual_b, 1, res.data(), 1, Scalar(1));
205  copy_back(res.data(),b,*n,*incb);
206  if(actual_b!=b) delete[] actual_b;
208  return 1;
209 }
218 int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC(gbmv)(char *trans, int *m, int *n, int *kl, int *ku, RealScalar *palpha, RealScalar *pa, int *lda,
219  RealScalar *px, int *incx, RealScalar *pbeta, RealScalar *py, int *incy)
220 {
221  const Scalar* a = reinterpret_cast<const Scalar*>(pa);
222  const Scalar* x = reinterpret_cast<const Scalar*>(px);
223  Scalar* y = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(py);
224  Scalar alpha = *reinterpret_cast<const Scalar*>(palpha);
225  Scalar beta = *reinterpret_cast<const Scalar*>(pbeta);
226  int coeff_rows = *kl+*ku+1;
228  int info = 0;
229  if(OP(*trans)==INVALID) info = 1;
230  else if(*m<0) info = 2;
231  else if(*n<0) info = 3;
232  else if(*kl<0) info = 4;
233  else if(*ku<0) info = 5;
234  else if(*lda<coeff_rows) info = 8;
235  else if(*incx==0) info = 10;
236  else if(*incy==0) info = 13;
237  if(info)
238  return xerbla_(SCALAR_SUFFIX_UP"GBMV ",&info,6);
240  if(*m==0 || *n==0 || (alpha==Scalar(0) && beta==Scalar(1)))
241  return 0;
243  int actual_m = *m;
244  int actual_n = *n;
245  if(OP(*trans)!=NOTR)
246  std::swap(actual_m,actual_n);
248  const Scalar* actual_x = get_compact_vector(x,actual_n,*incx);
249  Scalar* actual_y = get_compact_vector(y,actual_m,*incy);
251  if(beta!=Scalar(1))
252  {
253  if(beta==Scalar(0)) make_vector(actual_y, actual_m).setZero();
254  else make_vector(actual_y, actual_m) *= beta;
255  }
257  ConstMatrixType mat_coeffs(a,coeff_rows,*n,*lda);
259  int nb = std::min(*n,(*m)+(*ku));
260  for(int j=0; j<nb; ++j)
261  {
262  int start = std::max(0,j - *ku);
263  int end = std::min((*m)-1,j + *kl);
264  int len = end - start + 1;
265  int offset = (*ku) - j + start;
266  if(OP(*trans)==NOTR)
267  make_vector(actual_y+start,len) += (alpha*actual_x[j]) * mat_coeffs.col(j).segment(offset,len);
268  else if(OP(*trans)==TR)
269  actual_y[j] += alpha * ( mat_coeffs.col(j).segment(offset,len).transpose() * make_vector(actual_x+start,len) ).value();
270  else
271  actual_y[j] += alpha * ( mat_coeffs.col(j).segment(offset,len).adjoint() * make_vector(actual_x+start,len) ).value();
272  }
274  if(actual_x!=x) delete[] actual_x;
275  if(actual_y!=y) delete[] copy_back(actual_y,y,actual_m,*incy);
277  return 0;
278 }
280 #if 0
288 int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC(tbmv)(char *uplo, char *opa, char *diag, int *n, int *k, RealScalar *pa, int *lda, RealScalar *px, int *incx)
289 {
290  Scalar* a = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(pa);
291  Scalar* x = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(px);
292  int coeff_rows = *k + 1;
294  int info = 0;
295  if(UPLO(*uplo)==INVALID) info = 1;
296  else if(OP(*opa)==INVALID) info = 2;
297  else if(DIAG(*diag)==INVALID) info = 3;
298  else if(*n<0) info = 4;
299  else if(*k<0) info = 5;
300  else if(*lda<coeff_rows) info = 7;
301  else if(*incx==0) info = 9;
302  if(info)
303  return xerbla_(SCALAR_SUFFIX_UP"TBMV ",&info,6);
305  if(*n==0)
306  return 0;
308  int actual_n = *n;
310  Scalar* actual_x = get_compact_vector(x,actual_n,*incx);
312  MatrixType mat_coeffs(a,coeff_rows,*n,*lda);
314  int ku = UPLO(*uplo)==UPPER ? *k : 0;
315  int kl = UPLO(*uplo)==LOWER ? *k : 0;
317  for(int j=0; j<*n; ++j)
318  {
319  int start = std::max(0,j - ku);
320  int end = std::min((*m)-1,j + kl);
321  int len = end - start + 1;
322  int offset = (ku) - j + start;
324  if(OP(*trans)==NOTR)
325  make_vector(actual_y+start,len) += (alpha*actual_x[j]) * mat_coeffs.col(j).segment(offset,len);
326  else if(OP(*trans)==TR)
327  actual_y[j] += alpha * ( mat_coeffs.col(j).segment(offset,len).transpose() * make_vector(actual_x+start,len) ).value();
328  else
329  actual_y[j] += alpha * ( mat_coeffs.col(j).segment(offset,len).adjoint() * make_vector(actual_x+start,len) ).value();
330  }
332  if(actual_x!=x) delete[] actual_x;
333  if(actual_y!=y) delete[] copy_back(actual_y,y,actual_m,*incy);
335  return 0;
336 }
337 #endif
350 int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC(tbsv)(char *uplo, char *op, char *diag, int *n, int *k, RealScalar *pa, int *lda, RealScalar *px, int *incx)
351 {
352  typedef void (*functype)(int, int, const Scalar *, int, Scalar *);
353  static const functype func[16] = {
354  // array index: NOTR | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
356  // array index: TR | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
358  // array index: ADJ | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
360  0,
361  // array index: NOTR | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
363  // array index: TR | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
365  // array index: ADJ | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
367  0,
368  // array index: NOTR | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
370  // array index: TR | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
372  // array index: ADJ | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
374  0,
375  // array index: NOTR | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
377  // array index: TR | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
379  // array index: ADJ | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
381  0,
382  };
384  Scalar* a = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(pa);
385  Scalar* x = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(px);
386  int coeff_rows = *k+1;
388  int info = 0;
389  if(UPLO(*uplo)==INVALID) info = 1;
390  else if(OP(*op)==INVALID) info = 2;
391  else if(DIAG(*diag)==INVALID) info = 3;
392  else if(*n<0) info = 4;
393  else if(*k<0) info = 5;
394  else if(*lda<coeff_rows) info = 7;
395  else if(*incx==0) info = 9;
396  if(info)
397  return xerbla_(SCALAR_SUFFIX_UP"TBSV ",&info,6);
399  if(*n==0 || (*k==0 && DIAG(*diag)==UNIT))
400  return 0;
402  int actual_n = *n;
404  Scalar* actual_x = get_compact_vector(x,actual_n,*incx);
406  int code = OP(*op) | (UPLO(*uplo) << 2) | (DIAG(*diag) << 3);
407  if(code>=16 || func[code]==0)
408  return 0;
410  func[code](*n, *k, a, *lda, actual_x);
412  if(actual_x!=x) delete[] copy_back(actual_x,x,actual_n,*incx);
414  return 0;
415 }
424 int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC(tpmv)(char *uplo, char *opa, char *diag, int *n, RealScalar *pap, RealScalar *px, int *incx)
425 {
426  typedef void (*functype)(int, const Scalar*, const Scalar*, Scalar*, Scalar);
427  static const functype func[16] = {
428  // array index: NOTR | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
430  // array index: TR | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
432  // array index: ADJ | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
434  0,
435  // array index: NOTR | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
437  // array index: TR | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
439  // array index: ADJ | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
441  0,
442  // array index: NOTR | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
444  // array index: TR | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
446  // array index: ADJ | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
448  0,
449  // array index: NOTR | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
451  // array index: TR | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
453  // array index: ADJ | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
455  0
456  };
458  Scalar* ap = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(pap);
459  Scalar* x = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(px);
461  int info = 0;
462  if(UPLO(*uplo)==INVALID) info = 1;
463  else if(OP(*opa)==INVALID) info = 2;
464  else if(DIAG(*diag)==INVALID) info = 3;
465  else if(*n<0) info = 4;
466  else if(*incx==0) info = 7;
467  if(info)
468  return xerbla_(SCALAR_SUFFIX_UP"TPMV ",&info,6);
470  if(*n==0)
471  return 1;
473  Scalar* actual_x = get_compact_vector(x,*n,*incx);
475  res.setZero();
477  int code = OP(*opa) | (UPLO(*uplo) << 2) | (DIAG(*diag) << 3);
478  if(code>=16 || func[code]==0)
479  return 0;
481  func[code](*n, ap, actual_x, res.data(), Scalar(1));
483  copy_back(res.data(),x,*n,*incx);
484  if(actual_x!=x) delete[] actual_x;
486  return 1;
487 }
499 int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC(tpsv)(char *uplo, char *opa, char *diag, int *n, RealScalar *pap, RealScalar *px, int *incx)
500 {
501  typedef void (*functype)(int, const Scalar*, Scalar*);
502  static const functype func[16] = {
503  // array index: NOTR | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
505  // array index: TR | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
507  // array index: ADJ | (UP << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
509  0,
510  // array index: NOTR | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
512  // array index: TR | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
514  // array index: ADJ | (LO << 2) | (NUNIT << 3)
516  0,
517  // array index: NOTR | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
519  // array index: TR | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
521  // array index: ADJ | (UP << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
523  0,
524  // array index: NOTR | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
526  // array index: TR | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
528  // array index: ADJ | (LO << 2) | (UNIT << 3)
530  0
531  };
533  Scalar* ap = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(pap);
534  Scalar* x = reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(px);
536  int info = 0;
537  if(UPLO(*uplo)==INVALID) info = 1;
538  else if(OP(*opa)==INVALID) info = 2;
539  else if(DIAG(*diag)==INVALID) info = 3;
540  else if(*n<0) info = 4;
541  else if(*incx==0) info = 7;
542  if(info)
543  return xerbla_(SCALAR_SUFFIX_UP"TPSV ",&info,6);
545  Scalar* actual_x = get_compact_vector(x,*n,*incx);
547  int code = OP(*opa) | (UPLO(*uplo) << 2) | (DIAG(*diag) << 3);
548  func[code](*n, ap, actual_x);
550  if(actual_x!=x) delete[] copy_back(actual_x,x,*n,*incx);
552  return 1;
553 }
Matrix3f m
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:33
#define max(a, b)
Definition: datatypes.h:20
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Derived & setZero(Index size)
int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC() gbmv(char *trans, int *m, int *n, int *kl, int *ku, RealScalar *palpha, RealScalar *pa, int *lda, RealScalar *px, int *incx, RealScalar *pbeta, RealScalar *py, int *incy)
Definition: level2_impl.h:218
int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC() tpsv(char *uplo, char *opa, char *diag, int *n, RealScalar *pap, RealScalar *px, int *incx)
Definition: level2_impl.h:499
Scalar * y
Scalar * b
Definition: benchVecAdd.cpp:17
return int(ret)+1
Matrix diag(const std::vector< Matrix > &Hs)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:206
#define min(a, b)
Definition: datatypes.h:19
A matrix or vector expression mapping an existing array of data.
Definition: Map.h:94
int RealScalar int RealScalar int RealScalar * pc
RealScalar RealScalar int * incx
int n
Scalar Scalar * c
Definition: benchVecAdd.cpp:17
T * copy_back(T *x_cpy, T *x, int n, int incx)
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy y set format x g set format y g set format x2 g set format y2 g set format z g set angles radians set nogrid set key title set key left top Right noreverse box linetype linewidth samplen spacing width set nolabel set noarrow set nologscale set logscale x set set pointsize set encoding default set nopolar set noparametric set set set set surface set nocontour set clabel set mapping cartesian set nohidden3d set cntrparam order set cntrparam linear set cntrparam levels auto set cntrparam points set size set set xzeroaxis lt lw set x2zeroaxis lt lw set yzeroaxis lt lw set y2zeroaxis lt lw set tics in set ticslevel set tics set mxtics default set mytics default set mx2tics default set my2tics default set xtics border mirror norotate autofreq set ytics border mirror norotate autofreq set ztics border nomirror norotate autofreq set nox2tics set noy2tics set timestamp bottom norotate offset
MatrixXf MatrixType
static char trans
Array33i a
else if n * info
cout<< "Here is the matrix m:"<< endl<< m<< endl;Matrix< ptrdiff_t, 3, 1 > res
int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC() trmv(const char *uplo, const char *opa, const char *diag, const int *n, const RealScalar *pa, const int *lda, RealScalar *pb, const int *incb)
Definition: level2_impl.h:145
int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC() trsv(const char *uplo, const char *opa, const char *diag, const int *n, const RealScalar *pa, const int *lda, RealScalar *pb, const int *incb)
Definition: level2_impl.h:86
T * get_compact_vector(T *x, int n, int incx)
int RealScalar int RealScalar * py
int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC() gemv(const char *opa, const int *m, const int *n, const RealScalar *palpha, const RealScalar *pa, const int *lda, const RealScalar *pb, const int *incb, const RealScalar *pbeta, RealScalar *pc, const int *incc)
Definition: level2_impl.h:26
EIGEN_WEAK_LINKING int xerbla_(const char *msg, int *info, int)
Definition: xerbla.cpp:15
The Index type as used for the API.
Definition: Meta.h:33
int RealScalar * palpha
RealScalar RealScalar * px
RealScalar alpha
int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC() tbsv(char *uplo, char *op, char *diag, int *n, int *k, RealScalar *pa, int *lda, RealScalar *px, int *incx)
Definition: level2_impl.h:350
* lda
Definition: eigenvalues.cpp:59
NumTraits< Scalar >::Real RealScalar
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:34
Map< Matrix< T, Dynamic, 1 >, 0, InnerStride< Dynamic > > make_vector(T *data, int size, int incr)
size_t len(handle h)
Definition: pytypes.h:1514
void run(Expr &expr, Dev &dev)
Definition: TensorSyclRun.h:33
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy x
void swap(mpfr::mpreal &x, mpfr::mpreal &y)
Definition: mpreal.h:2986
std::ptrdiff_t j
int RealScalar int RealScalar int * incy
int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC() tpmv(char *uplo, char *opa, char *diag, int *n, RealScalar *pap, RealScalar *px, int *incx)
Definition: level2_impl.h:424
static void run(Index rows, Index cols, const Scalar *lhs, Index lhsStride, const Scalar *rhs, Index rhsIncr, Scalar *res, Index resIncr, Scalar alpha)
Definition: level2_impl.h:15

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:42:30