Deprecated List
Member Eigen::Aligned
Synonym for Aligned16.
Member Eigen::AlignedBit

means the first coefficient packet is guaranteed to be aligned. An expression cannot has the AlignedBit without the PacketAccessBit flag. In other words, this means we are allow to perform an aligned packet access to the first element regardless of the expression kind:

Member Eigen::AlignedBox< _Scalar, _AmbientDim >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::AlignedBox< _Scalar, _AmbientDim >::isNull () const
use isEmpty()
Member Eigen::AlignedBox< _Scalar, _AmbientDim >::setNull ()
use setEmpty()
Member Eigen::AlignedScaling2d
Member Eigen::AlignedScaling2f
Member Eigen::AlignedScaling3d
Member Eigen::AlignedScaling3f
Member Eigen::ComplexEigenSolver< _MatrixType >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::ComplexSchur< _MatrixType >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::DenseBase< Derived >::flagged () const
it now returns *this
Member Eigen::DenseBase< Derived >::LinSpaced (Sequential_t, const Scalar &low, const Scalar &high)
because of accuracy loss. In Eigen 3.3, it is an alias for LinSpaced(const Scalar&,const Scalar&)
Member Eigen::DenseBase< Derived >::LinSpaced (Sequential_t, Index size, const Scalar &low, const Scalar &high)
because of accuracy loss. In Eigen 3.3, it is an alias for LinSpaced(Index,const Scalar&,const Scalar&)
Class Eigen::DynamicSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _StorageIndex >
use a SparseMatrix in an uncompressed mode
Member Eigen::DynamicSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _StorageIndex >::endFill ()
use finalize() Does nothing. Provided for compatibility with SparseMatrix.
Member Eigen::DynamicSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _StorageIndex >::fill (Index row, Index col)
use insert() inserts a nonzero coefficient at given coordinates row, col and returns its reference assuming that: 1 - the coefficient does not exist yet 2 - this the coefficient with greater inner coordinate for the given outer coordinate. In other words, assuming *this is column-major, then there must not exists any nonzero coefficient of coordinates i x col such that i >= row. Otherwise the matrix is invalid.
Member Eigen::DynamicSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _StorageIndex >::fillrand (Index row, Index col)
use insert() Like fill() but with random inner coordinates. Compared to the generic coeffRef(), the unique limitation is that we assume the coefficient does not exist yet.
Member Eigen::DynamicSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _StorageIndex >::startFill (Index reserveSize=1000)
Set the matrix to zero and reserve the memory for reserveSize nonzero coefficients.
Member Eigen::EigenBase< Derived >::Index
Since Eigen 3.3, its usage is deprecated. Use Eigen::Index instead.
Member Eigen::EigenSolver< _MatrixType >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::EvalBeforeAssigningBit
means the expression should be evaluated before any assignment
Member Eigen::GeneralizedEigenSolver< _MatrixType >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::HessenbergDecomposition< _MatrixType >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::Hyperplane< _Scalar, _AmbientDim, _Options >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::internal::UpperBidiagonalization< _MatrixType >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::LDLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::LLT< _MatrixType, _UpLo >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Class Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Flags, _StorageIndex >

Use Map<SparseMatrix<> >

Member Eigen::ParametrizedLine< _Scalar, _AmbientDim, _Options >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::ParametrizedLine< _Scalar, _AmbientDim, _Options >::intersection (const Hyperplane< _Scalar, _AmbientDim, OtherOptions > &hyperplane) const
use intersectionParameter()
Member Eigen::RealQZ< _MatrixType >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::RealSchur< _MatrixType >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver< _MatrixType >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Class Eigen::SimplicialCholesky< _MatrixType, _UpLo, _Ordering >

use SimplicialLDLT or class SimplicialLLT

Member Eigen::Stride< _OuterStrideAtCompileTime, _InnerStrideAtCompileTime >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::SVDBase< Derived >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::Transform< _Scalar, _Dim, _Mode, _Options >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::TranspositionsBase< Derived >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::TriangularViewImpl< _MatrixType, _Mode, Dense >::lazyAssign (const TriangularBase< OtherDerived > &other)
Member Eigen::TriangularViewImpl< _MatrixType, _Mode, Dense >::lazyAssign (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
Member Eigen::TriangularViewImpl< _MatrixType, _Mode, Dense >::swap (MatrixBase< OtherDerived > const &other)
Shortcut for
Member Eigen::Tridiagonalization< _MatrixType >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member Eigen::VectorwiseOp< ExpressionType, Direction >::Index
since Eigen 3.3
Member GeographicLib::NormalGravity::NormalGravity (real a, real GM, real omega, real f, real J2)
Old constructor for the normal gravity.
Member GeographicLib::Utility::num (const std::string &s)
An old name for val<T>(s).
Member gtsam::AHRSFactor::AHRSFactor (Key rot_i, Key rot_j, Key bias, const PreintegratedMeasurements &preintegratedMeasurements, const Vector3 &omegaCoriolis, const boost::optional< Pose3 > &body_P_sensor=boost::none)
Member gtsam::AHRSFactor::predict (const Rot3 &rot_i, const Vector3 &bias, const PreintegratedMeasurements preintegratedMeasurements, const Vector3 &omegaCoriolis, const boost::optional< Pose3 > &body_P_sensor=boost::none)
static function
Member gtsam::AHRSFactor::PreintegratedMeasurements
Member gtsam::assert_equal (const std::vector< V > &expected, const std::vector< V > &actual, double tol=1e-9)
: use container equals instead
Member gtsam::axpy (double alpha, const V1 &x, V2 &y)
: use operators instead
Member gtsam::Cal3Bundler::D2d_calibration (const Point2 &p) const
might be removed in next release, use uncalibrate
Member gtsam::Cal3Bundler::D2d_intrinsic (const Point2 &p) const
might be removed in next release, use uncalibrate
Member gtsam::Cal3Bundler::D2d_intrinsic_calibration (const Point2 &p) const
might be removed in next release, use uncalibrate
Member gtsam::CalibratedCamera::dim () const
Member gtsam::CalibratedCamera::Dim ()
Member gtsam::CalibratedCamera::project (const Point3 &point, OptionalJacobian< 2, 6 > Dcamera=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 > Dpoint=boost::none) const
Use project2, which is more consistently named across Pinhole cameras
Member gtsam::EliminateableFactorGraph< FACTORGRAPH >::eliminateMultifrontal (const Ordering &ordering, const Eliminate &function, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex, OptionalOrderingType orderingType) const
ordering and orderingType shouldn't both be specified
Member gtsam::EliminateableFactorGraph< FACTORGRAPH >::eliminateMultifrontal (const Eliminate &function, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex=boost::none, OptionalOrderingType orderingType=boost::none) const
orderingType specified first for consistency
Member gtsam::EliminateableFactorGraph< FACTORGRAPH >::eliminateSequential (const Ordering &ordering, const Eliminate &function, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex, OptionalOrderingType orderingType) const
ordering and orderingType shouldn't both be specified
Member gtsam::EliminateableFactorGraph< FACTORGRAPH >::eliminateSequential (const Eliminate &function, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex=boost::none, OptionalOrderingType orderingType=boost::none) const
orderingType specified first for consistency
Member gtsam::EliminateableFactorGraph< FACTORGRAPH >::marginalMultifrontalBayesNet (boost::variant< const Ordering &, const KeyVector & > variables, boost::none_t, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex=boost::none) const
Member gtsam::EliminateableFactorGraph< FACTORGRAPH >::marginalMultifrontalBayesTree (boost::variant< const Ordering &, const KeyVector & > variables, boost::none_t, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate, OptionalVariableIndex variableIndex=boost::none) const
Member gtsam::GaussianFactorGraph::optimize (boost::none_t, const Eliminate &function=EliminationTraitsType::DefaultEliminate) const

Class gtsam::LieMatrix
: LieMatrix, LieVector and LieMatrix are obsolete in GTSAM 4.0 as we can directly add double, Vector, and Matrix into values now, because of gtsam::traits.
Class gtsam::LieScalar
: LieScalar, LieVector and LieMatrix are obsolete in GTSAM 4.0 as we can directly add double, Vector, and Matrix into values now, because of gtsam::traits.
Class gtsam::LieVector
: LieVector, LieVector and LieMatrix are obsolete in GTSAM 4.0 as we can directly add double, Vector, and Matrix into values now, because of gtsam::traits.
Member gtsam::load2D_robust (const std::string &filename, const noiseModel::Base::shared_ptr &model, size_t maxIndex=0)
load2D now allows for arbitrary models and wrapping a robust kernel
Member gtsam::load2D_robust (const std::string &filename, const noiseModel::Base::shared_ptr &model, size_t maxIndex=0)
load2D now allows for arbitrary models and wrapping a robust kernel
Member gtsam::Marginals::Marginals (const NonlinearFactorGraph &graph, const Values &solution, Factorization factorization, const Ordering &ordering)
argument order changed due to removing boost::optional<Ordering>
Member gtsam::Marginals::Marginals (const GaussianFactorGraph &graph, const Values &solution, Factorization factorization, const Ordering &ordering)
argument order changed due to removing boost::optional<Ordering>
Member gtsam::Marginals::Marginals (const GaussianFactorGraph &graph, const VectorValues &solution, Factorization factorization, const Ordering &ordering)
argument order changed due to removing boost::optional<Ordering>
Member gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph::linearizeToHessianFactor (const Values &values, boost::none_t, const Dampen &dampen=nullptr) const
Member gtsam::NonlinearFactorGraph::updateCholesky (const Values &values, boost::none_t, const Dampen &dampen=nullptr) const
Member gtsam::PinholeCamera< Calibration >::dim () const
Member gtsam::PinholeCamera< Calibration >::Dim ()
Member gtsam::PinholePose< CALIBRATION >::dim () const
Member gtsam::PinholePose< CALIBRATION >::Dim ()
Member gtsam::PreintegratedAhrsMeasurements::PreintegratedAhrsMeasurements (const Vector3 &biasHat, const Matrix3 &measuredOmegaCovariance)
Member gtsam::Rot3::column (int index) const
, this is base 1, and was just confusing
Member gtsam::scal (double alpha, Vector &x)
: use operators instead
Member gtsam::StereoCamera::project (const Point3 &point, OptionalJacobian< 3, 6 > H1, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > H2=boost::none, OptionalJacobian< 3, 0 > H3=boost::none) const
, use project2 - this class has fixed calibration
Member gtsam::Unit3::error (const Unit3 &q, OptionalJacobian< 2, 2 > H_q=boost::none) const
, errorVector has the proper derivatives, this confusingly has only the second.

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:51:44