4 cout <<
"The matrix M is:" << endl << M << endl << endl;
5 cout <<
"M.colwise().homogeneous():" << endl << M.colwise().homogeneous() << endl << endl;
6 cout <<
"P * M.colwise().homogeneous():" << endl <<
P * M.colwise().homogeneous() << endl << endl;
7 cout <<
"P * M.colwise().homogeneous().hnormalized(): " << endl << (
P * M.colwise().homogeneous()).colwise().hnormalized() << endl << endl;
Matrix< RealScalar, Dynamic, Dynamic > M
Matrix< double, 3, Dynamic > Matrix3Xd
Projective3d P(Matrix4d::Random())
The matrix class, also used for vectors and row-vectors.
Transform< double, 3, Projective > Projective3d