ASSERT_EQ((size_t)(A).rows(), (size_t)(B).rows()) << MSG << "\nMatrix " << #A << ":\n" << A << "\nand matrix " << #B << "\n" << B << "\nare not the same size"; \
ASSERT_EQ((size_t)(A).cols(), (size_t)(B).cols()) << MSG << "\nMatrix " << #A << ":\n" << A << "\nand matrix " << #B << "\n" << B << "\nare not the same size"; \
for(int r = 0; r < (A).rows(); r++) \
{ \
for(int c = 0; c < (A).cols(); c++) \
{ \
double percentError = 0.0; \
<< MSG << "\nComparing:\n" \
<< #A << "(" << r << "," << c << ") = " << (A).coeff(r,c) << std::endl \
<< #B << "(" << r << "," << c << ") = " << (B).coeff(r,c) << std::endl \
<< "Error was " << percentError << "% > " << PERCENT_TOLERANCE << "%\n" \
<< "\nMatrix " << #A << ":\n" << A << "\nand matrix " << #B << "\n" << B; \
} \
bool compareRelative(double a, double b, double percentTolerance, double *percentError=NULL)