Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NconfigFramework for processing configuration files
 NcryptContains cryptographic functions
 NdispatchDispatching framework
 NloggingFlexible, powerful, configurable logging framework
 NosNamespace for operating system specific implementations
 NpluginPlugin framework
 CConvertToRef< T & >
 CRemoveMemberPointer< T Q::* >
 CRingBufferA simple ring buffer implementation based on std::vector
 CSCPCreateStaticCreates objects as static function variables
 CSCPCreateUsingMallocCreates and destroys objects using malloc() and free()
 CSCPCreateUsingNewCreates and destroys objects using operator new and operator delete
 CSTMSingleThreadedDummy threading model for single-threaded environments
 CTimeBaseRepesents time values
 CTimeSpanRepesents absolute times
 CTimeStampRepresents absolute times
 CtRingBufferA simple ring buffer implementation based on std::vector

autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 13:17:59