ecl_sigslots Documentation


Provides a signal/slot mechanism (in the same vein as qt sigslots, boost::signals etc for intra-process communication. These include some improvements - they do not need a preprocessor, are fully type safe, allow for simple connections via a posix style string identifier and are multithread-safe.

Embedded Control Library

    Signals and slots provide a means for communication of events.
    The classes here let you have a many-to-many relationship (unlike most event
    callback techniques), and also templatise the data transfer to allow the
    coder to customise the event data that is communicated from signal to slot.
    It also implements a few conditional (event) related classes.


    The ideas for this signal/slots implementation come from a few sources.

     - Qt
     - SigSlot
     - Boost Libraries

    Qt was the original signal/slots implementation, but it needs a pre-processor
    to compile the code. Sigslot and Boost on the other hand are pure ISO C++, but
    both have some disadvantages. The boost implementation is fairly heavy and a
    little cumbersome, although its now morphing into version 2 with even more
    functionality (I haven't yet road tested a comparison between the two).
    Sigslot was the precursor, is more lightweight, but
    has some oddities - it isn't fully typesafed, can't handle global/static
    function loading. 

    None of these are thread-safe and it can be somewhat inconvenient
    manually connecting signal-slot pairs when they are buried far from
    each other (e.g. deep in parallel heirarchies of c++ objects).

    This motivated this library - what was needed was an abstract way of
    connecting pairs with an engine in the background to do the hard work - ultimately
    leaving the programmer free from any tedious details. To do this, the sigslots
    library uniquely names connections (i.e. topic name in ros-speak), via a string. Signals
    and slots can connect to the topic simply by referring to a string. This
    was originally motivated by the way many posix ipc structures connect (e.g.
    semaphores and shared memory), but later also merged very neatly with the way
    ros topics connect (in particular nodelets). Adding mutex's for thread safety 
    so that sigslot destruction     would occur safely was the next step.


     - Lightweight - implements only the necessary features for practical usage.
     - Fully typesafe - signal-slot pairs <i>must</i> have the same type, loaded functions must also agree.
     - Slot loading is convenient - global/static and member functions can be loaded with the same api.
     - Naming - can use posix style names to identify and perform convenient connections/disconnections.
     - Thread safe - slots can disconnect/self-destruct without worrying about segfaulting across threads.

Sigslots Lite

For a light version of sigslots suitable for firmware projects, see ecl_sigslots_lite. 

- No memory allocation on the heap : that is, no malloc, new.
- No string naming : connections done by hand.
- No threads : no dependancy on platform implementations.



    Anywhere that triggers an event requiring a callback to be executed can
    be implemented with a signal. These can be placed anywhere in your
    code and can be connected to one or many slots.


    Anywhere that a callback function is required can be
    implemented with a slot. These can be placed anywhere in your code and are
    initialised with either a static (global) function, or a member function.
    Once initialised, they can be hooked up to a signal.


    The signal-slot pairs developed here only ever accept one template
    argument representing the data to be transmitted from signal to slot. It
    would be easy to extend this to more (aka SigSlot/Boost) but I have
    yet to find a need for it - if you wish multiple arguments, simply
    wrap up your data in a single struct/class. Conceptually, this
    makes the code more readable anyway.

    The data class itself could be as simple as an error
    id or as complicated as the current state in a fsm.
    Note that both signal and slot must use the same type.

Compiling & Linking

    Include the following at the top of any translation unit which
    requires this library:
#include <ecl/sigslots.hpp>
// The types
using ecl::Slots;

You will also need to link to -lecl_sigslots.


Slot Loading

            Loading of slots can be done directly to free or member functions through
            the constructors. Below is a simple example for various types of loading.
void f(const int& i) {}
class A {
void f(const int& i) {}
// ...
A a;
Slot<const int&> slot0(f);
Slot<const int&> slot1(&A::f,a);


Signal<const int&> signal;
Slot<const int&> slot(f);

Signals and slots have no limit to the number of connections they may make.


            Every time a signal emits, the connected slots are consecutively run with the data that is emitted.
signal.emit(3); // Pass the '3' to all the slot functions.

Every emit, the slots are consecutively run - this means that your slots should by nature be short and concise! Otherwise you'll get serious bottlenecks. This is always a good habit to get into for slots otherwise you'll frequently run into problems. If you have a heavy callback, consider spinning that callback off into a thread. That way the thread response will still be quick (cost of a thread creation) and you can still manage heavy workloads.


            A signal can relay another signal, effectively posing temporarily as a slot.
Signal<> signal;
Signal<> signal_relay;
Slot<> slot(f);


            Often you may wish to see what is actually connected. This can be done by calling the 
            SigSlotsManager<T>::printStatistics() function. Note that there is a manager for each
            templatised family of sigslots (i.e. SigSlotsManager<>, SigSlotsManager<int>). Some 
            example code:
A a;
Signal<> sig_void;
Slot<> slot_void0(g);
Slot<> slot_void1(&A::g,a);

would print output:

Name: void_test
# Subscribers: 2
# Publishers : 1

Design Considerations

    - Keep your slot callbacks concise...failing that, reference them or spin the work off into a thread!
    - For data slots use const references, saves a copy and prevents your original class losing control of its variables.
    - Slots w/ member functions should be member variables of the same class, this guarantees the function is always valid.
    - The sigslots manager may become a bottleneck if you are creating/connecting/disconnecting a large number of slots.

    If you do need a sigslot implementation that can handle massive numbers of sigslots, fast connection and disconnection,
    then you probably need to look at the old ecl signals or boost/qt. At the moment, we can't foresee a need for that in
    control systems, but if needed, this library can be extended.

Future Improvements

This will be addressed on an 'as needed' basis.

- Slot loading for nullary and unary function objects.

Unit Tests

    - src/test/sigslots.cpp


- src/examples/sigslots.cpp 
- src/examples/sigslots_manager.cpp 


    - <b>May 10</b> : Evolved from the old signals library, adding posix style naming and thread safety.

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 13:08:49