File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 character_buffer.cppImplementation for device buffers
 character_buffer.hppA generic buffer for devices
 console.cppStandard input-output device implementation
 console.hppConfigures ecl devices for standard output/input
 devices.hppInput/output devices
 error_handler.hppDefines error handlers for posix devices
 exception_handler_pos.cppImplements exception handling for posix devices
 exception_handler_pos.hppDefines exception handlers for posix devices
 files.cppUnit Test for the file devices
 macros.hppMacros for ecl devices
 modes.hppDevice modes
 ofile.hppSynchronous and asynchronous file io
 ofile_pos.cppPosix synchronous file implementation
 ofile_pos.hppPosix interface for synchronous file io
 ofile_w32.cppPosix synchronous file implementation
 ofile_w32.hppWin32 interface for synchronous file io
 serial.hppSerial (RS232) interfaces
 serial_parameters.hppCross-platform abstractions for the serial class
 serial_pos.cppPosix implementation for serial ports
 serial_pos.hppPosix interface for serial (RS232) devices
 serial_timeouts.cppFile comment
 serial_w32.cppWin32 implementation for serial ports
 serial_w32.hppWin32 interface for serial (RS232) devices
 shared_file.hppOutput file specially suited for logging across threads
 shared_files.cppUnit Test for shared files
 socket.hppCross platform server tcp/ip socket header
 socket_client_pos.cppPosix implementation for tcp/ip clients
 socket_client_pos.hppPosix interface for a simple tcp/ip client
 socket_connection_status.hppVarious connection status flags
 socket_error_handler_pos.hppDefines error handlers for posix sockets
 socket_exception_handler_pos.cppImplements exception handling for posix sockets
 socket_exception_handler_pos.hppDefines exception handlers for posix sockets
 socket_server_pos.cppPosix implementation for tcp/ip servers
 socket_server_pos.hppPosix interface for a simple tcp/ip server
 string.cppImplementation of a virtual string device
 string.hppA virtual string device
 traits.hppTraits for devices

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 13:08:46