Go to the documentation of this file.
1 """
2 DualQuaternions operations, interpolation, conversions
4 Author: Achille Verheye
5 License: MIT
6 """
7 import numpy as np
8 from pyquaternion import Quaternion # pyquaternion
9 import json
12 class DualQuaternion(object):
13  """
14  dual number representation of quaternions to represent rigid transforms
16  A quaternion q can be represented as q_r + q_d * eps with eps^2 = 0 and eps != 0
18  Several ways to instantiate:
19  $ dq = DualQuaternion(q_rot, q_dual) with both arguments instance of numpy-quaternion
20  $ dq = DualQuaternion.from_dq_array(np.array([q_rw, q_rx, q_ry, q_rz, q_tx, q_ty, q_tz])
21  $ dq = DualQuaternion.from_homogeneous_matrix([[r11, r12, r13, tx],
22  [r21, r22, r23, ty],
23  [r31, r32, r33, tz],
24  [ 0, 0, 0, 1])
25  $ dq = DualQuaternion.from_quat_pose_array([q_w, q_x, q_y, q_z, x, y, z])
26  $ dq = DualQuaternion.from_translation_vector([x y z])
27  $ dq = DualQuaternion.identity() --> zero translation, unit rotation
28  $ dq = DualQuaternion.from_screw([lx, ly, lz], [mx, my, mz], theta, d)
30  The underlying representation for a single quaternion uses the format [w x y z]
31  The rotation part (non-dual) will always be normalized.
32  """
34  def __init__(self, q_r, q_d, normalize=False):
35  if not isinstance(q_r, Quaternion) or not isinstance(q_d, Quaternion):
36  raise ValueError("q_r and q_d must be of type pyquaternion.Quaternion. Instead received: {} and {}".format(
37  type(q_r), type(q_d)))
38  if normalize:
39  self.q_d = q_d / q_r.norm()
40  self.q_r = q_r.normalised
41  else:
42  self.q_r = q_r
43  self.q_d = q_d
45  def __str__(self):
46  return "rotation: {}, translation: {}, \n".format(repr(self.q_r), repr(self.q_d)) + \
47  "translation vector: {}".format(repr(self.translation()))
49  def __repr__(self):
50  return "<DualQuaternion: {0} + {1}e>".format(repr(self.q_r), repr(self.q_d))
52  def __mul__(self, other):
53  """
54  Dual quaternion multiplication
56  :param other: right hand side of the multiplication: DualQuaternion instance
57  :return product: DualQuaternion object. Math:
58  dq1 * dq2 = dq1_r * dq2_r + (dq1_r * dq2_d + dq1_d * dq2_r) * eps
59  """
60  q_r_prod = self.q_r * other.q_r
61  q_d_prod = self.q_r * other.q_d + self.q_d * other.q_r
62  product = DualQuaternion(q_r_prod, q_d_prod)
64  return product
66  def __imul__(self, other):
67  """
68  Dual quaternion multiplication with self-assignment: dq1 *= dq2
69  See __mul__
70  """
71  return self.__mul__(other)
73  def __rmul__(self, other):
74  """Multiplication with a scalar
76  :param other: scalar
77  """
78  return DualQuaternion(self.q_r * other, self.q_d * other)
80  def __div__(self, other):
81  """
82  Dual quaternion division. See __truediv__
84  :param other: DualQuaternion instance
85  :return: DualQuaternion instance
86  """
87  return self.__truediv__(other)
89  def __truediv__(self, other):
90  """
91  Dual quaternion division.
93  :param other: DualQuaternion instance
94  :return: DualQuaternion instance
95  """
96  other_r_sq = other.q_r * other.q_r
97  prod_r = self.q_r * other.q_r / other_r_sq
98  prod_d = (other.q_r * self.q_d - self.q_r * other.q_d) / other_r_sq
100  return DualQuaternion(prod_r, prod_d)
102  def __add__(self, other):
103  """
104  Dual Quaternion addition.
105  :param other: dual quaternion
106  :return: DualQuaternion(self.q_r + other.q_r, self.q_d + other.q_d)
107  """
108  return DualQuaternion(self.q_r + other.q_r, self.q_d + other.q_d)
110  def __eq__(self, other):
111  return (self.q_r == other.q_r or self.q_r == -other.q_r) \
112  and (self.q_d == other.q_d or self.q_d == -other.q_d)
114  def __ne__(self, other):
115  return not self == other
117  def transform_point(self, point_xyz):
118  """
119  Convenience function to apply the transformation to a given vector.
120  dual quaternion way of applying a rotation and translation using matrices Rv + t or H[v; 1]
121  This works out to be: sigma @ (1 + ev) @ sigma.combined_conjugate()
123  If we write self = p + eq, this can be expanded to 1 + eps(rvr* + t)
124  with r = p and t = 2qp* which should remind you of Rv + t and the quaternion
125  transform_point() equivalent (rvr*)
127  Does not check frames - make sure you do this yourself.
128  :param point_xyz: list or np.array in order: [x y z]
129  :return: vector of length 3
130  """
131  dq_point = DualQuaternion.from_dq_array([1, 0, 0, 0,
132  0, point_xyz[0], point_xyz[1], point_xyz[2]])
133  res_dq = self * dq_point * self.combined_conjugate()
135  return res_dq.dq_array()[5:]
137  @classmethod
138  def from_dq_array(cls, r_wxyz_t_wxyz):
139  """
140  Create a DualQuaternion instance from two quaternions in list format
142  :param r_wxyz_t_wxyz: np.array or python list: np.array([q_rw, q_rx, q_ry, q_rz, q_tx, q_ty, q_tz]
143  """
144  return cls(Quaternion(*r_wxyz_t_wxyz[:4]), Quaternion(*r_wxyz_t_wxyz[4:]))
146  @classmethod
147  def from_homogeneous_matrix(cls, arr):
148  """
149  Create a DualQuaternion instance from a 4 by 4 homogeneous transformation matrix
151  :param arr: 4 by 4 list or np.array
152  """
153  q_r = Quaternion(matrix=arr[:3, :3])
154  quat_pose_array = np.zeros(7)
155  quat_pose_array[:4] = np.array([q_r.w, q_r.x, q_r.y, q_r.z])
157  quat_pose_array[4:] = arr[:3, 3]
159  return cls.from_quat_pose_array(quat_pose_array)
161  @classmethod
162  def from_quat_pose_array(cls, r_wxyz_t_xyz):
163  """
164  Create a DualQuaternion object from an array of a quaternion r and translation t
165  sigma = r + eps/2 * t * r
167  :param r_wxyz_t_xyz: list or np.array in order: [q_rw, q_rx, q_ry, q_rz, tx, ty, tz]
168  """
169  q_r = Quaternion(*r_wxyz_t_xyz[:4]).normalised
170  q_d = 0.5 * Quaternion(0., *r_wxyz_t_xyz[4:]) * q_r
172  return cls(q_r, q_d)
174  @classmethod
175  def from_translation_vector(cls, t_xyz):
176  """
177  Create a DualQuaternion object from a cartesian point
178  :param t_xyz: list or np.array in order: [x y z]
179  """
180  return cls.from_quat_pose_array(np.append(np.array([1., 0., 0., 0.]), np.array(t_xyz)))
182  @classmethod
183  def identity(cls):
184  return cls(Quaternion(1., 0., 0., 0.), Quaternion(0., 0., 0., 0.))
187  """
188  Return the individual quaternion conjugates (qr, qd)* = (qr*, qd*)
190  This is equivalent to inverse of a homogeneous matrix. It is used in applying
191  a transformation to a line expressed in Plucker coordinates.
192  See also DualQuaternion.dual_conjugate() and DualQuaternion.combined_conjugate().
193  """
194  return DualQuaternion(self.q_r.conjugate, self.q_d.conjugate)
197  """
198  Return the dual number conjugate (qr, qd)* = (qr, -qd)
200  This form of conjugate is seldom used.
201  See also DualQuaternion.quaternion_conjugate() and DualQuaternion.combined_conjugate().
202  """
203  return DualQuaternion(self.q_r, -self.q_d)
206  """
207  Return the combination of the quaternion conjugate and dual number conjugate
208  (qr, qd)* = (qr*, -qd*)
210  This form is commonly used to transform a point
211  See also DualQuaternion.dual_number_conjugate() and DualQuaternion.quaternion_conjugate().
212  """
213  return DualQuaternion(self.q_r.conjugate, -self.q_d.conjugate)
215  def inverse(self):
216  """
217  Return the dual quaternion inverse
219  For unit dual quaternions dq.inverse = dq.quaternion_conjugate()
220  """
221  q_r_inv = self.q_r.inverse
222  return DualQuaternion(q_r_inv, -q_r_inv * self.q_d * q_r_inv)
224  def is_normalized(self):
225  """Check if the dual quaternion is normalized"""
226  if np.isclose(self.q_r.norm, 0):
227  return True
228  rot_normalized = np.isclose(self.q_r.norm, 1)
229  trans_normalized = (self.q_d / self.q_r.norm) == self.q_d
230  return rot_normalized and trans_normalized
232  def normalize(self):
233  """
234  Normalize this dual quaternion
236  Modifies in place, so this will not preserve self
237  """
238  normalized = self.normalized()
239  self.q_r = normalized.q_r
240  self.q_d = normalized.q_d
242  def pow(self, exponent):
243  """self^exponent
245  :param exponent: single float
246  """
247  exponent = float(exponent)
249  theta = 2*np.arccos(self.q_r.w)
250  if np.isclose(theta, 0):
251  return DualQuaternion.from_translation_vector(exponent*np.array(self.translation()))
252  else:
253  s0 = self.q_r.vector / np.sin(theta/2)
254  d = -2. * self.q_d.w / np.sin(theta / 2)
255  se = (self.q_d.vector - s0 * d/2 * np.cos(theta/2)) / np.sin(theta/2)
257  q_r = Quaternion(scalar=np.cos(exponent*theta/2),
258  vector=np.sin(exponent*theta/2) * s0)
260  q_d = Quaternion(scalar=-exponent*d/2 * np.sin(exponent*theta/2),
261  vector=exponent*d/2 * np.cos(exponent*theta/2) * s0 + np.sin(exponent*theta/2) * se)
263  return DualQuaternion(q_r, q_d)
265  @classmethod
266  def sclerp(cls, start, stop, t):
267  """Screw Linear Interpolation
269  Generalization of Quaternion slerp (Shoemake et al.) for rigid body motions
270  ScLERP guarantees both shortest path (on the manifold) and constant speed
271  interpolation and is independent of the choice of coordinate system.
272  ScLERP(dq1, dq2, t) = dq1 * dq12^t where dq12 = dq1^-1 * dq2
274  :param start: DualQuaternion instance
275  :param stop: DualQuaternion instance
276  :param t: fraction betweem [0, 1] representing how far along and around the
277  screw axis to interpolate
278  """
279  # ensure we always find closest solution. See Kavan and Zara 2005
280  if (start.q_r * stop.q_r).w < 0:
281  start.q_r *= -1
282  return start * (start.inverse() * stop).pow(t)
284  def nlerp(self, other, t):
285  raise NotImplementedError()
287  def save(self, path):
288  """Save the transformation to file
290  :param path: absolute folder path and filename + extension
291  :raises IOError: when the path does not exist
292  """
293  with open(path, 'w') as outfile:
294  json.dump(self.as_dict(), outfile)
296  @classmethod
297  def from_file(cls, path):
298  """Load a DualQuaternion from file"""
299  with open(path) as json_file:
300  qdict = json.load(json_file)
302  return cls.from_dq_array([qdict['r_w'], qdict['r_x'], qdict['r_y'], qdict['r_z'],
303  qdict['d_w'], qdict['d_x'], qdict['d_y'], qdict['d_z']])
306  """Homogeneous 4x4 transformation matrix from the dual quaternion
308  :return 4 by 4 np.array
309  """
310  homogeneous_mat = self.q_r.transformation_matrix
311  homogeneous_mat[:3, 3] = np.array(self.translation())
313  return homogeneous_mat
315  def quat_pose_array(self):
316  """
317  Get the list version of the dual quaternion as a quaternion followed by the translation vector
318  given a dual quaternion p + eq, the rotation in quaternion form is p and the translation in
319  quaternion form is 2qp*
321  :return: list [q_w, q_x, q_y, q_z, x, y, z]
322  """
323  return [self.q_r.w, self.q_r.x, self.q_r.y, self.q_r.z] + self.translation()
325  def dq_array(self):
326  """
327  Get the list version of the dual quaternion as the rotation quaternion followed by the translation quaternion
329  :return: list [q_rw, q_rx, q_ry, q_rz, q_tx, q_ty, q_tz]
330  """
331  return [self.q_r.w, self.q_r.x, self.q_r.y, self.q_r.z,
332  self.q_d.w, self.q_d.x, self.q_d.y, self.q_d.z]
334  def translation(self):
335  """Get the translation component of the dual quaternion in vector form
337  :return: list [x y z]
338  """
339  mult = (2.0 * self.q_d) * self.q_r.conjugate
341  return [mult.x, mult.y, mult.z]
343  def normalized(self):
344  """Return a copy of the normalized dual quaternion"""
345  norm_qr = self.q_r.norm
346  return DualQuaternion(self.q_r/norm_qr, self.q_d/norm_qr)
348  def as_dict(self):
349  """dictionary containing the dual quaternion"""
350  return {'r_w': self.q_r.w, 'r_x': self.q_r.x, 'r_y': self.q_r.y, 'r_z': self.q_r.z,
351  'd_w': self.q_d.w, 'd_x': self.q_d.x, 'd_y': self.q_d.y, 'd_z': self.q_d.z}
353  def screw(self):
354  """
355  Get the screw parameters for this dual quaternion.
356  Chasles' theorem (Mozzi, screw theorem) states that any rigid displacement is equivalent to a rotation about
357  some line and a translation in the direction of the line. This line does not go through the origin!
358  This function returns the Plucker coordinates for the screw axis (l, m) as well as the amount of rotation
359  and translation, theta and d.
360  If the dual quaternion represents a pure translation, theta will be zero and the screw moment m will be at
361  infinity.
363  :return: l (unit length), m, theta, d
364  :rtype np.array(3), np.array(3), float, float
365  """
366  # start by extracting theta and l directly from the real part of the dual quaternion
367  theta = self.q_r.angle
368  theta_close_to_zero = np.isclose(theta, 0)
369  t = np.array(self.translation())
371  if not theta_close_to_zero:
372  l = self.q_r.vector / np.sin(theta/2) # since q_r is normalized, l should be normalized too
374  # displacement d along the line is the projection of the translation onto the line l
375  d = np.dot(t, l)
377  # m is a bit more complicated. Derivation see K. Daniliidis, Hand-eye calibration using Dual Quaternions
378  m = 0.5 * (np.cross(t, l) + np.cross(l, np.cross(t, l) / np.tan(theta / 2)))
379  else:
380  # l points along the translation axis
381  d = np.linalg.norm(t)
382  if not np.isclose(d, 0): # unit transformation
383  l = t / d
384  else:
385  l = (0, 0, 0)
386  m = np.array([np.inf, np.inf, np.inf])
388  return l, m, theta, d
390  @classmethod
391  def from_screw(cls, l, m, theta, d):
392  """
393  Create a DualQuaternion from screw parameters
395  :param l: unit vector defining screw axis direction
396  :param m: screw axis moment, perpendicular to l and through the origin
397  :param theta: screw angle; rotation around the screw axis
398  :param d: displacement along the screw axis
399  """
400  l = np.array(l)
401  m = np.array(m)
402  if not np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(l), 1):
403  raise AttributeError("Expected l to be a unit vector, received {} with norm {} instead"
404  .format(l, np.linalg.norm(l)))
405  theta = float(theta)
406  d = float(d)
407  q_r = Quaternion(scalar=np.cos(theta/2), vector=np.sin(theta/2) * l)
408  q_d = Quaternion(scalar=-d/2 * np.sin(theta/2), vector=np.sin(theta/2) * m + d/2 * np.cos(theta/2) * l)
410  return cls(q_r, q_d)
def __init__(self, q_r, q_d, normalize=False)

Author(s): achille
autogenerated on Mon Aug 17 2020 03:24:44